Showing posts with label Lilybee Designs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lilybee Designs. Show all posts

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday's Musings: He is 1/4 of my happy

Nine years ago I met an amazing human being.  He was screeching and crying like crazy.  Until the moment they put him in my arms.  Then it was silence.  I was his comfort.  I looked at Steve and said, "He knows me."  That was my very first Mom experience.  It was powerful and it still brings tears to my eyes.
Nathan is nine today.  In another nine years, he will be leaving my house...hopefully heading off to college.  This has gone by so fast.  I can't imagine the next nine.

This kid is a huge part of my happy.  He is sincere and pure and loving.  When I am having a bad day, I just look in his face.  He expects more.  He accepts unconditionally, but he expects a loving place.  It moves me.

He told us that he birthday marks the beginning of Memory Season for him.  I asked him what he meant and he told us that he loves this time of year through the holidays because he gets to spend so much time with family.

Heart melting...

like his smile...

I am a lucky mom.  I cherish this happy.  I cherish this boy.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Extend It

I had the pleasure of designing the card sketch for this month's challenge over at Lily Bee!  It is a simple design overall.  How do you make something relatively simple feel interesting?

I think you group and cluster.  Maybe you include elements that are all related, yet are different lengths and widths.

Take the banners on my card.

I went with different lengths starting with the longest sticker banner on the right.  I like how it brings the eye down to the sentiment.

The Party Time sticker had looked too small to be my sentiment, so I extended it! I changed the length of the sticker by placing it on the chevron paper.  I turned it into a banner by cutting the end.  

I used many of the elements of the new Embellishment Bundles to create this card!  The sketch I made is right here!  

I hope you will be inspired to create  your own card and share it with Lily Bee.  You'll will be eligible to win a prize pack!  Head over the the blog to see the details!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wild Ride

Life is one wild ride.  So much is going on right now.  It seems like every moment is full of multitasking and planning.  It makes me feel like a 2:00 nap everyday.  We are getting ready for a busy spring full of Ella's birthday, Easter, a wedding and a vacation.  Oh, and Steve is having hip surgery.  I am just finishing the second week of P90X2, phase two.  I am loving this edition...loads, loads, loads of core. 

All in all, crazy schedule and is all good.  I count my blessings.

I have started pinning images for Ella's birthday.  I love planning fun home parties with a theme.  This layout shows a highlight of Nathan's last party...these cardboard cars.  His face kinda sums it up:

I love this comic book paper from October Afternoon!  I have to use a section of fits perfectly here!  I created the flag banner myself.  And notice the lasso:

This kit from My Scrapbook Nook filled with Sasparilla was among my favorites!  Love this paper line and all the wooden and textured goodies!

Here is the March kit...yummy NEW My Mind's Eye:

Look at how pretty...just in time for spring!  The Nook is offering a fabulous grab bag each month full of goodies that match the kit...for a super low price!  Be sure to check it out!

Off to go manage some crazy...Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday's Tip

Happy Tuesday!  I am here to share a new layout today.  I will admit that I struggled with this one.  I love the Head over Heels line by Lilybee, but couldn't quite settle on the elements of this layout.  Maybe I have been scrapping too much and my mojo is compromised.  It happens sometimes...we push paper.  Sometimes the end result comes out better than you expect.  And those that don' don't share!  LOL!

My first dilemna involved the background paper for this.  The line has amazingly beautiful small patterns that are easy to use as background.  Yet, I couldn't settle on one.  I wanted the music paper and the index card to stand out!  So after trying this and that, I settled on white cardstock.

Next, I had a 5 X 3" photo on the layout.  I had the exact design as this one, but it didn't feel right.  So I went smaller with the photograph.  It just seemed better!

So this was one where I sat on it.  Worked a bit and put it aside.  Looked from afar. Tried different options.  Some take time to brew.  Here is what the layout looks like, finally...

I used the January kit from My Scrapbook Nook to make this!  We are hosting a 5 week long crop...awesome challenges, do-able time table and cool prizes.  You should play along!

Maybe that will stop you from pushing paper around!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday Musings: Family

I am so thankful for family.  This past week was full of celebrations and sleepovers.  We spent time with grandparents, in laws and cousins.  My children are grounded with strong family roots.  I watch Ella with such a happy feeling...she is very open.  She will hug any family members...loves cuddling and joking.  She does this with any and all family members...the ones we see all the time and the ones we see only a few times each year.

Coming from a reserved person, this is refreshing.  Nathan is more like me, but still adores his family.  He has such a sense of loyalty.  He completely loves his cousin and best friend, Christian.  You worry about cousins growing apart as they get older, but I don't see that.  Nathan will also have him as an active part of his life.

The best part and one that I feel blessed by is that my side of the family and Steve's side of the family get along fabulously!  Birthday parties and BBQs are always fun.  My mom and dad, affectionately known as Nonnie and Poppi, love all of their grandchildren without boundaries.  Let's be clear, Christian is right in that mix.  Even though Christian is not really a grandchild. When Nonnie buys an Advent calendar for my kids, cousin Christian gets one too.  I love it!

When I asked Nonnie and Poppi to pose with their grandkids, they pulled Christian into the photo.  This is the spirit in which I want my children to live...deeply embedded in family life with strong bonds.

I used the January kit by My Scrapbook Nook to make this layout!  Love the Lilybee Heads over Heels line...I matted those banner stickers on black card stock to make them pop!  The Stuck On You was actually a part of a square sticker, but I cut them apart to use as my title! 

What a blessed life we all long as we have each other!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Top 10 of the Year

Before I welcome in the New Year, I wanted to look back on was a great scrappy year for me!  I joined two amazing teams and remained on two that I adore.  I played around with my style a bit...further trying to get in my groove.  It seemed to work on a productivity level...knowing who you are as a scrapper allows you to work freely and quickly!

This year, I had many favorites.  Some speak to me because of the design and others because of the story!

Here we go:

This is a recent one...I love the bold pink and how the hearts worked out.  I am so excited about the Clean & Simple Webster's line...

I love this photo of my is my absolute favorite!  I love the randomness of this design too (ironic since it features Crate Random).

I adored my entries for the Bella team...I was actually between this one and another I did, but it is out for this one it is!

I just like how free this one is and that side strip...makes me happy!

Again, something about the banner and the clustering...I know, it is a Crate layout!  I really love their stuff!  Crate are you listening...I love you!

A sentimental one...Trish and I go back a long way...I really struggled with this paper line by My Mind's Eye for a few days...then it all just happened and I was so thrilled with this...

Same My Mind's Eye line...I meant to do a sunshine ray thingy here...didn't work and this is what I ended up those accidents!

I just love the loops on this...shows off the patterns!  And I love Lilybee!

This one has such a means the world to me!  Webster's Pages....

I think the photo on here makes me swoon...and I love the black, white and red!  This is using Teresa Collins!

I think this is my favorite from the just speaks to me on all levels.  I got that "I love this" feeling as I made it! Those dresses...I LOVE them... Webster's Pages!

It has been a productive year...I can't wait for the next one!  I have a bit of a fresh start with a new look for the onward to creating!  Here's to many more layouts to come!

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday Wonderings: Friends

Why does a thirty minute drive seem so impossible when you are in the midst of a crazed life?  It evens seems too much the five minutes before you have to leave.  Once you get over the time and the effort, you realize how worth it is it.  How fast the time went by and how very little effort it actually took.

Yet, that thirty minute drive sometimes means you only see your friends once every 8 months.  The drive home makes you realize that 8 months is too long, much too long.

After that thirty minute drive today, I had the chance to catch up with old friends.  Two of the best.  The girls who have seen me through all of my adult life and before.  We were awkward teenagers...they were rebellious...I was always the mom.  We experienced homecoming, keg parties in the woods (so maybe I was a little rebellious) and shared clothes.  They may have rigged the junior prom queen voting or at least strongly campaigned on my behalf.  We traveled through single adulthood...all getting married later in life.  We danced in Miami and had wine in Martha's Vineyard.  We went through the triumphs, heartbreak and tribulations of becoming parents...later in life.

It was nice to sit at lunch with them.  To see how they have thrived in life.  I wish we lived closer.  Yet, sometimes a ten minute drive seems as daunting as a thirty minute one when you are immersed in daily life of working, being married and taking care of children. 

I hope to teach Ella about the power of girlfriends.  How to hold tight to the long lasting ones.  Those few that see you in all lights and stay around anyway.

It starts at this age...

Made with the beautiful Feb. kit from My Scrapbook Nook featuring Lilybee and Maya Road.

It can continue on.  I will have to teach Ella that friendship is hard when you are an adult. I need to remember that there is Facebook, texts and email. We can track each other's pins. And we can make that thirty minute drive more often that every 8 months.  It is worth it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Spooling Around....

Scrapbooking has been difficult to get to these days...long days at work and lots of busy evenings.  When I have had the chance, I just want to have some fun!  I want to explore and try out new things! 

I got my hands on some adorable wooden thread spools from Maya Road...they are included in the June kit over at My Scrapbook Nook (don't forget about the $25.00 gift certificate you could win from me if you sign up for a subscription!).  The spools are small...and very dimensional.  I wondered how to use them on a project!  This is what I came up with...

I wrapped some baker's twine around the two spools and then tied the ends together.  It adds a cute little effect on the layout!  I kept the rest of the design simple to show off that amazing Petaloo flower!

CHA is just around the corner and I can't wait.  My Teresa Collins box is on the way and I can tell you that the new collections are just has stole my heart away!

And, Webster's has revealed one of five new collections!  The Let's Celebrate line is now available for pre-order.  Honestly, the DT has loved working with this line and all the new to get it!

Hope you find some time for spooling around this weekend!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Two Peas in a Pod

Funny Ella's fifth birthday party she insisted on wearing her Ugg boots.  Now it was a warm day and she was wearing an adorable rainbow colored sundress to match her rainbow theme.  I suggested she change those Ugg boots, but she insisted.  She is convincing like that and it was her birthday so I accepted it.

Who shows up to the party wearing a summer outfit and Ugg boots...?  Alyssa, of course.  My niece who just turned 15, which I am in admant denial of...15, no way.  And she is a gorgeous 15.  I was there for her birth and when she was a difficult 3 year old. 

Ella and her are two peas in a pod.

I was inspired by some recent images on Pinterest when creating this.  Think bows made out of tabs!  I just started looping and glueing.  It was fun and random and I think the effect is cool!

I used the June kit from My Scrapbook Nook to create this!  Don't forget that if you sign up for a kit subscription from now until July 30th, you will be eligible to win a $25.00 gift certificate to the shop.  Be sure to let me know that you signed up because of my recommendation! 

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Let's Make a Deal

Ahh...Saturday and I am glad!  I have done little scrapping this week and I need to spend some quality time with my stuff!  I have lots of a gorgeous My Scrapbook Nook kit sitting right in front of me!  It is a purty one!

Here is a project I made with it recently! 

I am enjoying playing with design and placement of things!  As you can tell, I went top heavy on this layout!  I like the effect!  If you would like to see how I created this page, check out my class at the Nook right here!

Now on to the deal!

If you sign up for a Nook kit subscription anywhere between now and July 30th, I am offering the chance for you to also receive a $25.00 gift certificate to the shop!  When you sign up, be sure to tell Pam and Leah that I sent you!  Tell me as well by leaving a comment on my blog or emailing me!  Once confirmed, that will enter you into a raffle where you could win the gift certificate!  There are yummy add-ons each month and other goodies that you could scoop up with that free cash! 

I love the kits and I know you will too!!!!

And, be sure to check out Brandin's post over at the Webster's Pages blog...she is giving away two Warehouse kits...get there fast, this won't last long! 

And there are more up for sale!

Gotta love a deal...

Friday, June 3, 2011

It's June

Time for school to almost be out for the summer, time for tball to wrap up...time for a new kit over at My Scrapbook Nook!  Here it is:

It is full of Lilly Bee...which I love, love, love!  Call me a huge LB fan!  Plus some Petaloo, Webster's and Maya Road!

Here is my first layout!  I went 8.5 X 11 to shake it up a bit. 


Sigh...flag banners.  I just like how they add pattern and movement to a layout.  I like to hang ones at different lengths to make things free!  Straight lines with a twist!  This layout documents my love for chocolate eclairs!  Not that I have eaten one in the past 90 days, because I have have no junk...but it would be hard to resist!  They bring me right back to my childhood!

I have another layout to share soon...and many more ideas.  Now only if I could find a couple of hours...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What's in a Name?

We are in the middle of a big weekend crop over at the Nook and the theme is Family Reunion!  So many fun and creative challenges!  I love Nook crops because we always go all out!

My challenge is to put someone's name in the spotlight!  Tell the story behind your name or even the meaning!  I was supposed to be a Heather.  But became a Stacey.  It was a popular name in the seventies and there was even a barbie with the name!  Hmmm...with that said, I have never been totally fond of it! 

Stacey means "resurrection", which is actually fitting because I am in a continous state of reflection and change.  I think opportunities present themselves for a reason and many times, you are given the chance to be reborn.  Every time it happens, you move closer to who you really are! 

I guess Stacey is not so bad.

For my challenge, I did a layout about my kid's names and what they mean!  Boy, do they really fit!

Steve and I wanted old-fashioned names for the kids, sturdy and strong, yet unique! 

What is the story behind your name or a person's name who you love?  There is a layout there waiting to happen!

P.S.  Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments yesterday!  I feel so supported in this community!  My head is still spinning with happiness and awe!


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