Friday, December 27, 2019


Nothing says fall like politics.  We campaigned for Travis this year and this was the highlight--standing on the corner and dancing.

Fall Drive 2019!  

Hike to the hot springs. We went on a Sunday this year and it was an interesting group at the hot springs.  Let's just say we were a little overdressed.

Cornbellys.  The day was perfect.  The kids are getting a little old for most of the stuff at Cornbellys, but the best part of the night was sitting around the fire and having snacks and chatting.  I love to be with my family!

Lip Sync battle.  Scott, Amber and Livi participated.  It was fun to watch.

The Moment--October

Fall Break--Soran and I went to North Carolina to visit Alexis.  It was Soran's first flight and she was such a trooper!  We had a great time eating lots of food, going to a corn maze, watching Dora the Explorer, going to museums and just hanging out.

Austen Tea Party with friends

Thriller with Amber.  Daddy was off hunting with his brothers so Amber and I went to Bombay House and Thriller this year.


1 comment:

jefftomb65 said...

Sorry for not commenting on this last one, since November I've been having medical problems but your pictures always give me a lift and help my spirits quite a bit. I always look forward to your blog and probably will for the rest of my life. It's always great to see you and the children getting a little older each time you post and yours and their accomplishments. I know I've said it before but I really do wish I was brought up differently.