Sunday, November 9, 2008

面试 Interview

You have over qualified for this program. I see, you are quite an active person, joining lots of curriculum activities.

Huh? Really?

So, if we offer you INSTEP program, would you accept it?

Umm, well, but I still have another semester to go, whereas this program starts at January next year. So, I think I won't go for it. Thanks for offering me anyway.

Oh, that's a pity then.


Ouch, that really hurt. I flew back just for an interview, and yet, why did the outcome turned out to be like this? Did I just wasted my 400 bucks? Never mind.


Recently, I came across some humorous Bleach pics. Enjoy them :)



Which one do you guys like?

Friday, November 7, 2008

On my way back (7 Nov 2008)

终于,我所等待的这一天来临了。我即将飞回我的家乡,美里。它位于东马砂砬越的 北区。


Finally, the day I have been waiting for has come. I am going back to my hometown, Miri. It is located at the north of Sarawak.

When I reached the Senai Airport, I went to Lavendar and ordered some bread. I chose Japanese Cheese Stick. It's tender soft made this cheese stic really something you guys should buy one and pop it into your mouth.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

考试前夕 Before Exam









Intro: It is the season of Final Exam currently

In the middle of the night, some shadows were dancing on court. A badminton shuttle soared in the sky gracefully without touching the floor. Glancing at the watch, it was already 2am. Isn't it the time for normal human beings to sleep? Those two 'Olympic-leveled' guys seemed to have entered some self-unawareness state, kept on dancing on the court.

There are much more unique situations wor.

For example, while still in sweet dreams, suddenly awoken up by some monstrous noises. Glancing at the wrist watch, it was just 3am. Again, another self-invent method of releasing stress by someone who couldn't take it anymore.

Open up the door, took a walk out of my room and took a quick glance at my hostel, man, there were still so rooms with the light on. Some were busy burning their midnight oil. Do these guys do not need any sleep?

Quite often, the air was filled with gun shots, inhuman shrieks before death, some Japanese dialogues (most probably animes' dialogues), comedian laughter, some goal celebration shouts...

Haiz, is it that stressful when facing test? Even up to the state of forgetting sleep?

Well, as for me, hehe, it was still the same old me. Don't know if this is a good thing or the opposite.





Recently, visited Akira's blog and found out many blog readers were Bleach's fans. I love this anime too, even collected them.

Suddenly, I feel like wanting to try out some picture editing work using Adobe. Hehe, let me try first.

Firstly, I chose a quite cool picture. Hehe, this one.



After some hard work, hehe, this is the result.

After edited


So, any comments?



Oh ya, I would be going back to my hometown tomorrow afternoon. I am going to have an interview with PETRONAS this Sunday. Please wish good luck for me, everyone. Thanks.
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