凌晨四时左右,依旧在朦胧的睡意里,勉强得爬起来。在进食当儿,突然想起了在工大与洁媛及咏辉一起在P19 sahur 的情景。大学生活真是叫人怀念。
On Tuesday night, I was locked onto the television, listening to the 8 o'clock news, which wasn't something I do daily. I must admit, I was a bit anxious to know when would the Ramadhan fasting start.
One by one, the newscaster reported news. I've been thinking all this while, when would the date be announced. I was watching a Japanese Drama "Zettai Kareshi" till 8.05pm, only then changed over to TV1 for the news. Don't tell me that I've missed it. Patience, yes, patience is virtue.
Finally, at 8.15pm, the long awaited moment came, Tan Sri Engku Ibrahim announced that the fasting month started the next day, which is 11th August. Usually the too-cloudy condition would disrupt the moon observation procedure and hence would not fall on the next day. But it's totally different this time, puasa starts on the next day.
Around 4 o'clock in the morning, I barely woke up, still in my sweetest dream. While having my meal, suddenly I recalled my uni life with Jie Yuan and Yeong Huey in P19 of UTM. It was a very memorable moment.