Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chinese New Year VS bonus

HOUSES, Mercedes Benz cars, diamonds, gold, iPhone and iPad are among the expensive Chinese New Year gifts that employers in China give to their staff, reported Sin Chew Daily.

The daily reported that a company in Ningbo had rewarded its top staff with 40 Mercedes Benzs and BMWs.

In Zhejiang province, the daily reported that close to 80% of the companies were distributing cash in the equivalent of RM5,000 to RM15,000 to each of their staff.
 source: TheStar online

How about here in Malaysia? When will it be our turn to get such luxury in our home country? Will this even be considered? Nah, too much bothersome for most companies here anyway. Oh well.

Thursday, December 16, 2010





Thursday, December 9, 2010

Kelvin's wedding dinner

First off, sorry for the long wait. Still trying to find the drive to blog, but nothing much popped up in my mind, so I would just dig up some past events in my life.

I attended Kelvin's wedding last month, on the 6th of November. He is a friend of mine during the secondary school days. We used to join the Red Crescent Society and had really great fun time together. I was still having a holiday when he FB-mailed me, asking if I would like to attend his wedding dinner in Imperial Mall.  I promptly agreed on the spot.

On the exact day, when I reached the destined destined location, I saw a few of my previous students whom I taught English during the temporary teaching days. I thought they were joining the dinner too, so I didn't stop by to talk to them. I headed towards the elevator and found more friends there. I haven't seen some of them since graduating Form 5, looking back, it's been 7 plus years, such a long time. Glad that we're still friends and still remember each others.

Upon entering the dining room, I saw even more friends from my middle school. I had a great time chatting with them, we talked on lots of things, from school times till working times. We're dished with some great cuisine and some interesting shows from the host, including slide shows the journey of their love. The bride and bridegroom even sang a few songs too. Then we have a yamsei ceremony to cheer on the newly wedded couples. It turned out that most of us were quite shy to cheer so loudly. Oh well :P

From left: Aron, me, Kelvin, Adrian, Anthony, Yieng Fuong, Teck Ho and Yew Chong

The dinner ended around 9.30pm, however a few of us still stayed around to continue our chat since it's been a really long time since we talked to each other. However, sadly, the restaurant has reached their end of operating hours, so we have to move somewhere else to continue our chat. We chose another restaurant close by to have a drink while having some nice little talk.

Thanks a lot for the great times together, my friends :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Enjoying the silence

Geez, ever since yesterday, my lappy is sick, the fan system somehow went bonker and hence the lappy easily caught a fever and would just go to sleep without my permission. I was left speechless staring at him. I can't summon him back.

So, I started my life without my dear lappy. I rolled on the sofa in front of TV with a hand holding on the TV controller. No program caught my interest at all. I switched off the TV and continue to roll on the sofa till I went to the dreamland.

Argh.. I can't adopt to a life without laptop. Life seems so boring without going online. Am I addicted? Yeah... But sadly nothing much I can do. I've picked up this kind of life ever since I started my uni life.

This afternoon, I brough my lappy to see doctor, but somehow the doctor said that would take a long time since there's no suitable parts in my place. Ouch! My poor lappy. How I miss you now.

Oh well, I will try to enjoy my few days of silence now.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

2 years old kid singing to plead her dad to stop smoking


 ... My dad smokes everyday
Scolding him is useless
Dad, why do you smoke?
Smoking will bring harm to our body
Why do you want to waste your money to buy cigarette?

This video was mentioned in The Star Online:

Sin Chew Daily reported about a two-year-old girl in Singapore who sang to her father, pleading to him to stop smoking.
Apparently, the videoclip of her singing has become a hit on the Internet after it was circulated through Facebook. The 39-second footage showed the girl sitting on the floor, singing in front of a camera, believed to be held by her mother.
Online viewers commented that the man was lucky indeed to have a daughter who could express herself well. They also hoped it would encourage other smokers, especially those with children, to give up the habit.


I came across this video yesterday.This could be her mum's setup for her kids to sing, but still, at such a young age, she knows that smoking is bad for health. It's quite touching to see that a 2 years old kid is so concern about her dad's health.

What about you? Are you aware that smoking is bad for health?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Pit Stop 暂停


戴上了鸭嘴帽及一手提着苹果的 ipod,我便开始跑步了。一边听着音乐,我一边思考几件事情。我已经察觉到队部落格的那股热情开始冷淡了少许。也许可以一边休息一边寻找对自己有兴趣的文章材料。无论如何,我必须找会以前的那股劲力,以不辜负读者的期望。


my ipod

After napped for an hour, out of blue, I decided to go jogging a bit. It's been a really long time since I last jogged. Really can feel the changes on my body, especially tummy which needs to be worked on more :P

After I put on a blue cap and got my ipod, I jogged happily out of my house. While listening to the music, I let my mind running wild while trying to grasp a few things. I did realise that my interest for blogging has dwindled lately. Perhaps taking a break is necessary and try to find a topic that interest me. Whatever the method is, I need a fresh start to regain the passion for blogging again so that I won't let my readers down again.

After listening to 3 songs, I started to feel the fatigue, my legs were giving up and pretty much out of breathe. Really, I need to force myself to exercise more in the future. Gambateh!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yumcha 2 喝茶 2




Had a drink with my friends tonight, with Chiun Hsiung and Ah Chong this time. The effect of time could really be felt, if we don't work on the relationship, it would get worse and might even vanish with time.

Upon reaching home, I sang a birthday song for myself, I've gotten used to celebrating my own birthday alone all this time. Oh well...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Yumcha 喝茶

Last night, I had a drink with my old friends, Kah Yong and Chiun Hsiung, at CM2. I haven't met them for quite a while, maybe it's been a year already.

Time really flies. We met each other during the secondary school days through Red Crescent Society. Lots of happenings between us, like camps, jungle trekking, swimming in Lambir National Park and even staying up late to disturb others. It's complete madness that time, but it's really fun.

We talked all night long. Great time!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fatigue 累了




After fasting for over twenty plus days, finally the extreme fatigue has caught up. The feeling of wobbling around  with the fatigue body, is not something  that we encounter during normal days. Perhaps all those fats in the body has been used up.

A few drafts have been piled up, I got to finish them off soon.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ramadan Bazaar 开斋月市场


Last week, I went to the ramadan bazaar in Saberkas at my hometown Miri. It's quite a sight, lots of people swarming the place making it so hard to move around freely. Well, it's time for people who just finished their work to get some food for breaking fast a bit later. While walking around the bazaar, I managed to take a few pictures with my phone.

Lots of people swarming the place


While walking around, I saw an uncle barbecuing some chicken wing. Well, the front view of a someone barbecuing is pretty common, having a pic from the behind view is not bad, hence I took one.

BBQ chicken


After walking for a while, I came across a Roti Canai stall, the husband was busy making roti canai while the wife was packing the roti canai.

The making of Murtabak


Of course, there were pisang goreng too. It's one of Malay's delicacy.

Pisang Goreng

Have you visited any Ramadan bazaar lately? If not yet, what are you waiting for? Grab those delicious food there now!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Drive Safely

Recently, I came across a video regarding driving safely on the road. It's a very meaningful video. I cried while watching the video. It saddened me that lots of life lost due to irresponsible driving, including drunken driving and one-handed driving while talking or typing on mobile phone.

It could be just a moment of miscalculation but could end up a regret of a whole life.

Or watch it on Metacafe or Facebook.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Watermelon 西瓜


Recently, a watermelon plant grows from the wall, quite a miracle, the poor thing growing totally out of blue. Perhaps some ants brought the seeds back to their home and it strong-willed watermelon keeps on growing out of the crack in the wall to prove of its existance.

小西瓜树 the early days, just a small plant


I've been watching over it everyday, watching it growing slowly. One day, the plant started bearing 2 small watermelons. They were of the same size at first, but after quite some time, a very significant difference in size started to show up as the smaller ones started to wither.

2 watermelons, the smaller one which is behind the big watermelon withered later

a better view from the top


The last standing watermelon is still there, it's a lot bigger now, slightly longer than a 15cm ruler.

the last standing watermelon, slightly longer than 15cm


Still wondering how much bigger can it grow, fingers crossed, hoping it would keep on growing till it ripe one day.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

puasa started 斋戒开始




凌晨四时左右,依旧在朦胧的睡意里,勉强得爬起来。在进食当儿,突然想起了在工大与洁媛及咏辉一起在P19 sahur 的情景。大学生活真是叫人怀念。


On Tuesday night, I was locked onto the television, listening to the 8 o'clock news, which wasn't something I do daily. I must admit, I was a bit anxious to know when would the Ramadhan fasting start.

One by one, the newscaster reported news. I've been thinking all this while, when would the date be announced. I was watching a Japanese Drama "Zettai Kareshi" till 8.05pm, only then changed over to TV1 for the news. Don't tell me that I've missed it. Patience, yes, patience is virtue.

Finally, at 8.15pm, the long awaited moment came, Tan Sri Engku Ibrahim announced that the fasting month started the next day, which is 11th August. Usually the too-cloudy condition would disrupt the moon observation procedure and hence would not fall on the next day. But it's totally different this time, puasa starts on the next day.

Around 4 o'clock in the morning, I barely woke up, still in my sweetest dream. While having my meal, suddenly I recalled my uni life with Jie Yuan and Yeong Huey in P19 of UTM. It was a very memorable moment.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Eye 眼睛





Maybe it's due to long time sitting in front of laptop's screen, my eyes easily wears out lately. It's about time to lessen the time spend in front of laptop, I told myself.

However, can I live the life without going online? Computer brings too much fun and distractions, especially going online, online games, chatting with  friends, searching for information, musics, Facebook-ing......

But for the future of my eyes, I have to control myself.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Return 归属感





It's been a while since the last time I updated my blog, really sorry about it. Not really that I'm too busy with life, but somehow losing the drive to write. Maybe it's because of few to none people reading, maybe it's because of my own laziness, maybe not sure what to write, maybe ......

Excuse after excuse, the updating blog process was delayed again and again, it made my heart ached just thinking about it. Even though there are very few to none readers who would visit my blog, but still it didn't feel good.

Finally, gathered bits of courage, logged into my blog, fingers danced happily on the keyboards, my heart felt calmer at last.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Visit to Dentist

While I was eating noodles, I found that I have quite a nasty hole on my wisdom tooth. The first thought that came across my mind was to visit a dentist. Flashing back, it's been years since I last visited a dentist, maybe the last time was during my primary school? Not too sure. Anyway, I have to solve this problem fast, else it would cause a bigger pain in the future.

After registering my name for an appointment with the dentist, I rested myself on a bench. While looking around the room, I found that the dentist loves art. There were a few framed pictures hung on the wall, right above the pictures, there was the light shining on them, adding more beauty to the pictures.

The first picture wasn't that catchy, I mean it looked quite messy on the first look. But after gazing at it for a couple of minutes, I suddenly realised what's the meaning of the picture. It was a oil water painting on a canvas. The picture looked like a mountain which was near seaside, with clouds around the mountain tip. Nevertheless, this isn't the type of art that I like. Hence, my eyes moved on to the second picture, which was on the right beside the first picture.

Just as I was observing the second picture, the dentist called my name. I walked slowly into his room. The dentist is quite plump, a smile curved up his mouth as he walking towards me. I briefly told him my problem. He put a light to shine over my mouth, then took out his dentistry stuffs and check on my mouth. Within seconds, he found my problem, but he insisted on checking the all of the teeth before he started his surgery. Alas, he found another hole on my tooth.

In the end, he did two fillings for my upper and lower tooth. It was quite a speedy operation, and my money gone quite speedy too. It cost me a hundred bucks for these two holes on my teeth.

I should have taken more care of my teeth last time. Luckily the poor teeth still can be rescued with fillings. Else I would cry to have my teeth getting pulled out.

Nevertheless, it served as a good lesson for me. It's better to prevent earlier than regret later.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Puasa Ramadhan

It's Ramadhan now. All Muslims have to fast from sunrise till sunset.

The unique of Ramadhan is that you can see lots of temporary tents set up. Hawkers sell all kinds of things, like foods, drinks, clothes, and even magazines in the appointed locations, called bazaar. Lots of people who has just finished their work would turn in to grab some food on their way back.

While visiting bazaar in my hometown, I took a few snapshot with my phone. Here, I'm sharing with all of you. :)

cars are prohibited to enter bazaar,
but somehow some manage to slip through

A quick glance at bazaar

it's rather early, so not many customers yet

The famous Kek Lapis, only available in Sarawak

Have you visited any bazaar nearest to you yet? If not, why not take this opportunity to pay a visit. You might find some delicacies that you've never seen before. Grab this chance now, before Ramadhan ends.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

我受够了! I have enough!





I wrote an article on the misunderstanding that had happened between us last July. However, you, Mr Hong, seemed to have never realised any slight changes around you. Perhaps you're too self-centered, not bothered to check on others; perhaps others have changed; perhaps it's just a sudden urge and caused all this misunderstanding; perhaps...

Whatever the reason was, there's something that can't be denied. You are not that keen to keep our friendship. After that case, you've never opened your mouth and talked to me, what about friendship? Did I think too much?

Enough, I have enough of this. This can't be called friendship at all. Fine, since you are not so keen to keep our friendship, so be it. We'll walk our own path from now on, no more crossing path. I won't be appearing in front of you anymore too. Are you happy now?

Saturday, July 11, 2009



词/曲: 张蔚源 编曲: Sean Yew
主唱: 幸雁. 戴丽津. 宇恒. William



伤心我们不流泪 开心也不会累


最近,不知为何,嘴里总是哼唱着这首歌。特别喜欢chorus的部分,不但唱起来蛮爽口的,而且意义丰富。"想问你是否愿意和我们一起去分享, 当太阳普照着大地让生命更有意义, 伤心我们不流泪 开心也不会累, 曲终人散情谊却不散, 迎向最美好的时光" 。






Thursday, July 9, 2009


从前的你可是如此的善谈。。。 现在的你,即使见面了,也未必能有如以往。



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