Showing posts with label studio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label studio. Show all posts

Sunday 21 September 2014

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Just another day in the studio...

Important work to do today but this guy keeps bugging me.

Saturday 22 February 2014

New Studio!

We've just had a conservatory put onto our house that is now me and my husband's new studio! Very pleased with the new set-up and there's also room for a dining table which makes the room multi-purpose!

Monday 31 January 2011

My Desk!

The spare room in our new house is finally starting to take shape into the form of a studio/guest room. After a heady trip to the Swedish Chud Warehouse (I love Ikea so much!) a new desk was bought and fashioned to my own liking. Photos of the rest of the studio will be posted when the room is finished, but here's where I work most of the time! I'm officially in love with my new desk.

Thursday 1 April 2010


Okay, not quite spring break but I do have 5 whole days off of which I'm hoping to get a metric poop-load of work done! Since the con, I've slowed down a tad; I've been doing work but nothing particularly postable. From today until Tuesday though I have a rather large workload planned and can't wait to get stuck in. Today was kind of put aside for general errands but I'm fully stocked and ready to not leave the house! After a rather lovely tea-and-cake chat with Katie, I headed out to a couple of art shops to get some essentials:

Canvas! Paint! Brushes! New sketchbook! Pencils! A3 rough pad! What a veritable cache of booty! Perhaps the most exciting thing bought though (and by exciting, I mean sad because I got excited when I saw them) are the two pots of indian ink. I've been scrounging every last drop I could find out of existing bottles and finally have some fresh ones! Woo!

My drawing table is a bit of a state at the moment; the pile on the left is kind of my "inbox" where current drawings are flung aside ready to be scanned and coloured.

My painting table currently houses three WIP paintings and over the next few days there should hopefully be more! I've got a huge list of superheroes, film characters and video game characters ready to be put on canvas!

General clutter.

Some of the DVDs I'll be watching while I draw in the evening; I'm avoiding any TV at all, mainly because it's crap but mostly because I have the flat to myself and can just zone out and watch some cheese! You'll notice some guilty pleasures there including the two Young Gun films and D.A.R.Y.L - an awesome '80's film that still makes me weep whenever I watch it! Think Flight of the Navigator but with a robot kid and that's pretty much the film. I've also got a hankering for some Wes Anderson movies so I've put out the fantastic The Life Aquatic and The Darjeeling Limited, which I've only seen the once. This may not seem odd but if you know me it is as I watch films a stupid number of times and by all accounts, should have seen it at least 4 times by now!

One of many shelves of DVDs in my flat; these are mixture of mine and my housemates but for the most part, I'd say about 90% are mine! The toys are mine too!

My prized Maakies toys...

The 4 dudes on the left I got in Japan; I dread to think how much I spent on toys and gachapons when I was over there...
Anyway! That's my next few days sorted! I also have a pile of greetings cards designs to scan and colour too as well as many more designs kicking about in my sketchbook to draw up. I may even be REALLY exciting and post some of my current musical inclinations too! :P

Thursday 8 October 2009

My Studio!

Well, after two weeks of stress, I've finally been able to settle into my new flat! I currently share a three-bed with my best friend which means our spare room has been used as a studio. This was one of the reasons we decided to take the flat as we're both arty types and really need space to work. So now I can finally work somewhere without socks and other bedroom-type bits getting in the way! Here's a little look around my cluttered but comfy workspace.

This is my portion of the studio; I have my computer/drawing table and a table for painting.

I've been working here for the most part on Christmas and shoe designs. My graphics tablet is kicking about somewhere too.

A few bits for the wall. There's an original Sean Phillips sketch of Zombie Captain America and a Duncan Fegredo Hellboy sketch. I had to put up my second place award for best 2D design from the Bristol Design Festival as I never really win anything and I'm proud of it! There's also a picture of Odo from DS9 that was a Valentine's Day gift from my boyfriend!

Canvas' and soft toys together at last! There's a plushie Cthulhu, a Moogle from Final Fantasy X, the mascot for Japanese soft drink Qoo and a very odd Japanese radish from a grab machine in Tokyo.

A few of my many books. Until the wall shelves go up, the rest are in my bedroom. For the most part these are arty books and magazines. Oh, and a Goomba from Super Mario Bros!

The all-important stereo and music! Also more toys including two Lums and a Godzilla from Japan, Toad, Mothman, Marvin the Martian and two uber-rare Hideshi Hino figures!

And back to the computer desk with a Spidey mug full of coffee and a pile of work ready for inking! You'll also notice the Animal Crossing mouse-mat and a little K.K Slider; another piece of win from Japan!
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