Showing posts with label Indy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indy. Show all posts

December 22, 2010

December 19, 2010

Indy - The Final Stretch - Step 11

I haven't posted for a couple days, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been painting... I am on the final home stretch with this sweet little girl... I have finished her head and almost all her muzzle (just a little left on the right side) and then all I have is the neck which should not take that long. The extra layer of glaze has added to much life and depth to the painting and also has made it easier to add in the fine detail (such as the little hairs). One final note of accomplishment on my part... this whole painting has been done with six colours. In the background: Naples yellow, titanium white, and light blue violet. Indy: Titanium white, light blue violet, transparent red earth, ivory black, and quinacridone gold.

oil pet portrait painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

December 13, 2010

Indy - Almost Done - Step 10

Listening to a little good music with some wonderfully tastey Christmas goodies (courtesy of the world's greatest neighbors) tonight while steadily painting this sweety. All 'first' layers are now done and a good chunk of the second layer is now done. I don't know what I spent more time tonight doing... carefully painting hairs or carefully removing little cat and dog hairs from partially wet paint. sigh. Oh well, you gotta love them!

oil pet portrait painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

November 30, 2010

Indy - Work in Progress Step 10

I am almost finished this sweeties portrait... still letting the lower neck dry a little, but I have started the final upper detail layer around her eyes and ears. And boy does it make a difference! It is hard to tell in the photos... but there is an extra layer of depth that really adds to the portrait.

oil pet portrait painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

oil pet portrait painting
© 2010

November 27, 2010

Pet Portrait Work in Progress - Step 9

I am almost finished the first layer of this sweetie... though, a bit further behind that I hoped. A family emergency this last week and a bit meant that I was not able to spend time at the easel. Life is slowly returning to normal which means more painting will happen.

oil pet portrait painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

November 11, 2010

Pet Portrait, Indie - Work in Progress Step 8

I've been babysitting my puppy the last couple of days (she was spayed yesterday) so while she is sleeping comfortably I've been working on Indie's portrait again. I'm super happy with the way her face has turned out and all that is left now is her lower jaw and her neck. Then, a couple of days for this layer to dry and I'll start working on the final touches.

oil pet portrait painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

October 31, 2010

Pet Portrait, Indie - Work in Progress

An update on Indie's portrait tonight.... I've gotten a little more done on her face and I've started working on her neck. Once done the this first layer, I'll be going back over with another layer (or two) tweaking the shadows, highlights and adding a few hairs in select locations.

I have to admit that I am really enjoying the process of painting this large and painting someone's pet. Had me thinking about painting my own guys and more pet portraits for others.

oil pet portrait painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

October 16, 2010

Indie - Work in Progress Step 6

I tackled the background today, giving it a slight taupe/naples yellow colour... just enough to add some warmth to the painting, but not enough to take away from the portrait. This is going to need a few days to dry before I can continue on the painting.

oil tomato painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

October 11, 2010

Indie - Work in Progress Step 5

Indie's face is really starting to come together. Tonight I spent a couple of hours working on her left side and her ear... still sticking to my simple palette of browns, white, blue, and black. I am really loving the versatility of these colours and how well the portrait is tied together.

oil tomato painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

I've realized tonight that I haven't posted any pic's of my new puppy... She is a sweety and her and my other puppy have really started to become good friends.

© 2010

October 04, 2010

Indie - Work in Progress Step 4

I've managed to get a little more done on Indie in between the sniffles and the sneezing. This cold business is really starting to wear me down. sigh. Anyways... Indie's portrait is really starting to look good and I am really happy with the way it is turning out. Only real challenge yet is what colour to make the background....

oil tomato painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

September 30, 2010

Indie - Work In Progress Step 3

A little bit further tonight....

oil tomato painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

September 28, 2010

Indie - Work in Progress Step 2

A little further on this cute little lady tonight... though, there is plenty still to do. I've started working on her muzzle and around the eyes, leaving the details in the hair for the second pass. So far, my palette has been pretty limited: titanium white, paynes grey, light blue violet, quinacridone gold, and transparent earth orange (all Daniel Smith colours).

oil tomato painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010

September 25, 2010

Indie - Work in Progress

It has been a busy couple of weeks full of flakey internet access, a head cold, and a new puppy that I haven't had a chance to update (or paint) this blog. Though... I did manage to get started on this Christmas commission of an adorable boxer. Eyes and nose first (almost done the nose) and then I will begin filling in the fur.

oil tomato painting
Indie , WIP
10" x 10" oil on gessoboard
© 2010
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