
posted on: Saturday, April 21, 2012

Something truly amazing is happening in my house. right. now.

Hunk and my brother-in-law are off on another fishing excursion. Kambrie, Brecken, and my Mom are buying last minute items for my baby shower (which happens to be this afternoon). And dear sweet Kelty is probably still in bed, because when you are 23 and single you still have the luxury of sleeping in until mid-afternoon.

And I am at home, alone. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and even managed to shave my legs--an endeavor that long ago was forgone because Brecken only allows me the bare necessities when it comes to pampering myself.

So now I sit here listening to the hum of one of the kitchen lights, which on most days drives me insane, but today it is a pleasant reminder of the peacefulness surrounding me. In only a few short weeks this serene environment will be replaced with a new addition and family galore, so for the moment I am taking in the hum of the computer, the clicking of the keys, and the thought of eating ice cream without having to share my spoon.

Join me if you wish, but bring your own utensils.




posted on: Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions have never been my thing.

I rarely keep one, and when I do I often feel miserable. I enjoy exercising, but when it becomes a daily requirement the fun and excitement of it dissipates quickly. Dieting has also been a concept that I rarely master. I feel as though I eat in moderation, but the need to steer myself away from certain foods or to completely go cold-turkey on a food group makes me crave those items even more.

Instead of setting a resolution that I know I will never keep I've decided to gear my attention towards one word to pave my way for 2012.

This year my source of inspiration is the word focus. It really is a personality flaw that I am trying to overcome. While I believe that I am highly motivated my lack of focus often steers me away from actually achieving simple daily tasks as well as long-term goals.

I love the word focus because I feel that it is pertinent to every aspect of my life.

I plan on being a more focused mother that stops using movies as a way to entertain my child, and I plan to spend more time developing his talents and knowledge base.  
I want to be a more focused wife that tries to see my husband's frustrations not as a backlash against me, but as a need for love, understanding, and reassurance.

I want to be a more focused blogger that doesn't sporadically disappear for a week, but as a reliable everyday blogger with regularly featured posts (to be discussed later...).

I also want to become more focused with a budget. I am not great at couponing or saving every penny, but I do want to be better at balancing my checkbook regularly and knowing exactly how much I am spending. I have often caught myself buying things out of want rather then necessity and I want to begin to consciously think about what I am purchasing.

Minimalism is a great thing.  

This year I also want to focus more on developing my personal talents. Since entering the realm of motherhood many of the things I use to enjoy have been replaced with mother/wife duties. I love where I am at this stage in my life, but I feel that sometimes I loose myself within the day-to-day tasks of helping others.  I truly believe that to be happy everyone needs to have at least one outlet that helps build their talents and skills, rather then always catoring to the needs of others'.

I also want to be more focused at writing letters. I've never been a great letter writer, but I want to become one. The age of email is amazing and creates a convenience that makes letters a thing of the past.  My Grandma also said the most precious gifts she ever received were simple hand-written letters of kindness because they are a true act of sacrifice--they require time, attention, and love.

I want to focus on reading the written word rather then getting me daily entertainment from a television. I love the feeling of being enlightened by a great book, I love the challenge and discourse that takes place when talking about what the author meant and how the reader perceived the story. Books provide a simple pleasure that is not easily found in many other things.

Finally, I want to focus on becoming as knowledgeable as possible about natural birth. When Brecken was born there was a small part of motherhood that I never had the chance to experience. I was sedated, drugged, induced, and medicated to the point that the experience was an emotionless blur.  I never had the chance to be in tune with my body to understand a contraction and the change a woman experiences when giving birth. I never experienced the physical pain and joy that comes with the birth of a child.

I felt as though I was displaced  and out of touch with my own body. This time around, I want to be able to read my body, feel the emotions of childbirth and experience the overwhelming happiness of holding a newborn baby.

I'm asking a lot, right?


I am so excited to welcome in this new year-- to begin re-focusing my life, to prepare for the birth of another child, and to welcome this new chapter with open arms.

What are your New Year's Resolutions? Do you keep them? Do you not? What are you most looking forward in the year to come?

Thanks for stopping in and I hope you have a great night!


Just so you know...

posted on: Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I've been overwhelmed.

It's nothing that can't be cured by a little bit of ice cream and some Grey's Anatomy though.

We've been making a lot of big changes around here--some for the better, some I'm still not quite sure about.
While I feel that I am pretty easy going when it comes to change; it's the decision-making process that often leaves me dazed and confused.

I am one of those people that will buy four bags of chips when I am at the grocery store because I can't decide on just one flavor--the same may be true for ice cream, shoes, and chocolate...


I also must confess. One of the hardest choices has been blogging.

As you may have noticed my posts have been more limited and less creative-like in the past few months.


Last summer Hunk started a new job--which we are so thrilled about.

He is now a CFO at a small hospital--I call him a big deal, he rolls his eyes and scoffs.

While we love the experience he is gaining and the opportunities that await us in the future, the difficulty that has arisen from this new position is that he must travel two hours a day for work and he often has to stay and work late many nights.

This has meant that I have had to step up--in my role as a parent, as a homemaker, as a wife, as a task-manager...

While I use to spend a large majority of my time making projects, sewing, blogging and decorating; now, I need to play the role of a parent to an overly sugar crazed two-year-old, while also attending to the daily needs of the house.

This means I am often the one taking vehicles to get the oil changed, making sure tires get rotated, running errands for Hunk because he is never home in time, and making sure that everything is completely done so that when John walks in the door we can have a few quality hours minutes together.

I'm not sad or annoyed about how our life has changed, it's just meant that for the time being I have needed to prioritize, and sadly, blogging has been one thing that has suffered because of the change.

Let me emphasize...this post is not a gentle way of saying I'm stopping. Heck no, I've worked way too hard to let this baby go.

What I am saying is that there may be some changes (if you haven't already noticed).

It will mean less giveaways and more day-to-day life posts.

Seriously, I could write three novels on living with Brecken.

So you may see a lot of his face, a lot more of my face (not behind the camera), and a lot more about the fun and new changes that are happening in our life.

(I REALLY want to talk about them now....but I must resist).

So, hold on and stay with us as we still try to transition to this new schedule and lifestyle.



posted on: Thursday, November 24, 2011

If only everyday was specifically dedicated to being thankful for the blessings in our lives.

Could you imagine what the world would be like?

Today I thankful for so many things:






Financial stability.

The gospel.



Hunk and Punk.

To name a few....

I wish you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

Enjoy the best parade of the year and make sure to gourge your face out on some turkey my friends! 



posted on: Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today I have been kneeling before the porcelain throne puking my guts out all. day. long.

The ceasar salad that made a reappearance early this morning set my day off to a good start.

This may be too much information but have you ever had lettuce come up your throat and get stuck in your teeth? Well, if it hadn't been so horrific I may have laughed.

Sorry, I had to share......

Punk really found this whole experience to be delightful, bless his little heart.

While I puked he would lean over the toilet, stare in, and scream, "WOW!" At one point he also tried to stick his hand in the toilet and I somehow diverted the disaster by  simutaneously stopping his hand all the while still puking.

Yeah, it has been loads of fun I tell ya. 


I also had an awesome giveaway planned for today, it requires some pictures so I will hold off until tomorrow when I look more photo worthy and not a walking zombie was stringy hair and fowl breathe ;)

On a completely different note my love for Punk has grown leaps and bounds.

Yesterday, I caught Boo sitting on the counter carefully studying the Martha Stewart Paint selection pamphlet.

Almost brought a tear to my eye. I may have created a budding interior designer (much to the chagrin of Hunk).

Also, don't forget to link up your awesome wall ideas for my dining area--so far the ideas have been amazing!


26 Things that you May or May Not Want to Know

posted on: Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It is way too hot outside to edit photos or write a long post.

Even as I type I am already starting to feel hot flashes so I grace you with a post that was written way back in January. on the day of my birth. but I never posted it because Hunk decided to crash my pad that day.

So. here. it. is.

1. I have been hypnatized...twice. I am a sucker.
2. I met Hunk for the first time when he was helping my sister paint my bathroom. He had a crush on her. long story for another time.
3. I had a basset hound named Daisy.
4. My longest diet lasted five days. maybe less.
5. I'm a celtics fan.
6. I mix Heinz 57, A1, and ranch together.
7. I can sign my name backwards and in cursive
8. I was voted most likely to succeed, most artistic and biggest hick in high school. Say what?!
9. I am extremely creeped out by David Bowie.
10. I use to work for someone famous.
11. I hate folding laundry.
12. Know-it-all's make me want to punch a baby panda. joking. no really. yes, joking.
13. I drive a subaru
14. snakes are creepy.
15. I have never been ice skating.
16.  I am left handed
17. I met Kevin Bacon while playing miniture golf.
18. I love palm trees.
19. My least favorite word is spoon.
20. I love cold bedsheets.
21. When I was little I wanted to grow up to be the karate kid.
22. I was a Girl Scout
23. Here is my favorite you tube video
hahahahaha! Got cha!
24. My high school graduation class was 47.
25. Flying and ferris wheels make me sick.
26. I love a good natural disaster.

Now I'm off for a much needed water spritz from my ironing squirt bottle.

Edward Scissorhands...

posted on: Monday, August 1, 2011

Lately I have been so consumed with motherhood, work, and day-to-day activities that I have kind of let myself go.

Oh my gosh saying that makes me sound so old. hahahaha.


More specifically, I have let my hair go.

It's become so unmanagable that it is not uncommon for my hair to stay pulled back in a ponytail for days--I'm pretty certain that Edward Scissorhands would be in heaven if he had a chance to cut my hair.  

Told ya...

So last week I had my sis-in-law work her magic on my hair, she's a miracle worker I tell ya.

Two hours later, lots of dye, and 30 minutes under the "heat" machine made me presentable enough for Hunk to take me out in public.

And my sweet sis-in-law also added a little somethin' somethin' to make my hair hip and cool.

I hear feathers are the new rage, Hunk says I look like a peacock. Obviously, we have different ideas when it comes to fashion sense.


I think I may also regret posting this picture in the morning too.

I loathe thee...

posted on: Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fun fact of the day: I hate cats.

I think they are pests that stink and whine a lot. When they starting using Punk's sandbox as their own personal dumping grounds my personal preference of immensely disliking them was solidified.

Any solutions on keeping the cats out? Anyone? Anyone?

A few thoughts about what we are going through...

posted on: Saturday, May 21, 2011

If you haven't noticed I have been neglecting my blog lately--late posts, missed Feature Fridays, no giveaways, and less then stellar tutorials. 

Recently, we found out we were preggers.

Bells and whistles rang out in our house that day.  It was bells and whistles of terror when we began to realize that we I would be pulling double duty on diapers, tantrums, feedings, throw up messes, and sleepless nights.

Once the terror finally wore off it was replaced with thoughts of pink and blue, white crib or brown crib, boy name or girl name. Delightful thoughts began to fill my mind of a cooing little snuggler, then I started to bleed and thus began the daily visits to the doctors office which meant multiple check ups and lots of needles.

When the pain started to set in the thoughts of a miscarriage were then replaced with the words ectopic pregnancy. Luckily, the doctors figured out what was wrong with me before a rupture occured.  So for the last two weeks I have been poked and prodded more then a few times.

While I am so grateful for wonderful doctors and kind nurses, the medicine they have injected me with, which by the way is given to chemo patients, now makes me feel nauseous at all hours of the day and has made me so tired that sleeping is no longer something I enjoy.

And if that weren't enough the cramping and gut wrenching pain has made me somewhat immobile for the last two weeks--and when I have gotten out of bed my slow movements resemble that of Quasimodo.

Yesterday, was the first day I was able to move around without pain shooting throughout my every movement and I am thankful that for the time being the pain has subsided. Now, I am just trying to come to terms with the emotional and mental portion of this ordeal.

Really I am fine, but there are a few things I am still trying to sort out in my mind.

 I realize and know that the pregnancy would have never been viable, but I think what I am having a hard time with is knowing that pregnancy will always be one of those trials I will have to overcome. For those of you new here, Punk was born at thirty weeks and between the two of us we spent nearly three months in three different hospitals. It's a story for another time, but the point is, so far pregnancy has not been easy or enjoyable.

I always imagined how wonderful of an experience it would be, and that I would be one of those pregnant women who would gush my growing tummy and my soon to arrive stork flown package. I then imagined kissing my little snuggle bug in the hospital and bringing home my bundle of joy to a wonderfully prepared house. None of those dreams happened--which is life and I am fine with that.

What I am having a hard time grasping is that I have no control over my body or the situation. It will take time for me to come to terms with the fact that I will never have a house of ten kids. I must clarify, I never wanted ten kids, but the thought that if I wanted to I could would have been nice.  

I am not planning on writing a book or a mini series (hahaha) on my feelings, but I just wanted you to know that my neglect has nothing to do with a lost desire to blog anymore.

Quite the contrary actually, once I feel well again I have major plans for grand home decorating projects, fun new summer tutorials, and lots of great guest posts and features.

For right now, though, I am going to keep writing posts about my family and feelings because those seem to be the things that are making me feel better.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and know here in the Bishop house we hope you can find some comfort for all your trials as well!


Happy Saturday Friends~!

posted on: Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's gonna be a crazy day around here so I decided to pop by and say, "Hi!"

The fam is in town scrabbling to get the last minute details put together for my lil' sissy's wedding. So I am going to be spending the rest of the day trying on bridesmaid dresses, gorging myself on pizza, and and laughing hystarically at my Mom and sisters. They are a fun bunch of crazy, short midgets, minus sissy #2 who is adnormally tall and skinny.


What are your fab plans for this wonderful Saturday?

Have you checked out this week's giveaway yet? You won't want to miss it, I promise!


My dirty little phone-mance......

posted on: Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is there a turf war between the iPhone and Android?

I don't know if there is or not, but if I somehow missed this memo and there is a feud, well please know I am totally trying to offend you iPhone lovers. jokes. no, really.

jokes again.
I use to be totally jealous of iPhone users. I just felt that to own an iPhone made one cool and hip.

For the longest time I was jealous of them because they had instagram. It's this totally rad photo editing program that turns your pics from drab to fab to freaking awesome. 

Sad day when I realized that I would not have drab to fab photos with my phone.

I have an Android by the name of Samsung Fascinate. We were totally made for each other and I believe with all my heart that we have a deep and passioniate phone-mance with one another.

SF's beautiful screen is amazing. Have you looked at the screen of a Fascinate? Well, if you haven't then you are missing out on the coolest thing since sliced bread....

The screen is dope. When you tap it, it is like you are skippin' rocks across water. You have to check out it.

But SF has one flaw. No instagram.

So I set out to find an Android photo editing app that would rock my socks off and turn my photos from drab to frack-i-lackin' awesome.

After many failed attempts....
 I found Vignette. Vignette is so amazing that she is now my new best friend. I talk to her, I love her, I tell her my secrets.....
She is an amazing app that will never ever ever break my heart.

So all you Android lovers hold your heads high, relish in the fact that you are just as good as an iPhone and snap a few shots with Vignette to prove it!
And yes, I did make a new word called phone-mance (I even googled it to make sure it wasn't taken--so I now call dibs on it).


Why I don't live in Hollywood, and the day I met The Pioneer Woman

posted on: Sunday, March 20, 2011

On Friday night I went to a book signing by The Pioneer Woman. Ree was hill-arious, and gorgeous, and smart, and sassy, and a little bit awkward at times.

Ree loves Charlie (her basset hound), I totally relate I loved Daisy, she was my basset hound, there is just something about the droopy eyes and saggy ears.... Anyway, sorry for the brief moment, Ree loves Charlie so she sang a song, not to music, just by herself on the stage for us to hear. She even sang as though she was Charlie, and then she sang as though she was singing to Charlie. I guess you just had to be there, it was awkward/hilarious/and a once in a lifetime experience.

Then I got to meet Ree. This was the second awkward moment of the night. I had this whole speech of what I was going to say to her, and I planned to blow her world by being so stinkin' funny. Then I got to the front of the line and my palms got sweaty, my mind went blank and I started to shake. It was kind of like this...

Yeah, I was like Ralphy. Totally speechless, then she started talking and she said, "Man, I'm hot and sweaty" and I was like, "Yeah, I am totally sweating too." I really said it, not going to lie. Then I said, "Can I hug you?" and she totally let me, even after our brief sweating conversation and as I was hugging her I kept thinking, "Man, Ree smells good." Then I got mortified and realized I hadn't showered for two days because I heard that a little grease in the hair is a great beauty tip so I am sure she was thinking, "Yep, she really is sweaty".

Then, I walked away--shaking and in awe. I learned two things from this experience. One, I should never mention my bodily discharges, especially when I am trying to make a good first impression. Secondly, I should never live in Hollywood because I am sure I will pee my pants if I run into Sandra Bullock or Brad Pitt.

And, I did get one good picture. I crack under pressure, folks. Seriously, crack. I am not going to be running for President anytime soon because when that one pivotal moment in my Presidency requires me to make a decision to save our human race...well, I would be hiding under the desk in the oval office.

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