Over the next 4 weeks my posts will focus primarily on our waiting for the hope that is Christ. With the anxiety that many are feeling in these difficult times - be it monetarily, emotionally, or spiritually, it is a good & joyful thing to light a candle in this darkness. May we hold steadfastly to the truth that God is With Us......
Today's selection is an Advent Litany that will be used this morning at church. Enjoy! And may Advent Blessings be upon each and every one of you!
Advent Litany - Among the Poor, "Cloth for the Cradle" Iona Community, p. 31
Among the poor,
among the proud,
among the persecuted,
among the privileged,
Christ is coming,
Christ is coming to make all things new.
In the private house,
in the marketplace,
in the wedding feast,
in the judgment hall,
Christ is coming,
Christ is coming to make all things new.
With a gentle touch,
with an angry word,
with a clear conscience,
with burning love,
Christ is coming,
Christ is coming to make all things new.
That the kingdom might come,
that the world might believe,
that the powerful might stumble,
that the humble might be raised,
Christ is coming,
Christ is coming to make all things new.
Within us,
without us,
among us,
before us,
in this place,
in every place, for this time, for all time,
Christ is coming,
Christ is coming to make all things new.