I was thinking of starting something new where I would post a relatively current trailer (I don't want to always post trailers but it seemingly comes to that at times) that makes me feel physically ill or repulsed or both. The kind of thing that you just can't believe looks that bad and the film was made and completed and that's the thing that's trying to sell it, you know? I don't go to the cinema as often as I'd like and I only have two antennae-received channels of television to choose from so I don't see that many and, as a result, some really stand out. Sometimes when you see a new release, the trailer section can be a lot of fun if they're remarkably awful but only if that awful is done correctly and you're in the right frame of mind to be entertained by a clip from something you wouldn't take money to sit through unless you were felling particularly masochistic or stupid. I can remember laughing myself silly when I saw the theatrical trailer for 'Stigmata'. I think my friend and I laughed so hard that we actually went when it came. The trailer was better. That was before Youtube, of course, and I haven't seen it since.
I've chosen two recent pieces to share and I'm going with both this first time because when I was reviewing my thoughts I noticed that the pair come from the highly overpaid minds that were, in some capacity, also involved with "The Devil Wears Prada" which I also somehow missed during its run. They each seem to deal with somebody's idea of ultimate and perfect romance and I must state that I am not against this genre and I am a wholly sensual being who is familiar with feelings that don't necessarily make me wince. Believe it.
So, go with peace and be happy that you've saved a little money and if these two previews make you feel just a little nauseous, I apologize while simultaneously feeling a little better knowing that we're similar and in this often unfit world together and, I suppose, my work at this instant is done. But there will be more, you can wager on that.