This one is timely! Good times when Dion Conflict presented this a few years at the Royal and handed out noise makers, instructing us to use them evey time we heard the word "Evil!" A hoot! Dion - still have your print?
Sunday, December 31, 2006
what evil does at Christmas...
Okay, a little late with this posting, but look what I found when looking for a trailer for CHRISTMAS EVIL - an ad for a Spanish cable station...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Cops Vs. Thugs!
"Gangsters and cops are the same. They both respect codes and laws. They were drop-outs who couldn’t get good jobs."
Sunday, December 24, 2006
the quoteable kinski...

"I sell myself for the highest price. Exactly like a prostitute. There is no difference."
"I am like a wild animal who is behind bars. I need air! I need space!"
"I am not the Jesus of the official church tolerated by those in power. I am not your superstar.""I am your fairy tale. Your dream. Your wishes and desires, and I am your thirst and your hunger and your food and your drink."
"I just come from Tokyo, Hong Kong, long flight, I am exhausted. "
"I knew there were, in myself, the souls of millions of people who lived centuries ago; not just people but animals, plants, the elements, things, even, matter. All of these exist in me."
"I make movies for money, exclusively for money."
"I never said money is freedom! I said money buys freedom. BUYS! What does that mean, money is freedom? This is ridiculous: Money is freedom. It means nothing."
Saturday, December 23, 2006
hill vs kinski
Just found this clip (in Italian) on youtube of the opening fight between Klaus Kinski and Terrance Hill in A GENIUS, TWO PARTNERS AND A DUPE...
my new fave spaghetti of the hour...

Friday, December 15, 2006
Ennio Face!

and on the subject of posters...

Just stumbled across Posterwire, a blog on posters that has some interesting postings:
- The Weinstein Company decision to run a contest to design a Factory Girl movie poster, the downloadable contest kit, and more accurate simulation of the film poster design process...
- 50 Cent is accusing Hollywood of double standards after seeing the new James Bond holding a gun in posters for Casino Royale - a year after billboards of him sporting a weapon caused a furore
- a link heavy posting leading to all kinds of glorious images of film posters where the key art subject matter are the many creatures (and monsters) found in the "wild kingdom"

nasty time two...
Going to make you work for this one. Check out the new poster for HOSTEL 2 and the teaser trailer for THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2. Not adding any opinions on those films, just observing marketing trends...
Monday, December 11, 2006
my Keach post

No trailer for the film online, but check out this great monologue by the Keachster in the opening credits and a fun little bathtub scene.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I had a Moore-gasm when I stumbled across this - the trailer for The Executioners, starring the wimpiest of the Bonds, Roger Moore, cashing in on his action movie success by starring in this raunchy Italian action film, with Stacy Keach as his sidekick no less! Watch and learn...
Why didn't Roger do any of the voices on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas?
Why didn't Roger do any of the voices on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas?

"Sorcerers...Come Out To Play-yayy!"
This goes out to all you Warriors trailer fans... (I feel like that all-night DJ... nowhere to run, nowhere to hide...)
The trailer for William Friedkin's seventies remake of The Wages of Fear starring Roy Scheider; in retrospect, perhaps the wrong guy to be given the keys to a truck full of nitro.
Monday, December 04, 2006
cinema of the damned!

Saturday, December 02, 2006
The Nutty Projector

Jerry Lewis Cinemas (or The National Cinema Corporation) were franchise operations, almost like a fast-food chain business model - small screening rooms (between 100 and 350 seats) and push-button technology for both the projection and concessions. Ads for the company boasted "an entire theater can be operated by as few as two persons." and the low overhead against potential box office and concession sales were very attractive selling points.
But Lewis imposed an inviolate condition on the chain dictating only PG and G-rated fare would be screened. It was Lewis' attempt to stem what he perceived to be the tide of degeneracy in movies in the late sixties. Predictably, within a couple of years his cinema chain was starved for content. Many theatres closed and many others of course became XXX theatres, resulting in legal battles between National Cinema Corporation and its theatre owners.
I saw one of the remaining Jerry Lewis Cinemas in suburban Buffalo in 1988 - it looked shut down but it was open, showing second-run titles at discount prices.
(photo source)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
speaking of needless remakes...
Tony Scott has been threatening to do this for a while, but now the wheels seem to be turning on his next film, the LA-based remake of The Warriors! Says the Tiger...
It will be more like
"I really hate remakes, but the The Warriors is one of my all time favourite movies, and what I'm doing is kind of reinventing it. And rather than a gang it's going to be 30 guys who take on 3,000. It's Kingdom Of Heaven meets The Warriors."
It will be more like
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
All hail the homogenizing of the North American Moviegoing Experience!

I'll come clean: I've done shameful things in the Music Palace. I've eaten dinner, breakfast, lunch. Slept all day, dozed off for a few minutes, worked my way through a pack of cigarettes in one sitting, gotten drunk, dug through their trash, smoked dope, taken speed, had sex, argued with a cell phone user, played with a kitty, and had a party. To be fair, the sex and the dinner were both before they started turning on the lights between shows...knowing what I do now I would've held off.

and also deserving of spankings...

happy birthday Joe Dante!
Just a quick post to honour the B-Day of Joe Dante. If you haven't seen his Masters of Horror episode, Homecoming, check it out as it is easily the best in the series (I still have to watch Miike's "Imprint" episode).
In the summer I watched CARQUAKE aka CANNONBALL projected outdoors from a super 8 print (at Dion's Wiltshire Drive-In) and spotted his cameo as the grease monkey who kinda saves the day. I got to meet him at the Sitges Festival in Spain in October and meant to tell him that but blanked!

I am killing you because of my "stripper mom"

The casting call makes it sound like Zombie is simply going to do a variation of The Devil’s Rejects with a slight Halloween twist. The description of Michael as a stringy-haired kid who likes torturing animals after his school mates mock him for having a stripper mom is banal.
This is going to be the worst Halloween movie yet and that’s saying something.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
a marquee and some monsters in the skies
For our neighbours to the south, a discovery made in the fascinating Swapatorium:
A series of photos picked up at an estate sale documenting the 1932 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. The marquee on the movie theater is showing Divorce in the Family with Jackie Cooper. Click here for more details and more pics of the inflatable creatures...

A series of photos picked up at an estate sale documenting the 1932 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. The marquee on the movie theater is showing Divorce in the Family with Jackie Cooper. Click here for more details and more pics of the inflatable creatures...

Rootin - Tootin - Shootin - Singin - Yodelin Entertainment

which looks back at a more "Golden" era of film as opposed to the "Rusty Tin" era that we dwell on here...
a birthday cake for Frankie

The inspiration for this post came from stumbling across the Greenbriar Picture Shows blog, a look back at the "Great Days of Film Exhibition" where curator John McElwee has a two part posting on some of Karloff's films from the 30s and 40s including NIGHT KEY, THE MAN THEY COULD NOT HANG and ARSENIC AND OLD LACE. (Part One / Part Two).

On a patriotic note, here is a tidbit of Canuck trivia - "Having married against his family's wishes, as well as incurred some additional disfavor for abandoning an appointment in government service, Karloff refused to use his family's prominence to secure work in Canada, then much under the influence of the Crown. To support himself, Karloff took work as a farm laborer in the province of Ontario, where he first attempted to realize his dream of becoming an actor."
Finally, here are two youtube treats - a 1960's TV commercial from the late 1960's with Karloff applying various torture techniques to his Ronson Comet lighter and Art Carney auditioning Karloff to take over the Chevy Show from Dinah Shore for the summer season, with his "Shiver Show."
Friday, November 24, 2006
Turns out recent history is a ripoff of an eighties Chuck Norris movie!
This is the kind of movie that would play at the Eaton Centre Cineplex (in one of the tiniest theatres in the complex) for three months. When I would go there on $2.50 Tuesdays I wouldn't even check the listings first; I would just see the most out-of-control movie posted on the marquee.
This is the kind of movie that would play at the Eaton Centre Cineplex (in one of the tiniest theatres in the complex) for three months. When I would go there on $2.50 Tuesdays I wouldn't even check the listings first; I would just see the most out-of-control movie posted on the marquee.
The Nitty-Gritty of the "Live Now" Group
"But if you drink your school, stay in drugs, and don't do milk, you'll get work!" - Mr. T
Love the breakbeats on the soundtrack...
and still on the subject of

And this posting is lifted from a July entry on my Kung Fu Fridays blog...
Thanks to Paul McEvoy, beloved master of mayhem of London, UK's Fright Fest along with Alan Jones (read his great blog, a delight for true genre fans) and Ian Rattray (Ian - start a blog or something so I can link you!), for sending this link to the new video for Knights Of Cydonia by the band Muse. Oh they certainly don't mak'em like they used to (or did they ever?)
hooking the audience in far away places
From Kung Fu Fridays disciple Lars, comes this flickr gallery of Swedish edition posters. And they are for sale or trade, so if you are interestest, drop him a line!

Thursday, November 23, 2006
"I usually start the month with a postman" - Rémy Belvaux, 1967-2006
Just re-discovered the obit for the director of MAN BITES DOG (C'est arrivé près de chez vous aka which tranlates as It Happened in Your Neighborhood), Rémy Belvaux, who passed away in Septemeber. Pity this film never made the grindhouse circuit. The Ontario Film Review Board totally change the message of the movie when the cut out the rape and the child murder from the film. I remember the charged screening at the Toronto International Film Festival with Tarantino in the audience who was there with the CDN premiere of his own canine flick. Belvaux's other claim to fame was assisting in the ambush of Bill Gates with a cream pie in 1999. (source)

hilton vs milan

While JH has revealed the George Hilton in his hand, I am going to throw down a Tomas Milan! You've probably seen him as the sadistic mexican general in TRAFFIC, but back in the late 60s and early 70s, this Cuban actor was the shit for Italian pulp cinema. He would flip from playing Mexican raggamuffin banditos to smart talking tough street cops. One of my favourite spaghetti westerns starring Milan is FACE TO FACE (1967) aka ''Faccia a faccia'' co-starring Gian Maria Volontè, who played "Indio" in FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE (and who despite passing from a heart attack in 1994 has a wicked official website). Directed by Sergio Sollima, FACE TO FACE is part of a loose political trilogy which includes THE BIG GUNDOWN (1966) and RUN, MAN, RUN (1967), all rife with anti-capitalistic and anti-fascist themes.Behind the dusty shoot-outs in FACE TO FACE is a heavy political allegory about the rise of fascism in Europe, but you can ignore the morality and enjoy the kickass Morricone soundtrack!
see this on youtube before somebody with no life complains... these cool kids from sweden are transferring vintage smut from super 8 to dvd! and they even have a myspace page.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Le Parisien
The Imperial Six has a sister in Montreal. Le Parisien.

I almost did a backflip when I rounded a corner heading to St. Catherine Street and came across this near clone of the Imperial Six's seventies sci-fi lobby, all white lighting and helvetica signage (The Imperial had a little something extra - TV screens behind glass, rolling previews...) I always thought the design was cool - no wonder Montreal's seen fit to keep theirs.
Le Parisien's programming is like the Carlton in Toronto - mostly francophone arthouse fare. The photo here was taken during the World Film Festival in the late eighties.
We need more Imperial Six memories, people.

I almost did a backflip when I rounded a corner heading to St. Catherine Street and came across this near clone of the Imperial Six's seventies sci-fi lobby, all white lighting and helvetica signage (The Imperial had a little something extra - TV screens behind glass, rolling previews...) I always thought the design was cool - no wonder Montreal's seen fit to keep theirs.
Le Parisien's programming is like the Carlton in Toronto - mostly francophone arthouse fare. The photo here was taken during the World Film Festival in the late eighties.
We need more Imperial Six memories, people.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
70 mm in Mexico City

(source offers a look back at widescreen-equipped theatres south of the border, down Mexico way, once upon a time...)
Friday, November 17, 2006
These poster images just in from Michael over at Tint Archive. Nice additions to previous posts over here at the sticky floor cinema...
lenzi and popcorn
Oh you lucky people in Hollywood... do you even understand how privileged you are to see this? Saw this posted on 150 Days of Sodom where I also read a scathing review of the 3-D Night of the Living Dead (picked up for a supposed CDN theatrical by Alliance Atlantis).

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