Showing posts with label Workspace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workspace. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Half a Dozen New Evisorators

The times have been quite hectic in the northern nests. I bought a house about two months ago and all the moving and settling down has made my life quite a hassle.

Despite the chaos, I've been able to put my studio up and running, though it is still a pretty rough version of my great vision. I'm currently working with the new lot of Evisorators, six new menaces to be exact...

Believe me or not, this is the biggest bunch of minis that I've ever worked with at the same go. It's all new to me as I've used to paint one mini at the time. This is interesting, challenging and educational process and it really feels like it's pushing my technique forward.

And here's a shot of my current workbench. I'm trying my best to keep everything neat and clean so that every time I have some spare time to give for the hobby I wouldn't have to start it by wasting the first fifteen minutes for cleaning. Minor detail but improves the effectiveness of the use of time.

There are three special pieces giving me company while I'm working over the workbench. When ever I raise my head to stretch my neck or have a though, I see these marvelous things in front of me and get this feel of impetuous push of inspiration that helps me put my best effort to what I'm doing.

- Kari

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Workspace Walkthrough - okkiW Style

Still remember this?

That was the setup I used two years ago, when i didn't care much about where I was making my toy soldiers. It was OK, because back then I did not spent that much time sitting in front of my desk sculpting away. Over the years I have started to spend more and more time sitting and sculpting, so I have been forced to make some major chances there.

This is my workbench that I using at the moment...

The picture also reveals my latest addition to the setup - The Daylight Company's wonderful triple daylight lamp. That lamp simply rocks! It provides lots of good neutral light that makes working easy. Especially in the wintertime, when natural daylight is very limited luxury here in Finland. It's a little expensive thingy but definitely worth every penny ;)
(While back Steve was talking about that same lamp)

This one shows how my desk is assembled quite high, so that Im able to keep my back straight while sculpting long hours. Im also using a saddle stool for more ergonomic posture.

 Finally, as a source of inspiration, got my original Miller framed. Ian sent it to me while ago as a return gift for Rat with a gun It's Cool as Hell!!!!!!!!!!