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Posts mit dem Label Purple werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 15. Februar 2015

Dance Legend Mortal Kombat - Rain / Thermal Flakie Polish

Dance Legend has sent me a package with a bunch of beautiful polishes to review and today I will start with one of my favorites. It's Rain* from their Mortal Kombat collection, which is a small but awesome collection of thermo polishes with flakies. Rain is the purple one of the three with orange red flakies. While cold the base is a very dark purple, almost black, but it will turn into a bright purple with increasing warmth. It has a matte finish, which I think makes it even more beautiful. I used two coats for the pictures without any top coat. It will probably not last very long, but since it dried very fast and matte flakies are awesome, that's okay with me. As you can see, I had trouble deciding on pictures, but I guess this one deserves the exposure. You can buy Dance Legend polishes through their website or their partner shops. Due to the Christmas break and the general slowness of the Russian post, this took quite a while to get to Switzerland, which is something worth considering. These are the small DL bottles with 6 ml and their sold for $8 each. I recommend having a look at the other two colors over at Anna Gorelova's blog, since I'm definitely going to get my hands on these as well. 

Dance Legend hat mir ein Päckchen mit vielen Lacken zum Testen zugeschickt und einer davon gefällt mir besonders gut. Es ist Rain* aus der Mortal Kombat Kollektion, die aus drei matten Flakie-/Thermolacken besteht. Jede Flasche beinhaltet 6 ml und kostet $8. Die Lacke sind bei Dance Legend und den Partnerwebsites erhältlich, allerdings dauert der Versand aus Russland ziemlich lange. Rain ist im kalten Zustand ein sehr dunkles, fast schwarzes Violett mit orangeroten Flakies. Je wärmer die Umgebung/Finger/Nägel, desto heller wird das Violett. Er trocknet matt und ich habe für die Bilder zwei Schichten ohne Top Coat aufgetragen. So hält er zwar sicher weniger lang, ich finde ihn aber umso schöner. Da ich mich kaum für Bilder entscheiden konnte, gibts jetzt eine wohlverdiente Bilderflut. Bei Anna Gorelova gibts zudem Bilder von den anderen zwei Lacken aus der Kollektion, die ich mir auf jeden Fall auch noch zulegen werde.

*PR Sample

Dance Legend Mortal Kombat - Rain / Thermal Flakie Polish

Dance Legend Mortal Kombat - Rain / Thermal Flakie Polish

Dance Legend Mortal Kombat - Rain / Thermal Flakie Polish

Dance Legend Mortal Kombat - Rain / Thermal Flakie Polish

Dance Legend Mortal Kombat - Rain / Thermal Flakie Polish

Dance Legend Mortal Kombat - Rain / Thermal Flakie Polish

Dance Legend Mortal Kombat - Rain / Thermal Flakie Polish

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015

Pink & Purple Dotted Nails feat. Essie

I dug out my dotting tool! As my base color I used two coats of Essie - Full Steam Ahead (Naughty Nautical Collection 2013) a cute lavender with a tiny bit of shimmer. On top of that I added a lot of dots using various sizes of dotting tools and three Essie colors from the Neon 2013 Collection: Boom Boom Room, Bottle Service and DJ Play That Song. On top is one coat of Essence - BTGN High Gloss. 

Pink & Purple Dotted Nails feat. Essie

Pink & Purple Dotted Nails feat. Essie

Pink & Purple Dotted Nails feat. Essie

Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2014

Textured Christmas Stamping feat. Dance Legend - Amethyst / Essie - Penny Talk

After my latest Textured Snowflake Stamping I really wanted to do a similar design, but this time using different colors. I chose one of my favorite textured polishes Dance Legend - Amethyst* as my base color for the stamping. Then I used two images of the MoYou London Christmas Collection #04 and Essie - Penny Talk for the Christmas stamping.

*PR Sample

Textured Christmas Stamping feat. Dance Legend - Amethyst / Essie - Penny Talk

Textured Christmas Stamping feat. Dance Legend - Amethyst / Essie - Penny Talk

Textured Christmas Stamping feat. Dance Legend - Amethyst / Essie - Penny Talk

Donnerstag, 21. August 2014

Water Marble Nails feat. OPI Nordic Collection

I always like doing nail art with specifique colors of a collection and I think the water marble technique is perfect for combining different colors in one design. I used my favorite polish from the OPI Nordic collection called My Dogsled Is A Hybrid as my base color for the marble. Then I added Do You Have This Color In Stock-holm? and Viking In A Vinter Vonderland to the mix. If you're unsure about this technique you can check out my Water Marble Basics

Water Marble Nails feat. OPI Nordic Collection

Sonntag, 17. August 2014

OPI Nordic Collection Fall/Winter 2014

After a few weeks of beautiful Mexican heat, I'm back in rainy Switzerland and ready for fall. Waiting for me on my return was the complete OPI Nordic collection for Fall/Winter 2014. Thank you Opi Swiss! The collection is available now in Swiss stores and each bottle is sold for CHF 23.90. As always these have a great formula and dry rather fast. I really like the general look of this collection which was inspired, well, by the northern countries. I would have expected a lot more blue instead of the brown shades, but then again I haven't seen too many brown shades in nail polish collections so far. My absolute favorite though, which is not surprising, is the mint color and you should definitely check out My Dogsled is a Hybrid if you're into mint nail polish. I swatched every color with two coats without base or top coat. 

OPI Nordic Collection 2014

Sonntag, 8. Juni 2014

Water Spotted Neon Candy Nails

I felt like doing some really colorful nail art the other day and this is what I came up with. I picked a few lovely neon polishes and created random gradients with a sponge on each nail. For this first step I used Essie - Boom Boom Room, Bottle Servive, DJ Play That Song and China Glaze - Highlight Of My Summer. To complete the design I thought about doing a water spotted pattern on top using first Layla - Metal Chrome and then Wet n Wild - Black Crème. To see how I create the water spotted effect, check out my recent tutorial. I think it turned out really cute and I loved wearing this design! On top is one coat of Essence - BTGN High Gloss. 

Water Spotted Neon Candy Nails

Water Spotted Neon Candy Nails

Water Spotted Neon Candy Nails

Sonntag, 25. Mai 2014

Purple & Mint Water Marble

Today's design is a water marble which I did last week and although I got a bit confused with what is left and right while doing the marbling, I still kind of liked it in the end. I used a white base to make sure that my colors would look opaque enough and then picked three colors for the marble: OPI - Pamplona Purple, Essie - First Timer and China Glaze - Holly-Day. Actually I just wanted to use mint and purple first, but then the lines weren't clear enough for me, so I had to add a darker color as well. On top is one coat of Essence - BTGN High Gloss. 

Purple & Mint Water Marble

Purple & Mint Water Marble

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

(Piñata) Water Marble

Time for some water marble! This is one of those designs where I saw some bottles standing around on my table and felt like they would look cute combined. At first I wanted to add green to it as well, since I wanted to do something Piñata inspired. But the green didn't work for the water marble technique (check out my water marble basics here!) so I just used these three colors: OPI - Hey BabyOPI - I Just Can't Cope-acabana and H&M - Car Paint Purple. On top is one coat of Essence - BTGN High Gloss. 

(Piñata) Water Marble

(Piñata) Water Marble

(Piñata) Water Marble

Freitag, 9. Mai 2014

OPI Spring/Summer 2014 - Pamplona Purple

I received this beautiful color called Pamplona Purple as a sample from the selected OPI shades for spring and summer 2014. It's available in the standard range and not part of a collection. I used two coats for these pictures, although I think you could get away with just one coat if you're careful with application. On top is one coat of Sally Hansen - No Chip Top Coat. 

OPI Spring/Summer 2014 - Pamplona Purple

OPI Spring/Summer 2014 - Pamplona Purple

OPI Spring/Summer 2014 - Pamplona Purple

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

Bottled Galaxy / Dance Legend - Top Sahara + Celia

I was especially curious about one of the Dance Legend polishes that I received: Top Sahara, the top coat that is supposed to turn every color into a textured polish. I was a bit concerned about the glitter in it though and I would have prefered a plain textured top coat. But the pictures today are actually more about that glitter than about the textured effect. I used two coats of Dance Legend - Celia, one of the beautiful multichromes from their Chameleon collection as my base color. Then I used two coats of Top Sahara over Celia, just to see what would happen. I love the result a lot, the pictures don't do it justice! It looks like a galaxy out of the bottle. I'm definitely going to try more combinations like this one! The Chameleon polishes are sold for 8$ each and Top Sahara for 9 $. You can buy Dance Legend in their online shop or in their partner shops, shipping is 10$ or free if you buy more than ten polishes.

Galaxy Nails out of the bottle / Dance Legend - Top Sahara + Celia

Galaxy Nails out of the bottle / Dance Legend - Top Sahara + Celia

Galaxy Nails out of the bottle / Dance Legend - Top Sahara + Celia

Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014

Dance Legend: Candy Flakes - Tinsel, Lollypop, Bite Tonight, Final Fantasy

Another Dance Legend post! I'm gonna show you all four polishes in one post this time. I received four shades from the Candy Flakes collection which has six shades altogether and each bottle is sold for 9$. The formula was alright and I didn't use any top or base coat. I swatched all of them over a darker color as well. My favorite is Tinsel, I'd even wear this one without a darker base because it looks really special! You can buy Dance Legend in their online shop or in their partner shops, shipping is 10$ or free if you buy more than ten polishes.

2 coats

Dance Legend: Candy Flakes - Tinsel

1 coat over black

Dance Legend: Candy Flakes - Tinsel

Bite Tonight
1 coat

Dance Legend: Candy Flakes - Bite Tonight

Bite Tonight
1 coat over black

Dance Legend: Candy Flakes - Bite Tonight

2 coats

Dance Legend: Candy Flakes - Lollypop

1 coat over Essie - Bachelorette Bash

Dance Legend: Candy Flakes - Lollypop

Final Fantasy
2 coats

Dance Legend: Candy Flakes - Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy
1 coat over Essie - Bahama Mama

Dance Legend: Candy Flakes - Final Fantasy

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

Gradient Salted Watercolor Nails

I decided to do another one of the salted watercolor nails, if you haven't seen my previous ones yet, you can find them here and here. The process is the same: base color, matte top coat, watery acrylic paint, salt sprinkled on top, let it dry and then wash the salt off carefully. I really love the effects of the salt and it kind of makes me want to buy a canvas and start doing this in the bigger version, we'll see! I used Flormar - 400 as my base, one coat of Essie - Matte About You and then added a mixture of six acrylic paints. On top is one coat of Essence - BTGN High Gloss. 

Gradient Salted Watercolor Nails

Gradient Salted Watercolor Nails

Gradient Salted Watercolor Nails

Gradient Salted Watercolor Nails

Freitag, 6. Dezember 2013

Manhattan - Rouge là là: Cheeky Cherry, Bad Burgundy & Pleasure Plum

The second limited edition from Manhattan which is in stores since the beginning of December is called Rouge là là. This collection consists of five beautiful red and berry shades plus gold and silver nail art glitter. 11ml of nail polish are sold for €4.09 and one little jar of 4.6g glitter is sold for €2.49. I received three shades to review and the golden glitter, which I won't include in today's review though. I used two coats of each polish with no base or top coat and they all have a beautiful formula. You can see that Bad Burgundy isn't completely opaque with two coats, so this one might need three. The others look good to me with just two coats. I love the idea of a color inspired collection and I think Rouge là là includes a great choice of colors. And I think the names are lovely as well! 

Manhattan - Cheeky Cherry

Manhattan - Bad Burgundy

Manhattan - Pleasure Plum