Monday, November 11, 2013

Our Hobbit Halloween

First off, if you would like to see some non-blurry shots of our evening, along with a far more appropriate post title...Emily has posted her lovely photos here
Our Hobbit Halloween was an absolute blast, and while I never want to see another piece of brown craft foam, I had so much fun making these costumes (with the exception of Bilbo's waistcoat, which was all Nanny.) We had a little party the weekend before so the kids could play in their costumes to their hearts' content.
Kateri and Finn were my favorite...they are at that magical age where their imaginations are so vivid and they truly believe they look exactly like their characters.
I loved watching Kateri's dress float behind her as she ran from house to house in the dark on Halloween.
Thorin and co.
Those burchjerks sure know how to sell it. Audrey couldn't keep a straight face. I'll miss her singing her own theme music as she plays. She and Lucy were so excited about their costumes it was hilarious...instead of saying "Trick or Treat," they actually bowed and said "Fili and Kili, at your service." I'm sure they completely confused most of the nice people giving out candy one Halloween, but I guess it beats dressing up as a flirty candy-corn or whatever other abomination Party City is trying to market to eight year old girls...
My favorite part of this picture is how proud Finn is of the sculpey ring his mom made him...he reeeeally wants to make sure it gets caught on film.
Lili and Jack went as Mirkwood elves: Tauriel and Legolas. We only know Tauriel from the trailer for the Desolation of Smaug, so I am crossing my fingers that her character isn't lame. Come on, Peter Jackson, don't let us down! I kind of want to take Lili and Jack to the midnight premiere and let them dress up, but that might be taking things a bit too far. Plus they have school the next day. Plus they would probably get super embarrassed.
Bilbo having a chat with a hobbit lady-friend and mangling his pipe.
Let's not forget Smaug the Adorable
who was stolen by Tauriel for a few minutes, naturally.
Bilbo and Legolas, who is a big softie when it comes to babies hobbits.
I think it was our best Halloween yet...maybe we should retire. I hear Party City has some lovely selections to choose from.


M Weisse said...

Lily holding Nora is so cute. Also, you are deluding yourself. This isn't ending anytime soon. Lucy has been planning Harry Potter for longer than the Hobbit. Maybe Party City has some red head wigs for some Weasleys.

Christie said...

Oh. My. Gosh.

You have made a dream of mine into a reality with these costumes!!