Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well, it's a new year. I don't have any pictures of our Christmas festivities, because I didn't take any. They wouldn't have been very pretty. After spending 6 consecutive Christmases miles away from my side of the family, I was so excited that my parents would be with us in Phoenix. I was so looking forward to sharing all of the little traditions that have sprung up in our own little household during one of my favorite times of year. Christmas Eve Mass, all the anticipation and excitement of leaving cookies and milk for Santa, brunch on Christmas morning in our PJs... Sadly the one tradition that Fate decreed we introduce my parents to was the only one I loathe: sick kids at Christmastime. So instead of sharing mimosas and cinnamon rolls, we all got to share a stomach bug.
My poor parents... Luckily the bug was short-lived and we got to sandwich some good times in between bouts of nausea. My Dad sent me some of his pictures:

Audrey and Lili received their beloved American Girl Dolls from Santa, and Luke spent the rest of the following days finding tiny American girl accessories on the floors and furiously reminding his daughters of how hard Santa must have worked on that tiny horrifically overpriced barrette so they better take good care of it!

All kidding aside, we are so thankful for the many blessings that 2009 brought. Life with these three girls has been so sweet, we can't wait to see what 2010 will bring. Happy New Year everyone!

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