Saturday, January 30, 2010

Audrey loves...

...our backyard. I love our backyard, too, especially during the winter. During the summer the grass bakes and gets crispy and uncomfortable, but right now it seems like our own little slice of heaven on earth, decrepit old swing set and all. Audrey spends a good part of each day swinging happily on her beat-up old swing and making "salads" out of grass and lemon leaves and rosemary. We also like to play hide-and-go-seek with her beloved Koala. Audrey and I take turns hiding him in the yard and the other person has to go find him. During a recent session of this game, Audrey came inside giggling to tell me that I would never find Koala...he was in the best hiding place ever! I did find him in fact, in a lonely corner of the yard, buried in torn-up grass...I think the fact that he is lying face-down adds to the stealthiness of it all...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Grouchy Bedhead Video

I pulled out my camera today after Kateri woke up from her nap so I could document her glorious bedhead, but she was being so fetchingly grumpy I had to start taping. I realize that to people other than her immediate family her grouchiness probably comes off as more bratty and less charming, but what the heck. It is scary how much she is learning from her sisters. Whenever I tell her no, her response is always, "Why?" Another bad habit she has picked up from them: she mimics them getting their hair done by picking up the brush, touching it gingerly to her frizzy blond birds' nest and wailing, "OW! OW!" until I give her hair a totally unnecessary spritz of detangler.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Conversation with Audrey

We were driving home from JoAnns today when Audrey decided to share:

"Last night I had a dream about heaven, and God looked the same exactly as Obi Wan Kenobi."

me: "Really?"

Audrey: "Yes, but Jesus looked the same."

me: "The same as what?"

Audrey: "The same as we see him on the cross at Mass...and do you know what I imagine Mary looks like? She has a white hood and blue clothes."

me: "What does her face look like?"

Audrey: "Well, she has beautiful eyebrows...and I think her eyes are brown. I don't know what kind of shoes she wears because no one know what kind of shoes Mary wears"

Monday, January 11, 2010

Who does Nanny love?

This past weekend Kateri and I took a trip to Louisiana sans Lili, Audrey, and Luke. Hopefully I can write a post about it later, but it was so much fun. Beautiful wedding, beautiful bride, beautiful babies I got to meet and hold for the first time, and way too much fun with my family. Kateri likewise had a ball. Here is what Nanny taught her. She is still a little zonked from her weekend of travel and partying, which probably explains her refusal to blow a kiss at the end...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lili and Jack

I've been meaning for some time to write a post about Lili's relationship with her best friend Jack. They've always been good buds, from the time they were two fat babies waddling around in diapers, to the two toddlers in the photo strip to the left singing "Casey Junior" over and over again at Disneyland, but as their friendship has grown and developed over the years, it has given me so much joy and not a few laughs...
Last night I opened Lili's lunch bag to find a note she had written to herself taped to the inside. It said "REMEMBER- JACK" in large letters at the top and was followed by a paragraph of what I took to be abbreviated gibberish. When I asked her about it this was the explanation she gave: "Well, whenever I'm in chapel I always am remembering these things I want to tell Jack about, and then at break or lunch I forget, so I am writing myself a note to remember to tell him." The seeming gibberish was a series of anecdotes she wanted to share with him, including her reenactment of Bill Cosby's "Dad is great, give us the chocolate cake" routine that she had recently watched with Luke and I, and a couple of other random stories she was sure Jack would find hilarious.
Aside from her lack of concentration in chapel, the whole incident just made me smile, and then I had to go to my purse to retrieve the note that Jack had given Lili last week:

Here's the front and back
I love how unabashedly outspoken the two of them are with their declarations of platonic love. When they say goodbye, it is often with a brief hug and a matter of fact: "Bye Lili, I love you." "I love you, too." I also wish I had a photo of the image of the two of them at one of the first soccer practices of the season. Everyone was split into pairs for drills, but I think they were the only ones who were unselfconsciously holding hands while awaiting their coach's instructions.
Like everything else with young children, I know this probably won't last...inevitably one of them is going to be teased by some older or more worldly child, but maybe not. I'm hoping that they hold on to their sibling-like affection for one another as long as they can, and that their friendship just grows right along with them. After all, they've moved on from Casey Junior to soccer and Bill Cosby, and they are still just as tight.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well, it's a new year. I don't have any pictures of our Christmas festivities, because I didn't take any. They wouldn't have been very pretty. After spending 6 consecutive Christmases miles away from my side of the family, I was so excited that my parents would be with us in Phoenix. I was so looking forward to sharing all of the little traditions that have sprung up in our own little household during one of my favorite times of year. Christmas Eve Mass, all the anticipation and excitement of leaving cookies and milk for Santa, brunch on Christmas morning in our PJs... Sadly the one tradition that Fate decreed we introduce my parents to was the only one I loathe: sick kids at Christmastime. So instead of sharing mimosas and cinnamon rolls, we all got to share a stomach bug.
My poor parents... Luckily the bug was short-lived and we got to sandwich some good times in between bouts of nausea. My Dad sent me some of his pictures:

Audrey and Lili received their beloved American Girl Dolls from Santa, and Luke spent the rest of the following days finding tiny American girl accessories on the floors and furiously reminding his daughters of how hard Santa must have worked on that tiny horrifically overpriced barrette so they better take good care of it!

All kidding aside, we are so thankful for the many blessings that 2009 brought. Life with these three girls has been so sweet, we can't wait to see what 2010 will bring. Happy New Year everyone!