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Coachella 2008

So....who's going?

MGMT: of moons, birds, and monsters [buy]
the raconteurs: hands [buy]
portishead: theme from to kill a dead man [buy]
my morning jacket: it's about twilight now [live 2000] [buy]
manchester orchestra: brother [annuals cover] [buy]


alt-gramma said...

Well, Saturday looks decent to me, but other than that I don't find this lineup very exciting so far.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could go this year, definitely.

I added you to my blog roll!


Girasol said...

I don't see My bloody Valentine on the poster...

alt-gramma said...

We ARE! We are definitely going to Saturday. Indie Mom bought our tix today!

indie mom said...

Someone convince me it's a good idea to go on Friday, too...