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Showing posts with label Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenge. Show all posts

May 15, 2016

Reading Challenge---FREEBIE (perfect for the end of the school year)

Are you looking for a fun activity for your students to do in the last few weeks of school?

How about something that is easy to manage, adaptable and engaging for kids?

If your answer isn't yes....then you are crazy!

Do you want to know what it is???  Well, it is called the Reading Challenge--- Ice Cream style, and you can download it for free at my TPT store by clicking here!!

By the end of the year, my kids need something different to keep them engaged during the last weeks of school.  I usually have wrapped up the introduction of new skills, yet am still wanting my students to practice what they have learned, their fluency and various reading strategies.  So, on the last week of school I introduce my students to the reading challenge--ice cream style!

Students have an entire week to work on the challenge.  I simply design various reading tasks I want students to complete and what a student can earn by accomplishing it.  Each task gives them the opportunity to earn a spoon, bowl, banana, ice cream scoops and toppings.

On the first day, I explain the challenge to my students, and answer all of their questions (they usually have LOTS).  I explain they have the whole week to get as much done as they can and want.  If a student wants to only earn ice cream, and no toppings--that is their choice.  If a student doesn't like bananas--fine, don't work toward the banana.  This challenge is student choice--they can decide where to start and what they want to earn.  Most all of my kids go for the WHOLE BANANA SPLIT!

 Then, in a central location,  I set out all of the materials needed to complete the tasks.

Students are able to get what they need (if it is available) when they want to complete the task.  If something isn't available, students are instructed to pick another activity---but I make sure to have plenty of copies and a variety of choices!

In order to keep it organized I tell students that once they have completed a task, I must see the work and initial their sheet right away.  This gives me the opportunity to grade their work quickly and stay organized.  By highlighting and initialing what students have completed, the students know what they have earned and it motivates them to keep working!

Then---on the last day of school---we party!  I collect all of the students sheets and doll out the ice cream and toppings they have earned.  As we are eating ice cream, we listen to music and play games.  Its is loads of fun!!

In the freebie I have included a blank form--which enables you to come up with your own tasks.

I have also included a list of ideas you can use for reading tasks.  Obviously this isn't an all-inclusive list...but sometimes it is nice to have some alternate ideas to spur on thinking!

I hope you enjoy the freebie, and happy end of the school year!

May 7, 2013

Ready For Summer Reading Challenge--Freebie!!!

Not sure how you all are feeling....but my kids are excited to be at school checked out!  You see....we only have 7 days of school left and the kids already think it is summer break.  On the flip side---when I think of having 7 days left of school---I immediately think how much more can I cram in their little heads?!?!   I still have time to instruct and improve their reading....but in order to get actual results...I have to be super creative about it!!

So, I came up with "Ready for Summer Reading Challenge."  The students have 5 days to complete various reading challenges (that yours truly came up with).  If they complete the challenges within the five day limit---they get reward parties!  I thought this plan was genius!  For one, they have some friendly competition (which my kiddos love), two-- they get to have a party and three----they are completing "challenges" to make them better readers without even knowing it!  Can you say "Win-win!!"

Yesterday I handed my kids the double sided paper that explains the challenge.  Page one explains the directions---that all challenges have to be completed by a certain date, can be done in any order and on the same day.   Page one is below:

The backside of the page shows the six challenges my kiddos need to complete.       
I catered the challenges to the needs in my room, but the tasks would be easy to change for whatever needs you have in your own classroom.  For my challenges I wanted kids to get extra practice in fluency, decoding, and comprehension....thus I came up with the following "challenges."
1. Master level 500 Fry Phrases (great way to improve fluency!!)
2. Master Level 600 Fry Phrases
3. Read an informational article three times (out loud) and time yourself.  Try to beat your previous time by increasing your reading speed. (still practicing fluency)
4. Read an informational article and highlight the difficult words, write them down and break them into syllables. (this practices a decoding strategy we had been working on all year)

5. Read a book on Reading A to Z and take a comprehension quiz.  (working on comprehension at students reading level)
6. Take end of the year test with Mrs. Orr (this is for me---to see how much they have grown throughout the year)
The kids LOVE the challenge...and so do I!  They are working their little tails off and I know they are getting great reading practice and I am finishing my assessments!! Like I said---I catered this challenge to the needs in my room---but it could easily be adapted to your needs.  Click here to grab this FREE resource from my TPT!! 
I hope you enjoy!!