Ever since the cold weather started, colds and cough has been in and out of our household. We have tried a lot of natural remedies both homemade and over-the-counter type as we really want to avoid taking medicines as much as we can. While some would give good results, the effects are nothing really dramatic nor consistent... except for one.
And that is the reason why I decided to wake up my sleeping blog.
I'd like to share this to mommas out there because it has been really effective for all of us. I KNOW how hard it is to take care of a sniffling and coughing toddler especially at night, so here is something for all you mommas (and everyone else) out there hoping that it may help you as well.
This natural remedy has helped the Little Spanish Pinay combat cough, colds and even throat infections. Ever since we started giving this to her, around January, she has never fallen to serious illness relating to cold weather (and viruses as such). Never missed daycare as well and has a better fighting chance against falling sick.
The best part is that this is all natural and thus, no side-effect nor limit as to when and how much to take. Ok, maybe one side-effect could be stomach acidity. This is almost undiluted lemon juice so just make sure stomach is not empty when this is taken.
Ok, without further ado, here's the recipe. Special thanks to hubby by the way, because he was the one who was able to find this recipe somewhere in the internet. Unfortunately, we can't find the link anymore to give due credit. I will definitely update this entry if we finally get to find the source.
half of a medium sized onion - chopped
a small piece of ginger - grated
2 lemons - squeezed (we need the juice only)
honey - as pleased
1. Combine all ingredients in one recipient and let them sit for a minimum of 10 minutes. This will let the onion "sweat" and release its powerful substance.
2. Strain the mixture so it is left with the syrup part.
3. Store the syrup in an airtight container. It is also best to store this in the refrigerator. Take it out from the refrigerator a few minutes before giving it to your child just so it won't be too cold.
My husband tells me that the syrup is best taken within 2 days. After that, it loses its power or effectiveness. It does make sense because vitamin C content of lemon or orange drops or "evaporate" when it comes into contact with air. Then again, storing it in the refrigerator can slow this down and besides, this powerful syrup does not only count on vitamin C for combatting cold and cough but a lot other medicinal substance.
And since the recipe above results to a good amount of liquid, it is most probable that there will be a lot of left-over even after two days, and this mami just don't throw away good stuff.
So I continue to give the syrup to her as long as it is hasn't perished... I tell you it can last up a to a week in the fridge.
Some more notes:
You can add as much
honey as you like. This reduces the acidity of the lemon so it helps the syrup to taste a little better. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties so it's all good.
Onion is all wonderful. I adore onion because of its so many medicinal qualities. It really helps the relieve cough and fight bacteria, fungi and anything that is eww.
Ginger is another oh so marvelous herb on earth. In the Philippines, it is popular for treating throat problems. Singers are known to take hot ginger tea or "salabat" because it is said that this tea "sweetens and smoothens" one's voice. So, you want to sing like Barbara Streisand? Then you know what to do ;-)
Lemon is the mega source of Vitamin C and is so good with throat infection as well as it is also has anti bacterial properties.
Given all these facts, I tell you that this WORKS.
Now, the challenge is for you to get your child to drink this as it has quite a strong taste. I normally administer it to the little one using a teaspoon or syringe. It would take me a lot of persuading but she drinks it. Over the time, I have learned an important trick on making her drink her medicine too. Key note? Do not lie and do not sugarcoat.
I'll talk about this trick next time.
For now, ta-tah!