Monday, April 26, 2010

Bad Parents

A phrase that Ken and I have used quite a bit in the last 7 weeks is "we're such bad parents". Usually this is said after we discover something we should have done for Amelia and didn't. For example, when Amelia was about 2 weeks old, we needed to run to Sam's Club, for something really important (probably ice cream). The membership is only in my name since I got it through work, I needed to get out of the house, and Ken wanted to come (he loves Sam's Club/ Costco), so of course we had to bring Amelia. Ken carried Amelia around the store since she hated her car seat at that point. When we went to leave, the lady at the exit checking our receipt gave us the third degree - how old is she? where is her hat? don't you know it's cold outside? Ken and I headed to our car saying "we're such bad parents". . . and thus it began.

Since then, the phrase has been used on occasions such as when:
* Amelia's hands smelled like dirty feet - apparently you have to unclench their hands and clean in between their fingers.
* I went to a friend's house for fun and threw off Amelia's sleep schedule.
* Amelia scratches her face because I haven't trimmed her fingernails lately - and man, her nails grow quick.
* I realized Amelia wore the same sleeper for 3 days in a row.

Friends have reassured me that all new parents go through this phase, so I have apologized to Amelia in advance and hopefully she'll forgive us for our lack of experience ;)

Friday, April 23, 2010

A few pictures

One night Ken decided to do a mini photo shoot with Amelia. The dress is too big, but they still turned out cute. Too bad the family photo didn't turn out as good (lighting is an issue in our house).

Saturday, April 17, 2010

End of an Era

Lately I've felt that things are changing, that it's time to move on, that I'm no longer living in the era that I think I am. The reason for this?

Ken and I worked for Marriott for seven and eleven years, respectively. And during that time, we accumulated quite a few Marriott "treasures" - the least of these being a handful of pens. I realized the other day that I am currently using the last Marriott pen in our possession. It has, after all, been almost 3 years since we worked for Marriott. But I still feel connected, and I'm not ready to admit that I'm not really connected to Marriott anymore.

And then there is the t-shirt. No, not a Marriott one, a Utah State t-shirt. I have quite a few USU t-shirts. So many in fact, that Ken teases me that that is all I own. Yesterday, I had to throw one away - it was clearly worn out . . . with holes in it, frayed edges, and stains, it was time to get rid of it. But I felt like I was throwing away a piece of me . . . or at least a piece of history.

I'll be okay. I know I'm not in college anymore. And I'm not a career woman anymore. I'm a stay at home Mom - and happy to be so. I just need to start collecting the "treasures" of motherhood and I'll feel connected to the new era I'm in. In fact, now that I think about it, I've already got some of those treasures - one of them being the sweet pea who is asleep on my lap - guess it's time to head back to bed.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the man of my dreams!

Even before we were dating, I was impressed with Ken - his kindness, his sense of humor, his work ethic. And now . . . now I'm even more impressed with my husband. I am amazed by his goodness, his thoughtfulness, and desire to serve. He has been such a strength to me over the last few months - I couldn't have done it without him. I love how he adores Amelia. I love to watch him play with her, love to listen to the songs he makes up to sing to her, and love how gentle he is with her as he bathes and takes care of her.

I couldn't wish for a better man to be married to. He is truly my best friend.
Happy Birthday Ken - I love you!

Friday, April 9, 2010

First Hike

Today the weather in Flagstaff was perfect for a hike - 60F, a light breeze, and sunny. Ken got off work at 1pm, and we decided to spend the afternoon hiking "Fat Man's Loop". It was Amelia's first ever hike and she did great. She was content inside her sling and slept, protected from the sun, almost the entire time.

It was our first hike of the season, and Ken and I were both worried we wouldn't be able to do the whole loop, but we did - slowly, but surely.

Hopefully we'll be able to do quite a few more hikes this Spring and Summer . . . and hopefully Amelia will be just as content as she was today.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

You know it's Spring . . .

You know it's Spring in Flagstaff when:

* you see the prairie dogs out standing in their fields.

* the wind starts blowing and doesn't stop until July.

* you start and end your day in a coat, but it's t-shirt weather during the day.

* you can smell the lovely odors from the Purina plant.

* there are flowers blooming next to piles of dirty snow.

Aah, Spring . . . I love this time of year.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

One Month

I can't believe Amelia is one month old already. She went from this . . .
to this in one month.

It took a month for her to get back up to her birth weight, but look at those cheeks! The Dr. says she's just petite - probably will be tall and skinny, just like her Dad.

She loves to read with her Dad.

Since her grandparents aren't close by, Amelia is learning what they look like through pictures and Skype.

And it looks like she's already got a bit of an attitude . . . at least when it comes to her car seat - which she hates.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Things I've Learned

In the last four weeks, I have learned:

* that Amelia's hair is kind of curly when it's wet - I hope that means she'll have some body to her hair.
* that this is Amelia's favorite position to be held .

* that I CAN function on less than 8 hours of sleep - who knew?

* that just because something works with Amelia one time, does not mean it will work a second time.

* that breastfeeding is harder than labor - only because the pain lasts so much longer. I've heard breastfeeding is "hard", "challenging", and other similar adjectives, and of course, all of the benefits of breastfeeding are always discussed, but no one mentions the pain. It's worth it, but oye!

* that I wish more of my "To-do" list could be done on the internet - I'd get a lot more done that way.

* that I'm enjoying staying home much more than I thought I would . . . and I'm not looking forward to going back to work - even part-time.

* that attending social events is not worth it at this point, if it disrupts Amelia's schedule - because then we end up with two grumpy people and it defeats the point of getting out for entertainment sake.

* that everyone has an opinion on anything baby related, and what works for 1 person doesn't necessarily work for someone else - so it's best to try what you want and forget everything else.

* that I love watching and holding Amelia while she sleeps, even if it means I don't get anything done or get sleep or food for myself.