Showing posts with label subpoena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subpoena. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lt Dan Choi and Captain James Pietrangelo has subpoena Obama

The WTF moment of the week will go to Dan Choi and James Pietrangelo. They are demanding Obama to testify in their trial on minor civil disobedience charges.
The subpoena seeks to compel the testimony of President Barack Obama who has, on several occasions as President and Commander in Chief (and previously as a Senator and Presidential Candidate) called on the LGBT community to "pressure" him to change the DADT law and policy, thus allowing gay service members to serve their country openly and honorably.

The subpoena of the President is necessary for the defense to prove that Defendants were following and obeying lawful orders or directives by their President and Commander in Chief, and were therefore under an obligation and authority to act as they did in order to pressure him - in a non-violent, visible way - on this important public issue. In addition, these statements support the contention that Defendants were acting out of necessity, in order to prevent discrimination and greater harm to gay service members now serving.

They claim they are following orders from Obama? I think they are being ridic. I'm sorry, but they are daft to think Obama is going to stand trial. And does this taint their activism?

Who are their lawyers? And will the military talk some sense into them? This has to be the worst move ever. Somebody please, get them off this burning train.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

NOM's trying to attack Fred Karger

So, NOM has subpoenaed Fred Karger, the leader of Californians Against Hate.

For some reason, they want to see his financial records, all emails, correspondence, faxes, all Californians Against Hate info and his drawls. However, that's funny considering these hell whores won't show their records at all.

But have no fear, Fred has folks coming to help and support him. NOM is only making it easier to bring them down. I believe, if they want Fred's info, then NOM needs to release theirs. If they have nothing to hide, then let us see. Be real, NOM. Who's giving you money?

Like Billie Jean said, "Fair is Fair... We didn't start this, we didn't want this to happen, but we are not giving up".

We will know the truth.

Stay strong, Fred. We got your back!


The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.