Showing posts with label Men's Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Men's Health. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2016

Hot Cover: Ryan Reynolds for Men's Health

Ryan has always been a hottie, and to see him on the cover if Men's Health is something to marvel at.

It's hard to believe he's almost 40. Stay hot, Ryan.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hottie Alert: Aydian Dowling is a runner up in Men’s Health cover competition

Trans and sexy guy, Aydian Dowling is a runner up in Men’s Health cover competition. He did lose to Tim Boniface, but it's all good, Aydian still gets to be in the magazine spread!

Aydian said this about his experience:
“As some of you may already know, I did not get the title of 2015 Mens Health Ultimate Guy. Of course I hold feelings of disappointment for what could have been an amazing opportunity for our visibility as a community.The work we have put in the last 6 months was and is still completely relevant to our movement to full Transgender Rights and Equality. I would like to fully congratulate the winner – Tim, and ALL the other guys who shared this amazing journey with me! For their dedication to their communities and for the new family we have created. I would also like to Thank each and every one of the over 72 THOUSAND people who voted a Transman to the Number 1 spot on the Readers Choice List! Please do remember that this fight for Transgender rights, inclusivity, and visibility is not over! Our community, together with our allies, have made a big mark in the minds and hearts of the main stream media. We joined together and showed that we have a voice that is LOUD and PROUD! Let’s continue this fight and together we will all be embraced for our journey to authenticity.”
Way to go, Aydian!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Trans Man leads the Men's Health Cover Contest

Aydian Dowling is in the lead to be the 2015 Men Health's cover model! Not too long ago, he was inching up to the top ten, now he's 30,000 votes ahead of the rest.

If he wins the contest, he will be the first trans guy to cover a major men's magazine. Let's hope Aydian moves forward.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Help Get this Sexy TransMan on the Cover of Men's Health Magazine!

I have written about Aydian Dowling awhile back when he copied Adam Levine's sexy pic.

Now, he has a chance to be the Men's Health Cover Model! He has climbed the charts and Aydian's so close to being in the top ten!

I think this is so cool and exciting. Check out his video for more details about Aydian.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.