Showing posts with label zosterops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zosterops. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Puteh - an Experiment in Relocation Pt.2/3

It has been more than a week, and at least one of the released Mata Puteh is still loitering around. This time, when I returned from a 5 days holiday, I spotted it in a Jambul cage (this Jambul belongs to a teacher in Endau). Luckily the Jambul did not harass the Puteh. Hmmmm.... time to re-think a multi species cage ;)

Anyway, the Puteh couldn't find his way out and was fluttering around in a panic state when I handled the cage. I transfer it to a bathing cage and released it again, but not before the Puteh managed to injure his head banging around :(

He must have made his way in through the gap marked with red arrow:

Couldn't make time to collect my newly acquired Hwa Mei from K.L. This fella, I was told is quite good. Would make for some lively topic to write about. Since this would be the first time I will be keeping one......

...... heard that its a bit challenging, especially the part about keeping it covered for months hahaha!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Puteh - an Experiment in Relocation Pt.1/3

I have noticed wild population of Zosterops in my garden from time to time. Not a huge flock but the occassional 1 or 2 birds. The largest flock that ever visited was also about 9, although it could have been larger as it is quite difficult to count free flying birds. Anyway, it has been some time since I have a visit from them. They could have moved away or been trapped.

So, I have decided to try a little experiment and see whether it is possible to repopulate Zosterops in my area. Especially when its only RM5 per bird hehehe! I realise that they fly far and wide for food, so unlike territorial birds like Magpies or Shamas. Anyway, I think food is abundant. Just hope that they stick around......

3 days later, one is still seen loitering around. Very tame fella. Here it is going into my Barau cage to have a bite on a piece of apple while the Barau is bathing. It did the same when I bath my Jambul.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mata Puteh

I have always regarded this tiny bird as the most demanding bird to keep. Demanding not so much in the sense of special requirements, but due to their traditional cage size, food and water cups which is small. Coupled with their healthy appetite, it is prudent to check daily the food and water level of these birds. What makes it challenging is when I am required to be away from home for a few days. Using tubes of water is a solution, but it makes the cage quite unsightly. Anyway, the issue is there is a very narrow safety margin for errors.

I nearly gave up on these birds, what more with one that only chooses to sing at home but not elsewhere. And finally I have been rewarded with my patience (2 years) and this little fella decides to sing anywhere. Many of my Putehs has been given away over time but somehow, this one stayed with me.

Will try him out in the next Puteh competition and see how he ranks.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Death of a Wild Mata Puteh

Yesterday, a wild Mata Puteh flew into my house (anyway, it is quite a common occurence depending on season). Mistaking it to be an escaped bird, my children got excited and frightened the poor fella which flew right into a rotating ceiling fan. Well, the poor bird met with an untimely death. Appears to be female. After saying a short prayer for her, she ended up in the dustbin.

May she fare better in the afterlife ;)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Mata Puteh (Buka)

An example of how a Puteh (Zosterops) should sound like if it "buka". It is an area where I took some time to learn when I first started keeping these little fellas. Initially just keeping them for their canary like mid-tones ;)
Then making a point to bring up birds to their max potential as best as I know how. Must admit it was quite challenging most of the time....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mata Puteh (Mid-tone)

One of the most enjoyable thing about these Mata Putehs are their sub-song, mid-tone, tiong-aw or whatever we care to call it. It is also a characteristic of a male bird and often they will mimic other species of bird's call in their mid-tone.

This is one of them that is allowed in the living room to provide some soft chirping indoor ;)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yellow-fronted Puteh

The Yellow-fromted Puteh left my home to be returned to the trapper. Most people is of the opinion that I have been conned. Anyway, at least I do not have to live with the bad conscience.

Thought I capture a few shots for records purposes. At least on record, how a "mystical" pet bird would "look" like ;)

The Yellow-fronted Puteh

A video shot......

Friday, January 30, 2009

Of Superstition and such matters

The story unfolds about one week before Chinese New Year when I was offered a newly caught Mata Puteh that has a patch of yellow feathers on his head. The photo above did not do enough justice to the striking yellow patch. Initially I thought it is a Zosterop Palpebrosa, but then again, the patch is too big and it was caught together with a flock of clear Everettes. Anyway, specie identification is not the story here ......

Yesterday, got a call from the trapper and he was telling me he has been having a series of dreams (nightmares more like it). His father has consulted with a Malay traditional healer (commonly referred as a bomoh) and he was asked whether he took anything unique from the jungle. The only unique things that crossed his mind was the Yellow-fronted Mata Puteh (so named by me after the beautiful Yellow-fronted Amazon Parrots ;)). He wanted me to return the bird to him so that he could release it back to the place he trapped it.

Two things crossed my mind:
1) he is telling the truth
2) he has found a buyer offering more money and its just a story to get back the bird

Anyway, whatever it is, I have agreed to give him back the bird. It would be great mental torture for him if indeed his story is true.

Now, just wondering whether I would have nightmares tonight since he is only picking up the bird tomorrow evening ......