I'm working on a different kind of list here in the last couple days before that birthday-which-must-not-be-named.
It's wanting to be a really long list and I'm having fun with making it. It's a list that commemorates the unexpected things that can happen over the course of a year, little moments that I never saw coming, things I had no idea I'd do in a run of 365 days...
I can't lie; it hasn't been the easiest year. There's been parts, in fact, that were so painful I can barely stand to speak of them.
But this is how you get over, I think: you make a list of the good.
This year I:
watched an adult male harrier float over the red of an October cranberry bog
had dumplings in chinatown and alligator sausage in a cream sauce that's to die for

went to a major league baseball game. my first ever. on opening day.
(and the home team won!)
shared black raspberry ice-cream on the first day of summer
realized that I need someone who'll read poetry with me, or write it for me

spent an afternoon photographing a coworker's adorable babies
wished on a falling star in the mountains at Christmas
learned to like hugs from my big brothers
(well, almost.)

stood high above the New River bridge and then way down below it, again
hosted THE bird-blog carnival and survived
unknowingly started an airport postcard collection

had my hair blown wild as seaweed in a boat on Lake Superior
(and didn't puke!)
got hooked on lavender lemonade and yoga on the boardwalk
watched lots of spectacular sunsets

found the singular most beautiful orchid. period.
got my first ever parking ticket and had my first ever car accident (today!)
(the good in that isn't immediately obvious, but I'm hopeful)
learned to make an omelette and pump gas

finally got over some of my little-girl fears of swimming in the ocean
played poker for laundry money
learned what real heat and humidity feel like
found my 5th grade teacher on Facebook and she remembered me!

saw flamingos!
spent the better part of an afternoon lost on Rte. 3 and found myself at José Tejas
watched ravens weave invisible patterns with the wind
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Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel. ~Author Unknown
I've been blessed this year, for sure.