Showing posts with label puasa and raya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puasa and raya. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin

Selamat Hari Raya everyone!
Today is Raya day 7, so hopefully my Raya wish is still valid. Eh, of course still valid. We Malay never tolerate when it comes to Raya, albeit how terkezut this year's Raya was. Lols! Talking about the whole country's kalutness after learning that 1 Syawal fell on Monday, 02/05/2022 instead of Tuesday, 03/05/2022. But if we had survived PKP/RMO for months, apa la sangat dengan Raya came a day early kan? ;)

This year, we celebrated Hari Raya at a few places; KL/Selangor (in-law's), Melaka (FIL's hometown), Perlis (MIL's hometown) & finally, back to Kelate, my hometown! Fuhh! All the Raya trip really worn us out. Demam one by one later. Pahtu tak dok doh la kurus maso Ramadhan. All the yummy rendang, kuih muih, biskuts & all; bucik teruh!

Anyway, taking this opportunity to humbly seek for everyone's forgiveness. Maaf zahir & batin for everything; oral or written, intentionally or otherwise etc

The amount of bags I packed for 4 of us. Definitely can never travel light

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Balik Raya Haji

 Raya Haji flight tickets booked!

We will be celebrating Hari Raya Haji at A.H's side this year. InsyaAllah & guess who is the most excited one booking the tickets, planning for luggage, baby wrap/carrier & all? Of course la the Mama! :P

We are lucky that when it comes to balik kampung trip, we are the ones yang melanggar arus (i.e traveling up to Selangor/KL instead of Pantai Timur), jadi tak ada lah trap dalam jam melampau, Alhamdulillah except bila nak balik kampung Father-in-Law in Melaka. Overall, it was usually a pleasant drive from Kelantan - Selangor/KL

Tapi I don't think I'm fit enough & ready for a long distance 6 to 8 hours balik kampung trip via car; not especially with a baby (Iman will be 2 months & a half at that time) & me recovering from my caesarean section (c-sect) delivery.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Ramadhan Mubarak

Ahlan wasahlan ya Ramadhan!

It sounds cliche but Ramadhan has always been one of my favourite months of the year. Rasa tenang je & everybody seems to be in a good spirit! Alhamdulillah for another opportunity given by Allah swt to observe this Holy month once again. I pray may it be better than the previous years. Amin & insyaAllah!

I also would like to take this chance to seek a sincere forgiveness from anyone for any wrongdoing me & my Husband. A.H ever committed, be it zahir or batin. Ampun maaf dipinta dari kami berdua. Minta maaf awal-awal takut masa sakit nak deliver nanti, tak sempat dah nak buat long essay. Hehe!

And oh, we would be very grateful if you also could pray for my safe & smooth delivery. No serious sign of labour yet so far & today I'm already 39w3d pregnant. Takut & nervous tapi tak sabar nak deliver cepat-cepat so that bila Raya ni bertenaga sikit la nak beraya. Hehe!

Once again, ampun maaf dari saya & Suami and Ramadhan Mubarak everyone!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Eiduladha 2016

Taqabbal Allahu minna wa minkum 

Salam Eiduladha to any Muslim reader who is reading this. I seek forgiveness for any harm done, bad word written/uttered & anything which might have hurt anyone of you. Kosong-kosong!

This year's Eiduldha was celebrated in my hometown here in Kota Bharu. Esok petang balik kampung A.H in KL. InsyaAllah. It was our 2nd Eiduladha as a Husband & Wife after the first one last year which we celebrated it at A.H's Father's hometown in Melaka (and I brought along my Parents to celebrate it there with me. Hihi!)

No official Raya photo this time sebab 1) after solat sunat, we all rushing pergi tempat orang qurban (A.H qurban 1 bahagian) & 2) we had nobody to take our Raya photos. Balik qurban & siap lapah daging etc, we all recharge energy kejap sampai Asar. Lols! Apekejadah cara sambutan sedemikian rupa?

My Sister & her family raya di kampung BIL in Tumpat. So, no Raya photos of my nephew & niece, Umar & Maryam. Ini menambahkan lagi duka di hati kami because Raya is more meaningful & merrier when you have 2 innocent & happy people to Raya with. We miss having them around!

1st day of Eiduldha, 12/09/2016, Monday

Modern jubah: Bought from this Bangladeshi shop in Kenanga Wholesale. Vanya mura yini jubah mirika kasi yitu haraga
Tudung: Bawal Exclusive
Handbag: Zara

Pardon moi for my terrible flatlay. This isn't my expertise *blush*

Woww! The guy in that green shirt & black pants was the most bersungguh one (in tarik tali lembu. Maafkan beliau, beliau city guy) & I love him

 Mek Comey: All these? For me?
Me: Don't even think about me, Mek. You only drink milk & Friskies for Kitten now. Gigi pun tak tumbuh habis lagi

Wefie Raya dalam kereta otw to KFC je mampu

2nd day of Eiduldha, 13/09/2016, Tuesday

Went to Labok, Machang to visit Mak Ngah (my Mother's eldest sister) & her family. Labok is like my kampung (about 45 minute drive from our house) as I don't really have one. Both of my parents are from K.Bharu & their kampungs are like 10 minute drive from each other. And walaupun nama kampung bermula dengan Kampung xx, kampung-kampung tersebut aren't that kampung anymore especially my Father's kampung, the one which I live in now with my Parents. Begitulah akibat pembangunan yang pesat hari demi hari

Mak Ngah's house is surrounded by pokok-pokok getah & yes, this one is real kampung amagad I don't know if I can survive I were to live there. Ada je rumah-rumah jiran around but tak de la sepadat macam rumah-rumah di kawasan perumahan. Here, you have your own privacy. Tidur petang di sini menjanjikan kepuasan & kualiti yang memuaskan, minus nyamuk banyak sikit. The house is on the hill, hence cold water
Terimalah ootd daripada sis yang bertemakan alam semulajadi serta diiringi dengan elemen malu tapi mahu. Lols! But seriously, other than wefies, I'm pretty much a camera shy. I rarely had other people took my photos alone

Shawl: Pakej dengan beli jubah daripada Mekah 6 tahun dahulu kala 
Dress: Jalan TAR 
Belt: Zawara 
Handbag: Charles & Keith 
Shoes: Vincci 

Ni je yang sis mampu dik. Jangan kecam sis! Lols! I know my ootd is far from being on par with other IG celebrities, so maafkan sis untuk ootd sis yang bertemakan alam semulajadi serta diiringi dengan elemen malu tapi mahu tersebut

Plucking Mak Ngah's rambutans

A.H is a colour-blinded guy & although this kind of incident wasn't the first time, I still think it's funny. Lols!

Ceritanya begini: We were in front of Mak Ngah's house where there are a few pokok buah-buahan. Pokok rambutan is one of them. The rambutans are still raw yet eatable. Unlike red ripe rambutans, yang ni warna dia kuning-kuning hijau macam tu & rasa dia kurang manis

Me: *sees him trying to pluck some rambutans using one long stick/galah*
A.H: Kita nak ambik yang tu! Merah!
Me: Where?
A.H: Yang tu *whilst so semangat using galah*
Me: Mana?
A.H: Yang tu!
Me: Yang tu hijau la! Hahah!
A.H: Oh, ye ke?

Kesian A.H tak boleh differentiate between merah & hijau but it was funny that I'm still laughing now! Lololololol!

Ok, I need to stop now. I haven't done packing yet for our balik kampung esok!

Saturday, 30 July 2016



Assalamualaikum & hi!

I'm a photo hoarder; I take a lot of photos & I always feel so sayang to delete them which eventually makes my storage space run low. And it couldn't help that I'm so obsessed with my 2y9m old nephew & 8 month old niece, Umar & Maryam that kalau boleh, semua benda that they do I want to snap! Umar sings; snapped! Umar reads ABC; snapped! Maryam claps her hands; snapped! Umar & Maryam play together; snapped! etc.

I mean, just look at this!

Auwww! YamYam covered with Papa Su's smelly blanket ye? How cute! :P

It's safe to say that 70% of the photos stored in my Ip are all Umar's & Maryam's #obsessedaunty. Another 20% are A.H's & my Family. The rest are the photos of food, printscreens of inspirational quotes I found on IG etc. Selfies? Nope, I rarely took selfies just because I'm not that pretty & confident. Only confident people take a lot of selfies & upload them on social media okayyy? Please don't lie

Maybe it's time for me to save up more seriously & get myself a new Ip with bigger storage? But Ip 6 is too big for my small hands, even 6s is still big enough for me. SE? Nahh, I better stick to my Ip5s I think

Transferring the photos to my laptop is not a great idea. Judging from the condition of my laptop; sorry Laptop but I don't trust you. Lols! It used to be in a tip-top condition once upon a time ago but since Umar was introduced to Youtube, it's been aging faster than it should be! My heart skipped a beat a few time when I saw him bent the screen backward almost touching the floor. And when he slammed the keyboard out of frustration just because his favourite Youtube videos took time to play & no matter how many times I told him wifi slow la sebab tu la lambat play, he just didn't get it T_T

And Maryam also has shown interest on Laptop too. A few days ago, she crawled onto the keyboard and hit the screen. What's wrong with my nephew & niece? Do they secretly want to let my Laptop rosak ke apeni? T_T

As for now, I'm from time to time uploading the photos in my Ip to my Instagram account. I'm kinda having an instarrhoea there but I can't help it. I used to transfer them to Google Photos but it's more convenient to upload them on IG because I can share the photos with other as well, especially my Sister & A.H sebab kan dah cakap kat atas tu 70% of the photos stored tu gambar Abam Umar & Maryam je. 

Fuhh! Am I really an obsessed aunty huh? But the kids will definitely thank me later for being their walking arkib. They better be

09/07/2016. The fourth day of Raya
The only descent photo of A.H, me, Umar & Maryam

Friday, 22 July 2016

Raya 2016

Assalamualaikum & hi! Selamat Hari Raya Day 17!

Finally, after 17 days from the last post I've got my blog modjo back! Since we are still pretty much in the spirit of Raya, allow me to share my Raya stories albeit a little bit late #teamrayasebulan

Since A.H & I spent previous Raya  in Kota Bharu last year, it was our turn this year to celebrate in Batang Kali (his Family previously lived in Wangsa Maju before A.H bought a house in Tamu Hill Park, Batang Kali & the whole Family moved there last year) & Melaka (the FIL's kampung). But being a workaholic person A.H is, he didn't take any Raya leave at all -.-'

We left for Batang Kali on Tuesday, 05/07/2016 which was the evening before Raya & on Sunday, 10/07/2016, he was already back to work! Double -.-' Me on the other hand, had a week Raya leave from 04 until 11/07

Oh well, at least I got to spend the first day of Raya with him & all that matters ayte?

 05/07/2016, Tuesday
Since I was already on Raya leave, I had to fetch A.H from his clinic. Left home at 12.15 pm & arrived in Kuala Krai about 1 hour & 10 minutes later. Being a sentimental me, of course I had to take a few photos of the House before I bid a temporary farewell #hatitisu

 This year, Raya berdua. Semoga ada rezeki untuk beraya bertiga next year. Aminkan please? Tqvm!

We left for Batang Kali at 2 p.m & Alhamdulillah, by 6.45 p.m, we already arrived at Tamu Hill Park. Sempat la iftorr dengan In-laws. The traffic heading to KL was smooth but not the other way around sebab it was estimated that 3 JUTA WEHHH KENDERAAN MASUK KELANTAN RAYA HARI TU! Eh sorry! Kita tercaps lock pulok! 

After iftorr, I was actually expecting a masak-masak session, like me, my Mother & my Sister always had at home. Since the demise of arwah Ayah Long & Che Moh a few years ago, Abah is the eldest in Pak Chu Lah clan now, beside Nenek, so rumah memang kena serbu by our relatives. Hence, the reason we always had makan-makan do on the first day of Raya. We cooked & served dishes like nasi dagang or nasi minyak, roti jala, satay, laksa penang & other mouth-watering dishes eh lapau pulak taip pasal food ni ha. So, on malam Raya, we literally slept in the kitchen & only went to sleep at 2 or 3 a.m. Masak macam nak kenduri kekdahnya!

But, things were different when Raya-ing with the In-law. On malam Raya, we baked 2 types of biskut Raya, led by A.H himself. Actually, the MIL dah awal-awal siap masak untuk juadah pagi Raya. One of it was rendang which its spicy level was on par with my standard of pedasness. Kak Sue approved!

I was tasked to put over the sprinkles on the semperit while A.H had the toughest & leceh-est job; pressing the dough onto the trays. I know mine was a useless job because even my almost 3-year-old nephew, Umar could do that but at least I contributed something. Lols!


To be continued ... just because I have to watch Doctors Episode 10. Lols!

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Selamat Hari Raya!

Asalamualaikum & Ramadhan Kareem day 30 which is also the final day of Ramadhan this year

Will be leaving for KL soon after I fetch A.H at his workplace. A day before Raya pun still kerja -.-'


Anyway, I'm taking this opportunity to wish 'Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin' to anyone who's reading this (a day before Raya & you still have time to read blog(s)? Tsk! :P) Semoga amal ibadat & sadaqah kita pada Ramadhan yang lalu diterima oleh Allah swt sebagai saham kita di akhirat nanti. And semoga this coming Raya mengeratkan lagi hubungan silaturrahim sesama kita. InsyaAllah!

Have a blessed blast Raya everyone! :)



Deeply saddened & utterly shocked with the explosion in Medina which happened yesterday. Oh dear, what is happening to our world now? :( May Allah swt protect Medina from any evil plan & harm. Amin ya rabbal alamin

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Raya Preparation (Almost) Done

Assalamualaikum & Ramadhan kareem day 28

When I was single, most of my Raya preparations were done by my Mother. She chose & sewed the baju Raya, accompanied me to get my tudung & kasut Raya etc.

But things have changed ever since I got married last year. Sigh! And honestly, I feel bad. It makes me feel like a selfish anak bongsu who no longer needs her Ma's Raya preparation when in fact, I still do! No matter how much I want/wanted to spend more times with her, especially during weekends in Ramadhan, there will/had always something I had to do. Like balik kampung A.H (the rountine is still the same. We balik kampung once in 2 weeks that 6 hours of journey from Kelantan - Selangor doesn't feel that long anymore. Adakah sudah sekufu dengan pokcik-pokcik driver bas ekspress?)

May Allah swt forgive me for the lack of time I've been spending with my Parents, since I've become a Puan. But the good thing is, A.H & I still live with them so harapnya tidak lah ada perubahan ketara sangat kan?

Speaking about Raya preparation, mine is almost complete I think? Except for tudung Raya. Thought of getting a few tudungs at Bawal Ekslusif that will suit my bajus. Tak pun if tak sempat & tak gigih nak menempuh jam, recycle je lah any tudung/shawl yang ada #tipsjimatkaksue

Oh, I mentioned once about my RM50 baju Raya mission at Jalan Tar. Cer teka berjaya ke idok?
 Gigih menuju ke Jln Tar pada pagi hari Sabtu yang menyesakkan. In order to avoid self-created parking dilemma & unnecessary headache, we parked our car at Caps Square, instead of Sogo

For 2 years in a row, A.H bought his baju melayu here. Not only its materials are good & jahitan kemas, the prices are also generally affordable. Pahtu Made in Kelate pulok Kemah keming rapak jikkk!

Had to buy a new lipstick as 1 of my favourite melted when I left it in a carboot. Tsk!
I don't wear expensive lipsticks. I usually got mine from Maybelline, Silky Girl & The Body Shop. Seperti tahun-tahun yang terdahulu, sis mengamalkan konsep natural beauty *flips tudung* *muntah dalam diam*

Getting ready to kelik Kota Bharu 4 hours later
OMG! Shopping Raya dalam hirul pikuk manusia yang bersesak-sesak wasn't a pleasant experience y'all! Yang gigih bawak anak-anak kecik dalam stroller kat Jalan Tar tu macam mane la yah?

So, berbalik kepada persoalan tadi whether I did manage to grab a descent RM50 baju Raya? Well, jawapannya ialah.................... tak dapek la dik! Of course ada but the material wasn't that good. Or probably we weren't searching bersungguh enough kan? It's okay. At least I still got mine at RM100, so it's all good *ayat pujuk hati*

Nonetheless, I also bought a Zalia dress from Zalora. Placed the order on Thursday & it arrived 2 days later on Sunday. WoohoO!

Ada 1 lagi barang lupa nak beli! Serkup Raya!

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Iftar Jamaei

Assalamualaikum & Ramadhan kareem!

Just a short update before my bed time. Fuhh! Last update was on the 15th day of Ramadhan & today, there's a week left before Eid. Gelabah pulak rasa nak Raya ini. Adakah kerana tahun ini giliran beraya di kampung A.H?

So far, I had had only 2 iftar out. One with the Firm clan at Sri Chengmai Restaurant on 22/06/2016 & the 2nd one was with my friend, Ira at Nando's, AEON Mall this evening. Sebagai peminat tegar nasi, haruslah memilih restautant yang menghidangkan nasi kerana apalah ertinya berbuka puasa tanpa makanan ruji itu bukan?

Sri Chengmai Restaurant, Jalan Sri Cemerlang, Kota Bharu
The tomyam was the bomb! And also the daging phed phai!

 22/02/2016. Secret Recipe Kota Bharu AEON Mall
This was definitely not we had for iftar. Ni kira moreh ala kadar. Lols!

29/06/2016. Nando's, Kota Bharu AEON Mall
Can't remember the last time I went to Nando's but mannn, that extra hot peri-peri!

Sejak sudah berumahtangga 1 tahun 4 bulan yang lepas, macam kurang sikit aktiviti berbuka di luar bersama-sama rakan-rakan. Is this what we call as 'sindrom mak-mak' although I haven't had the rizq to become a mak yet? (InsyaAllah one day!) You know, when you find comfort to break your fast with your loved ones at home, taking your own sweet time ratah ayam masak pedas & have glasses of water pahtu tersadai di atas kerusi like a Muslimah version of whale?

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Puasa Day 15

Assalamualaikum & ramadhan kareem day 15!

How's puasa so far? Alhamdulillah, so far sis puasa penuh lagi. Lols! Oh, I haven't had any final Raya theme yet! Should I be worried now since when it comes to buying baju Raya, I'm quite a choosy one. Nak yang murah but cantik #cheapskate #menyatutseruanRosmah. I think paying RM199 for a pair of baju kurung is quite ridiculous unless the material is A+ punya quality. Will be paying Jalan Tar a visit this Friday dengan misi membeli baju raya RM50 per pair. Adakah sis mampu?

Akhir kalam, terimalah gambar wefie kami berdua sempena bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini

A.H & his beloved kopiah hijau which he's been keeping it since foreverr!. The kopiah has probably been to more countries than I did. Ishkk! Tak menahan sis nengoknya

Selamat berpuasa everyone! May Allah swt accept our good deeds, ibadah & sadaqah. InsyaAllah!

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Ramadhan Kareem Day 9

Assalamualaikum & ramadhan kareem day 9!

Our Firm's working hours during Ramadhan
We love our Boss for being so generous & memahami golongan wanita yang bekerjaya who need to be home early. Thank you Encik D!

 09/06/2016. YamYam with her favourite Papa Su
A.H took a 3-day leave & went back to his hometown to puasa with his Family. Due to work commitment (I'm still on the probation period at the Firm, hence don't think it's appropriate to take leave yet), I didn't tag along & oh manggg, sunyinya puasa without him. The photos above were taken on the Thursday morning before he left for KL

Dari sudut pandangan kasut sebelah kanan sis. Lols! Looking so serious whilst driving home from work akibat panggilan tilam yang maha kuat

While others were having Iftar, my 7 month-old niece, Maryam had to sit on her rocker & watch nursery rhymes on Youtube like a Lady Boss. Lols! Just look at that cute innocent face! Haih! Geramlah YamYam ni!

Papa Su being a professional bibik to Abam Umar & YamYam. Lols! 

 13/06/2016. AEON Mall Kota Bharu
Love the concept & decor. Bak kata A.H, "Cantik ni kalau buat kat rumah". That guy's imagination, kemainn. Fuhh!

13/06/2016. Char Kuew Tiau Timur, Kubang Kerian
A.H had a dream a few days ago about char kuew tiau (Lols! Random gile mimpi pasal food) which eventually led to eating at this one kedai near our house yang char kuew tiau dia sedappp! Pahtu, ada tea beng madu pulak tu. According to him, the best char kuew tiau that he ever tasted was from this one cafe in Auckland. Nasib baik Husband kite ni bukan yang jenis yang mengidam terukkan? Don't worry guys, he isn't pregnant :P

Here are some of A.H & yours trully's fun facts about Ramadhan. Wahh, retis pun bukan semua ada peluang masuk majalah Mangga dengan heading sebegini tahu? Tajuk fun facts pulak tu. Huh!
  • This is the 2nd time A.H & yours truly celebrating Ramadhan together after the first one in July last year. Alhamdulillah
  • A.H doesn't eat nasik for Sahur. He only has Gardenia bread yang RM0.80 sebungkus tu + dates + mineral water then off he goes back to sleep. While yours truly usually have cereal + fresh milk or warm milo + Jacob's weetameal crackers. Kalau makan nasik pun, kena make sure ade sambal yang kaw-kaw pedasnya. As for the Parents, wajib nasik
  •  We don't like to go to bazar ramadhonnn. I only singgah bazar ramadhan or gerai-gerai on my way home only if I had to buy something. Tu pun baru sekali
  • We haven't decided on the Raya theme colour. Thinking of pale yellow or pale pink + white
  • Dah nama pun belum decide on theme colour, baju Raya pun haruslah belum ada
  • We'll be celebrating Raya at A.H's paternal kampung this year yakniiiiiiii... Pantai Tanjung Puteri, Melaka! Alamak, Melaka accent kite belum benau-benau polished ni. The last time I went there, I had some difficulties to understand what the makcik-makcik were talking about. Stress benau kite (couldn't think of another perkataan Melaka other than benau. Nampak tak betapa teruk benau penguasaan bahasau Melaka kite?)
Malah doh ehh nak sambung. To be continued whenever I'm rajin. Lols! I'm actually waiting for A.H who had a locum slot tonight. Lepas ni baru nak terawikh together. Ya, at 10.48 pm pun masih belum terawikh & people keep wondering why I've eye bags T_T

Ramadhan kareem once again, everyone! Prophet Muhammad saw said, "The dua of the fasting person is answered" (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Monday, 6 June 2016

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Selamat (belated) Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir Batin!

Assalamualaikum & hallo! *wipes dust*

It took me about a month to come out with this new blogpost. Been missing my blog but I've had many things in hands that restrained me from having some time to update this space. As I'm typing this, I'm actually lying on the floor while recharging my hp, meanwhile A.H is sleeping soundly on the bed. It's 1.14 a.m, I should really be on bed. 

I missed to update our Raya 2015. Sedar-sedar dah habis Raya already! Aiyo! Nonetheless, Selamat (belated) Hari Raya everyone! Maaf zahir batin for all my mistake, wrongdoings etc that I ever did. Hopefully, Raya was a good one for everyone who is reading this despite the economic crisis we're facing now. As for me, celebrating Raya for the first time as a wife was good; had the opportunity to celebrate it at Kota Bharu (my hometown), KL (A.H's) & Melaka (A.H's Father's hometown). Will blog about it later. Kot? Lols!

Ingat nak upload gambar tapi I haven't figured out how to upload gambar from Iphone. Maafin di atas kejakunan diriku.

A.H will be starting his first day of work at a new workplace tomorrow. It's about an hour & 15 minute drive from home, thus he needs to get up early. As for me who's currently on a career break, ini bermakna that I also have to get up as early as 5 a.m, put my 'Good Wife' cap on & prepare his breakfast. So, what the hello am I still up at this hour? -.-

Have a nice day everyone! I think I'll back to blogging again soon. Kot?

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

About Raya

Assalamualaikum & hi!

2 days more to Raya & I wish I had more time to blog about my Ramadhan experience this year! I have so much to share, macam tak tahu where I should begin

Baju Raya
Choosing Raya theme colour isn't as easy as I had thought because I like all colours! Sigh! #dilemaseorangwanita And just because we ladies usually would have more than sepasang baju Raya & we couldn't decide which baju to wear first. Hehe!

After some changes in plan, we finally decided to play safe yakni buying A.H's baju maelayu in universal colour i.e grey so that it would suit any colour of my baju kurung later. Hehe! The initial plan was to let him wear his supposed to be akad nikah's white baju melayu tapi macam beriya sangat kan? Lols!

So, A.H's baju Raya was sorted; a pair of grey baju melayu paired with sampin that I gave him as hantaran during our Engagement last year. Alhamdulillah. Semoga tampil comel bergaya pada Hari Raya hari Jumaat nanti

As for me, I finally had my dream baju Raya! Credits to A.H for bracing the crowd at PWTC during KL Raya Fest last weekend (with her Sister & MIL) despite the crazy crowd & got me a pair of baju kurung that I've been eyeing for from Minimalace. It looks so nice on the model but don't know la whether I'll also look nice sebegitu jua. Lols!

Still have no official tudung to go with this btw

Raya Di Kelate
It's going to be A.H & I's first Raya as a Husband & Wife. InsyaAllah. Like I always said, with marriage comes responsibilities which means involving in Raya preparation more seriously

Macam tak kena nak describe but you get what I'm trying to say, ayte?

InsyaAllah, we'll be celebrating the first until third day of Raya with my family in K.Bharu before driving up to KL to continue celebrating it with A.H's family. Now I understand how it feels when it's your turn to celebrate Raya at your hometown! But come this Raya Haji, we'll be celebrating it at A.H's Father's hometown yakni in Melaka

Anyway, A.H's family is in the midst of moving to their new house soon, so I can foresee that we'll be looking all glamorous in sweat, dust & all. Lols!

Had some difficult time to decide the colour of our bedroom wall. Naik rambang tengok colour chart. Thought of sticking to white but grey isn't bad, ayte?

Our room is still incomplete as we haven't bought the furniture & curtain. Can't wait to get it done & share it here, InsyaAllah

A.H Completed His Housemanship
A.H finally completed his housemansip early this months. Alhamdulillah

I believe that not many of us really understand how hard life is for any houseman as the working hours & workload are very crazy. It's also so sad to read some nasty comments from public who obviously doesn't have a clue of how doctors work & also the system at the hospitals. Tahu nak complain tapi pengetahuan tentang sesuatu perkara tak ada. Lastly, diri sendiri nampak tak pandai. Sorry for my words but please get the facts right or at least google dulu (from reliable sources) before dok huha here & there

Anyway, A.H will be reporting for duty as a Medical Officer (MO) on 03/08 & although he didn't get to be in at HRPZ II or Klinik Kesihatan as he wished, working at the district hospital pun okay, InsyaAllah. We believe there will be hikmah kan for everything that has been destined. Dah dapat kerja kat Kelantan pun we're very grateful dah. Can't imagine if he were to work at another state across the sea. Huhu!

07/07/2015 - Happy boy! ♥ Accompanying him to submit his last Housemanship Log Book & his cuti form (3 weeks off! WoohoO!). Bye-bye HKL & hallo HKK!

The End of Our LDR
With A.H completing his housemanship, it also marks the end our 5 months of LDR, Alhamdulillah

He flew to K.Bharu on 13/07, Monday to celebrate Raya with us. Nasib baik ada lagi tiket murah, tu pun the last seat avaiable for RM180 ++ at 6.35 a.m. Honestly, it feels kind of weird of seeing him everyday because I was so used to seeing him like only 4 days longest. No more flights KB-KL or KL-KB or bidding good bye at the departure hall while trying to hold my tears (Lols!) or looking forward for his duty roster to be out so that we can arrange our flights & hotel

So happy to get my eating buddy back. Hehe! Mohon supaya tidak gems selepas ini

Quitting Job
As mentioned previously here, I'm quitting my job at the firm that I've been working for the past 3 years. The feeling is awesome! WoohOo! Tambahan pula A.H pun in holiday, so I'm taking the advantage of having him to send & fetch me from work. Hehe!

Semoga tidak berjob-less untuk tempoh yang lama. Amin...

Ok, dah penat mengarang. Selamat menghabiskan baki 2 hari puasa! May Allah swt accept our deeds & ibadah! Amin

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Ramadhan Kareem Day 13!

Of First & Second Day of Ramadhan & Wong Solo

Assalamualaikum & hi!

Today is 13th day of Ramadhan, Alhamdulillah. We're almost entering the second last phase of this sacred month & then come Raya. MasyaAllah, fow fast time flies!

This Ramadhan is quite special to me as for the first time, I'm celebrating it as a Mrs/wife, Alhamdulillah. Although A.H & I are still in LDR & he's in the state where they get to buka puasa a few minutes earlier than us here (every minute counts when it comes to buka puasa!), the thoughts that we will be celebrating Raya together (InsyaAllah) & go matchy-matchy excites me! :D

Had the opportunity to spend the first 3 days of Ramadhan with him in KL last week. Took the afternoon flight on Thursday (18/06/2015) right after attending a court matter in the morning & A.H came to fetch me at KLIA2 despite his eventful night call in the hospital & lack of sleep. Kesian dia. I could just travel via ERL to KL Sentral but he insisted to come all the way from HKL dengan muka yang sungguh obvious tidak cukup rest & tidur dan juga ya, belum mandi. Lols!

It's been a busy week that I finally had time to pack my stuff tonight. Biasa a few days tu dah plan dah nak pakai baju apa. Sorry Aban @azzamhafifi, bukan ku tak cintaaaa lagiiiii 🎶 but you know how busy I've been right right righttt?
Serunding daging RM28/500g dilupa jangan. Abah got it for a very special price sebab tokey kilang serunding tu kawan beliau. (Makcik Rahinah tu nama isteri beliau. Alhamdulillah, humble betul pakcik ni bagi chance Makcik Rahinah femes) Kalau tak, memang tak dapek la nak harga macam tu. Alhamdulillah, tqvm Abah 💕 #17june2015 Went to the airport straight from the court (tqvm Abah sebab hantar Sue! 💕) Hence, I am about 2 hours & a half early for my 12.05 pm flight. Nasib baik puasa, kalau tak mesti dah gi makan Kepci sambil fefeeling hispturrr! Tapi hispturrr ke makan Kepci? 🍗🍦 #18june2015

Our initial  plan was to have iftar at Restaurant Wong Solo Kg Bharu but it was closed on the first & second day of Ramadhan. Frust kita. Sampai ke Ampang branch kita pergi T_T (but not that semangat enough to go to Bangi & S.Alam branches) And since we were so berkobar-kobar to break our fast dengan Ayam Penyet Wong Solo, both of us sanggup share makan nasi goreng 1 bekas polisterine with air mineral only

Kununnya nak makan sikit-sikit dulu, later baru we feast our tummies makan banyak-banyak at Wong Solo. What to do tak ada rezeki. And since memang tak ada backup plan to have iftar elsewhere, ended up having only McD later

So much memory celebrating the first day of Ramadhan as a husband & wife. Tak pe. It's the company that matters anyway :') Alhamdulillah, dapat juga berbuka & sahur with A.H dengan penuh keserdehaan & tawaduk secara impromptu. Lols!

Nonetheless, the quest to have Ayam Penyet Wong Solo continued on the second day of Ramadhan but we decided to call the kedai first to kununnya nak reserve

Went to both Wong Solo Kg Baru & Ampang after bukak puasa yesterday but both of the kedai were closed! Imagine the frustration @azzamhafifi & I felt (Hallo! 2 Wong Solo die hard fans here! 😤) because sanggup bukak puasa 1st round mkn nasi goreng 1 bungkus share 2 org semata-mata nak makan banyak-banyak kat Wong Solo later! 
So, today we are trying our luck by trying to call both of the kedai but none picked up the phone. Sighhhh! So disappointed! I want to eat roti only later 😭 #19june2015
You know you're one loyal customer when you have your favourite restaurant's phone no. saved in your hp

I called them a few times but none picked up the phone i.e the kedai was closed too. Sigh! Hancur luluh hati kita

Will be going to KL again on Tuesday next week for a matter at KL Industrial Court, InsyaAllah & hopefully I'll have the rezeki to have Ayam Penyet Wong Solo for iftar (and kalau perlu kita tapau sekali for sahur)! Aminnnn

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