Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Participating in the Bataan was something I wanted to accomplish this year. Last year I met Vietnam Vet at TAPs whose father was in the Bataan and is son had died in Iraq. It was an inspiring moment and I wanted to do the walk. I honorably walked the half. Maybe next yeat I could walk the full with some preparation and discipline.

We always say keeping saying their names to keep their legacy alive. I had the opportunity to do that for almost six hours on Sunday morning and it was an honor.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My thoughts for Veteran's Day 2014

My blog from My Colorado View

I am often asked by friends, family, and coworkers, how they can support the military. But, before I share with those interested how they can support the military, as a member of the armed services, I first want to thank every American citizen for giving me the opportunity to serve my country.

As I approach 26 years of service my heart continues to swell, race, and break for all of the amazing men and women I have served with over the years. Not sure I can put all of that into real tangible words but my heart has grown to a capacity that I cannot even explain.

So, what about you? What can you do to support he military? In the coming week I just encourage you to say, “thank you”. Words matter. And look for opportunities to serve.

Personally, I am putting some extra homeless Ziploc bags in my car and I will consciously look for individuals to give them to and say thanks. Typically, I give granola bars, Kleenex, pretzels, crackers, or dried fruit. One in every five homeless persons is a veteran. According to a recent report, there are about 750 homeless veterans statewide in Colorado and on any given night, with about 325 of those in Denver. Throughout the entire year I look for opportunities to support veterans. You do not have to look very far in Colorado to find real needs.

I think this is a great time of year to reconnect. Call someone that you know has served and just check in. Leave a treat on a co-workers desk or celebrate this Tuesday by bringing a carton of half and half to the coffee station with a note thanking vets. (Nothing says true love like half and half) Small things have big impacts.

I get nostalgic during this time of the year. I watch the movie Jarhead.   It is a family tradition, I know most moms and daughters have different time honored traditions – but this is ours. Forest Gump is another great movie and it is typically on several times throughout the week. This next week is a perfect learning opportunity for families, as there are countless documentaries and movies to watch ranging from WWI, WWII, Vietnam, or current conflicts.

I also caution you about the post and email that gets sent around each year to send cards to “Recovering Soldiers” at Walter Reed. This program is no longer up and running. You can still send cards but I suggest sending them to USO or Fisher House. Better yet, next time you are going through DIA take a few minutes and drop in at the Denver USO in Concourse A. I drop off my magazines, newspapers, or books I have finished on the plane when passing through. Or stop by the Fisher House in Denver near the VA Hospital. The Fisher House provides a place for service member’s families to stay when they have extended treatments at VA hospitals. I liken this the “Ronald McDonald House” for military families, but they provide so much more.

So, fly your flags high this next week. Think about the veteran’s that have served in past, those currently in harm’s way and those that will lead in the future.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 End of the years Organizations to support

My post from 2011 is almost exactly what I would post today. Focus on People. We need to help one another...

Blog post from December 2011

With a few small changes. The Mission Continues - I support this organization - The mission just makes sense.Mission Continues
If you are a veteran or know of a veteran share this organization with them it just might change their lives.

Hagar International - Seriously transforming lives. Excited to partner with this organization in 2014. Very interested in the work they are doing in Afghanistan.  Hagar link

Humanitarian Organization for Local Development (HOLD)
HOLD A program near and dear to my heart and you will hear more about them during 2014. Just an honor to work with Zala and Susan. I will stand with the women in Farah, Afghanistan as long as I am able.

And something new Phoenix Mutlisport   Phoenixmultisport- Why? because deep down I wish so many people I know would get sober so that they could enjoy life more. S,o they could be happy more than being unhappy. Their children, family and grandchildren need them.

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Thursday, March 08, 2012

and the machine continues


Received this email today...
The latest victims of ObamaCare are our men and women in uniform, both active military and retired.
They will be forced to leave Tricare, the military’s current health care plan, and join ObamaCare’s state-run health care exchanges. How? By increasing Tricare premiums between 30 to 78 percent the first year and a whopping 94 to 345 percent every five years after that.

Not only is this not fair to military personnel who have risked their lives to defend America, the Pentagon is worried that this will impact efforts to recruit and maintain a high-quality military force, putting our country’s security in jeopardy, too.
However, none of this will take place until after the 2012 elections.

Our Mission
Our motto, "Ideas Changing the World," reflects the belief that ideas have enormous power to change the course of human events. The NCPA seeks to unleash the power of ideas for positive change by identifying, encouraging and aggressively marketing the best scholarly research.

Dallas Headquarters:12770 Coit Rd., Suite 800Dallas, TX 75251-1339Phone: (972) 386-6272

Washington Office:601 Pennsylvania AvenueNW, Suite 900 South BuildingWashington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 220-3082
Richard W. Walker
Chief Operating Officer

Richard W. Walker is responsible for the day-to-day operations of all departments and functions at the NCPA. Prior to coming to the NCPA, Richard served as the director of public relations for all flavors brands at Dr Pepper/7 Up, national spokesperson for the Boy Scouts of America, and vice president of public affairs and crisis communications at Edelman Worldwide. He also served Midwest correspondent for Group W television and radio and held the position of visiting assistant professor of broadcast communications at the University of Texas at Arlington for five years.
Walker has served as a volunteer with the Longhorn Council of the Boy Scouts of America and on the boards of the Dallas Area Parkinsonism Society and the Keller (TX) ISD board of education. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland (B.S. in journalism) and the University of Texas at Arlington (M.A. in economics) and has completed post-graduate work at the University of Texas at Dallas.
For more information, contact NCPA public affairs at (800) 859-1154 or media@ncpa.org


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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Homeless Veterans - need our help

I saw a facebook post that grabbed my attention today -

If this does not stir somethign up inside of you, I am not sure what will.
Here are some facts.

VA estimates that 107,000 veterans are homeless on any given night.
23% of the homeless population are veterans
33% of the male homeless population are veterans
47% served Vietnam-era
17% served post-Vietnam
15% served pre-Vietnam
67% served three or more years
33% were stationed in war zone
25% have used VA homeless services
85% completed high school/GED, compared to 56% of non-veterans
89% received an honorable discharge
79% reside in central cities
16% reside in suburban areas
5% reside in rural areas
76% experience alcohol, drug or mental health problems
46% are white males, compared to 34% of non-veterans
46% are age 45 or older, compared to 20% non-veterans

Veterans’ Children Also Carry the Burden of Hunger
Feed Our Vets

Homeless Women Veterans
Article from Huffington Post

Here are some ways to help.

Every Purchase Funds Meals for Homeless and Hungry Veterans.
The Veterans Site

Additional Facts

Just do something...

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