Saturday, August 25, 2012

Boston the Barber

Boston decided to do his own hair but not with hair gel.... he used A&D ointment.

Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day of School

Garrett started 3rd grade this year!  I can't believe that he is really in 3rd grade.  He was so excited to start school.

Camri started 1st grade!  I can't believe I have 2 kids in school all day.  Camri was very excited to eat lunch at school.

Camri and Ella

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ribs anyone

This boy will eat anything that is handed to him.  We had ribs the other night and he just sat and chewed down on it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer Happenings

I went on a bike ride the other night and Boston was so sad when I left. (Eric was home)  When I came back this is how I found him.

Madison playing with her friends.

These girls are always posing for a picture.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Lake Powell

We had quite the adventure to Lake Powell.  We left our hotel in Florida at 3:45 AM to catch our flight that left at 6:00 AM.  We arrived in Salt Lake at 12:30, by the time we got home it was 2:00 pm.  We unpacked our bags and packed for Lake Powell.  Within an hour and half we were on our way to Lake Powell.  Part of me was thinking I think we might be crazy but we did it anyways.  When we got to Price Boston had not stopped screaming for an hour.  He was done and so was I.  We didn't think we would make it to Lake Powell before dark so we decided to just stay the night in Price.  It was quite the downgrade to the Super 8 from the Marriott.  We asked for a playpen and this is what we got.  Eric was dying laughing when they brought it in and it was squeaking as it rolled in.  I think this crib is pretty old but it did it's purpose.  We were all exhausted and I think I was asleep before 9.  We got up early and headed on our way.

We had a great time in Lake Powell. After 4 days we were ready to go home though.

 Grandpa with all the girls in boat.

 Caleb and Madison.  This was Madison new little boyfriend for the trip.  He couldn't ever go anywhere without Madison following behind.

Thanks for the great trip Sohm's!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


This is a little delayed but better late than never!  We went with my whole family to Florida in June.  We had a great time!!  We didn't get to our hotel room until almost 2 in the morning.  You would think otherwise with this look on Boston's face.  He was wide awake and ready to brush his teeth!
We stayed in Florida for two weeks and never got bored.  We spent lots of time at the beach, the pool, miniature golfing, the splash park, and unfortunately a few days in the hotel room with the tornado that passed through.  Here are a ton of pictures to tell you about how much fun we had!

Madison didn't make it too long after her bath watching tv on the couch.

Boston feeding Hudson goldfish.

One night after we took baths Boston escaped from the room and went running down the hall naked. He thought he was pretty funny!!

Garrett and Kaycee spent a lot of time playing in the waves.  The first week or so we were there the waves were huge and it was so fun to play in them!

Makayla didn't make it through dinner.  One thing we did do was wear these kids out!

We had many naps on the beach.

The trip was made possible because of these two people!  Thanks MOM and DAD for making such wonderful memories possible for the whole family!

Madison was so proud of her castle and told me to take a picture of her.

Unfortunately we had many days like this.  I love storms on the beach but not everyday.

Camri DID NOT like the ocean when there were big waves.

Every morning this girl looked like a monster with her hair!  It was crazy!

Since Camri didn't like to get in the ocean she would stand close to the water and dance and sing.

Our little mermaid constructed by her dad.

