Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5 fun years

His mean face!!

Kate and Salvador

His funny face!

5 years ago today, my sweet, sensitive Salvador was born! He has been a dream. He never really went through the terrible twos, has always been an AMAZING sleeper (and if you know me, that is such a blessing because I need my sleep) and his very self entertained. Sal and I have been so blessed to have this little guy as our first born! We really couldn't have asked for a better kid! Here are some things about Salvador:

He is totally addicted to the iphone (he could play it all day if I let him. I have one, not him!)

He is the best big brother!! Samuel is often getting in trouble (that is a post for another time) and he always has his brother's back. Story: The other day, Samuel got in trouble for screaming and Salvador started rubbing his head and saying, "It's okay Samuel!" I love that!

He is a very good helper!

He is fluent in Spanish and English!

He loves to learn! He is always telling me opposites and is asking me about addition.
He is a daddy's boy but will snuggle with mommy when asked!

He is always telling me how much he loves everyone!
His best friend/best cousin is Kate! That is his buddy!

He is sensitive! He can sometimes be a crier but he doesn't like to get his feelings hurt or he cries when he is angry!

He plays t-ball and has gotten much better than last year!

He loves to cuddle in our bed in the morning!

He loves to take pictures of random things and then likes to make funny faces for his pictures!

He loves watching Princess and the frog, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Up.

Overall, he is a laid-back easy going kid who always is on the go!

He CAN'T WAIT to start kindergarten!
I love this kid and I am so thankful God allowed Sal and I to be his parents! Love you buddy!

1 comment:

strat said...

What a great story. I enjoyed reading it.
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