Sunday, February 26, 2012


Bedtime at the Sohm's is usually the same routine every night:

Kids get their jammies on.
Brush teeth
Read scriptures
Say prayers
The girls want me to put them in their beds and give them hugs and kisses.
Garrett wants me to come in and give him hugs and kisses.
without fail, they all usually call my name about 100 times to ask for, more hugs and kisses, drinks, questions etc.
After the 3rd or 4th time I am telling them to GO TO BED!  Eric usually has to tell them that mom is off for the night.  When Eric is home by himself putting the kids to bed this is the routine:

Kids get their jammies on.
Brush teeth
Read scriptures
Say prayers

I wonder why this is?  I feel so loved I guess!

Well tonight, the routine was the same, hugs & kisses, they were all crying for drinks and more kisses as I went downstairs I could hear them all.  Then Eric says bye to me.  After that I never heard a peep.  I went upstairs to go the bathroom and flushed the toilet and I hear Garrett yell, MOM!

What I didn't know was that Eric told the kids that I was gone!  There we go again, the kids don't make any more noise as soon as he tells them left.  That would've been nice to know before I flushed the toilet.  This was more for my journaling....sorry if it is boring but I thought this would be fun to read in 10 years:)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday Happenings

Sunday's are a great day at the Sohm household.  For some reason while the kids play on Sunday's they get along so well.  Last Sunday they decided to make a fort.  I started to take pictures and Camri says, "Mom, this is the awesomest fort EVER!"

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Boston is at such a fun age right now.  He has been doing so many cute things, I decided I needed to do a post just about him:)  He is 17 months and this last week he finally decided it was time to get off his butt and start walking.  He is getting around every where and it is so fun seeing him finally walking.

 He is pretty excited about it too.  When he starts walking he always claps.

 This mess would be Eric's fault!  He decided to give him a spoon with peanut butter on it.  He was a disaster!  He thought he was pretty funny.  He went straight to the bath!

Every morning my friend Ambur and I have been working out together.  Boston was feeling left out.  After Ambur got off the elliptical Boston decided to take his turn.

He loves the ipad!  In fact I think he thinks it is his.  Whenever I or the kids have it he starts screaming and reaching for it.  Oh how the times have changed!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Garrett's baptism

We had a great day yesterday!!  Garrett made the choice to be baptized.  I can't believe he really is that old already.  

Eric did a great job conducting the meeting.  He mentioned that 13 years ago he was entering the MTC to bring people into the waters of baptism.  He never would have thought that 13 years later he would be baptizing his son.  
What an amazing experience it was for me to watch my husband baptize my son.  I love these two boys! It will definitely be a day we never forget.  Thank you to all of our family and friends for supporting us on this special day.

Garrett with his cousins Riley and Kaden who have all been baptized now.

 This is Mrs. Mikesell, Garrett's teacher from last year.  She was so cute to come and support Garrett on this special day.

 It must have been a long day for Madison she fell asleep watching a movie on the ipad.

This morning Garrett was so excited to go to church and bring his new scriptures and sit on the stand.  He was asking if it was time to go an hour before it was time.