Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Decorating the Tree/New Tradition

We set up our Christmas tree Sunday night but didn't have time to get the ornaments on.  Monday morning both Camri and Garrett were pretty clear with me that we did not put the ornaments on while they were at school.  So we did it that night.  They had so much fun doing it.

Even Boston was into it.

Not sure what is wrong with my camera but the pictures keep turning out blurring.  GRR!!

I'm sure many of you have heard of The Elf on a Shelf.  I have wanted to start this tradition for a long time and I finally decided to do it this week.  Camri was playing with her friend and all of a sudden she yells, "Mom, there is an elf on our TREE!!"  I told them that we had to wait for Madison to get home and then I would tell them about the Elf.

We read the story and they were so intent listening to the story to hear what it was all about and then it was time to name him.  Here is what all the kids said:

Madison: "Sally"
Garrett: "Buddy the Elf"
Camri: "Elfy"
Madison: "It can't be Buddy, he's a big elf and he's little" (pointing to our elf)

Our elf's name is Neddy (garrett just came up with that one and they all agreed.)

They all went to bed and couldn't wait to see where Neddy would be in the morning!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cute Roosters

 I was looking through old pictures the other day and came across Halloween when Garrett was a rooster!!  I can't believe how fast these kids grow up and how much Boston looks like his brother!!  I love my boys!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween Festivities

We had a lot of fun this Halloween.  The festivities started with our neighbors Halloween party!  Eric and I went as Professor McGonagall and Snape from Harry Potter.  Eric was a good sport and was positive that after wearing that costume that he wouldn't ever be having long hair!  We all went on a scavenger hunt and had a blast, Thanks for the great party Butler's.

The girls

The boys

Madison had a little halloween parade at preschool.  She is so shy it kills me (totally opposite of her mother)!

All the girls in her class.

We headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's before we went trick or treating.  Garrett as Darth Vader, Boston as a Rooster, Madison as Tigger and Camri as a witch.

Camri was also able to have a Halloween party for dance.  This is Ava, her side kick! These two are always together.

Camri's other friends, Addi and Ella

Our neighbors started a new tradition to come to their house for dinner before trick or treating and then the husbands take the kids trick or treating and the girls stay and hand out candy.

Our little rooster just chilling!

The kids ride on the trailer to go trick or treating.

Boston was loving the candy.  It didn't take him long to realize he had a whole bucket of candy.