Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Garrett was a monkey for his school parade. Although he insisted he didn't want to be a monkey Eric convinced him to wear it and all of his friends thought it was pretty cool.

Camri as Jessi
Madison as a bee
Boston as our little lion.
Yes, it is real. You know your husband loves you when he dresses in a donald duck costume with you. Eric was such a good sport to wear donald duck to our neighbor's halloween party.

Our neighbor's the Watson's invited us over halloween night for hot dogs and chili and then Bret took the kids on the trailer around the neighbor hood to trick or treat.

It was pouring rain so Camri walked around with her umbrella to go trick or treating for a little.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Flag Football

Since Garrett is in first grade now he was able to sign up for flag football. He was pretty excited about the whole thing. So the last month we have been able to go to his games twice a week. I have to say I think this is Garrett's new favorite sport. I asked him if he like soccer or football better and with no hesitation he said, Football!!

Here is his team and coaches.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Camri had her preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch on Wednesday. Madison, Boston and I got to tag along. It was a beautiful day and the kids had a bawl. They got to eat their snack in the barn, go through the corn maze and go on a hay ride.

Friday, October 22, 2010

He must be hungry...

Madison is such a good helper with Boston. The other night Eric found her feeding Boston a bottle. HA! I'm pretty sure he didn't get anything out of that one.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A month old!

I can hardly believe that Boston is already a month old. He is doing great!! His brother and sister can't get enough of him. If one of them isn't holding him you will find him hanging out in his bouncer or chillin' in the swing.

Friday, October 8, 2010


This is what happens when your 2 year old sister watches you!

Believe it or not, he actually was happy with all the toys on him but of course he started crying when I got the camera out.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Boston's Story...finally

Boston brought us through quite the journey when he arrived to this earth. When he was born the doctor had taken 14 cc of fluid out of his stomach and when he came out he couldn't cry because he was gargling. It sounded like he was drowning in a pool. I only heard him cry one time and was really worried why he wasn't crying. Eric said everything was ok they were just working on him. Since I had a c-section I couldn't see what was going on. It is probably a good thing because this is what they were doing.

His oxygen levels were not where they wanted them so they brought him over for me to give him a kiss and off he was to the NICU. I thought that he would probably only be in there for only a few hours but boy was I wrong. When he got to the NICU he was poked and prodded and who knows what else.

I remember sitting in my room after the surgery waiting for Eric to come back wondering what was going on with our little boy. I wanted to go to the NICU so bad and see him but my legs were still numb and I could barely move. My legs finally woke up and I was so TIRED but I wanted to go see him and didn't care how tired I was.

We had planned on Eric's mom bringing the kids by to see Boston before Garrett had to go to school. I was pretty sad because they were going to come but they couldn't even see Boston. Eric explained to Garrett that Boston was a little sick and had to be in a special room and he couldn't see him but asked him if he wanted to come and see mom. Garrett said, Yes, he wanted to come and see mom. I remember the kids asking several times when they would be able to see the baby and when he would be out of that room. Here is our first family picture after Boston was born but so sad he couldn't be in it with us.

Because his lungs were also full of fluid, Boston had to be on oxygen until he was able to keep his oxygen levels at least 90% of what he needed while breathing on his own. It took much longer than any of us expected. The second day he was doing well so the nurses took the oxygen off and continued to monitor him. One good things about being off the oxygen tubes was we could wheel him to the NICU doors and the kids got to see him.

After Boston had been off the oxygen he had to be watched for 48 hours without intervention from the nurses. He did pretty well for about 12 hours or so but then he had an episode and they had to put him back on the oxygen. When the kids would come to visit they would come get me from my room and we would head on down to the NICU and if Boston was off the oxygen then they would be able to see him at the window.

The wheel chair they had for me to use I called a double wide. We could fit 3 people in it:)

Another trip to the NICU. Boston was doing well so the kids got to see him.

Boston's proud parents.

Another day in the hospital. By this time I was going on 5 days in the hospital. The girls came to visit before they headed to their cousins for the day and wanted to climb in bed with me and watch tv. I was discharged from the hospital on Monday night and they were able to let me "room in" which means you get a room at the hospital but you don't have nurses taking care of you or hospital food brought in. You get the room for 48 hours for FREE. So I got there at 6 on Monday night and was hoping that Boston would come home with me on Wednesday.

Boston had an episode on Sunday night where the nurses had to help him get above the 90% oxygen level, which meant that we would for sure be there for another 48 hours. After that episode he had one more episode Monday morning but after that it was smooth sailing. After being watched for 48 hours and passing his car seat test then we could go home. The nurse called me in my room Wednesday morning and was pretty sure we would be able to leave as soon as we finished up the paper work. As I hung up the phone I just started bawling...these were tears of joy. I was so excited after being in the hospital for 6 days that I was finally going to be able to go HOME!! It was a long 6 emotional days. We had so many people helping us with our kids, praying for us, calling or texting to see how we were, visiting us in the hospital. Eric and I were overwhelmed with the support we had from family and friends. As hard of an experience as this was it was definitely a growing experience and a testimony builder. I know that my Heavenly Father is aware of me and my family and the things that we are going through. I know that he hears and answers prayers and was watching over Boston and I as we spent those 6 days in the hospital.

Words cannot express how grateful Eric and I are to have Boston in our family and the support we have received from all of our family and friends. Thank you!

Boston doesn't look too happy here but this was his little bed at the hospital that he was able to leave right after this picture.

We didn't tell the kids that Boston was going home because we didn't want to get their hopes up. So on the way home from the hospital I wanted to stop at Garrett's school and show him his new little brother that he had only seen through a window. I walked into his lunch room and this is how the conversation went:

Mom: HI, Garrett! (Garrett looks at me with surprise on his face, since for the last 6 days he had only seen me in the hospital) I asked him to come with me.
Garrett: Is baby Boston out of the hospital?
Mom: I don't know, just come with me.

We preceded to walk into the hall where Eric was waiting with Boston. Garrett got the biggest smile on his face and rubbed Boston's head. It was so cute and brought tears to my eyes. You could see from his face how excited he was to see Boston. He then said that his friend Owen really wanted to see him, so he ran in the lunch room and told Owen "Come see him, HE'S OUT"

Little Boston is so happy to be home!!