Monday, October 27, 2008


So I haven't been very good at posting pictures when I take them...  This was Madison's first time having rice cereal (it was about a month ago).  She wasn't so sure about it and as you can tell not a whole lot of it stayed in her mouth.
She was ok by the end and decided that she liked it.  I can't believe she is 5 months old!! They grow up way too fast and she already has two teeth and is rolling all over the place.

Food Storage

I'm sure that all of you that know Garrett know what a big helper he is.  Sometimes he amazes me in what he can do.  We bought a bunch of wheat, sugar, oats etc. for are food storage supply.  Eric had it in the garage and wanted to take it to the basement and Garrett was determined to help.  The bags weighed 25 lbs. each and he Garrett that whole stack below.  It weighed 450 lbs. all together.  He was so cute and was so proud of himself.
The bag is almost bigger than he is.  After I took a picture of him carrying it in he would call me with every bag and say, "Mom take another picture."

He would bring them from the garage and to the basement stairs.  One time he was grabbing a bag and the conversation between him and Eric went as follows:

Eric:  Garrett you are so strong.
Garrett:  I know Dad I think I'm like the hulk because the hulk is really strong! 

So cute!! I love this boy! Way to be a big helper Garrett.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Soccer Season Over

Our Fall soccer season has already come to a close.  Garrett was on a team with 6 other boys in the neighborhood.  This was Garrett 2nd time playing soccer and let me tell you the 2nd time is much better than the first.  I think it makes all the difference after you know what you are doing.  He made a goal at his last game.  I don't think we could take the smile off of that boys face.  He was so proud and came over and gave all of us five.
Receiving his trophy.
Last cheer for the blue stormtroopers.
Camri cheering for Garrett.  When he made a goal she said, "Good job, Gegget (Garrett)!
Cute little Madison cheering for Garrett. The girls loved going to all of the soccer games but this last one was a little cold and it got dark really fast.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

St. George/Vegas

We had the opportunity to go to Vegas and St. George this weekend with some friends.  It was a BLAST!!  We stayed at our friends house (that they referred to as a condo)  it was so nice and we appreciate the hospitality...thanks Greenwoods.
This is my friend Megan who we are all very proud of.  She never likes to wear her hair down...(really she has lived by me for over a year and a half and besides this picture I have never seen her hair down) and she did the whole day.  Megan you look so cute!! 
All the girls....we didn't bother getting a picture with all of our husbands...what kind of wives are we?
We drove to Vegas on Saturday and all the girls saw Mamma Mia.  It was fabulous.  I wanted to run up there and dance on stage but I figured I better not if I didn't want to get arrested.  Don't worry I did all the dancing from my seat.
Madison was lucky enough to come with us on our getaway.  She was an angel.  Sometimes I forgot she was even there because she was so cute.  I love these two!!
Here is the gang...well what you can see of us.  We were at a Mexican restaurant in Vegas and we couldn't get us all in so we have to take two.
The other half.
Madison was watching football with all of the boys and loved every second of it.  Thanks everyone for the fun getaway, let's do it again.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Best Buddies!

Garrett and Camri have been playing so well together.  Garrett started soccer again just barely and is loving it. He wants to wear his uniform 24/7.  The other day they were playing and next thing I know Garrett is like Camri is going to play soccer Mom.  They got his old uniform and put it on Camri.  If you look closely in the picture Camri has purple hands.  She found this booties for feet and insisted she put them on her hands.  Crazy kids.
The other day I was in the office and walked in to find the picture below.  Apparently Camri thinks the tupperware is a seat.  She was so cute...she kept looking at Madison and then the tv and was rubbing her head and talking to her.
Camri loves her little sister.