Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Garrett!!

Another year has gone by and I can't believe that Garrett has turned 4. Garrett had a wonderful birthday. On his actual birthday Eric got off work early we took him to lunch and bowling. He had a great time. He didn't want to leave. He did really good at bowling. He actually got less gutter balls than his dad. Eric said we should put up the bumper pads but I think it was more for him than Garrett.

Garrett was able to have a party the following Saturday with all of his cousins and friends. Let me tell you after that 2 hour period I'm grateful that these parties only come once a year. When all of the kids arrived I was a little worried about how the 2 hours was going to go. That many boys all together gets a little crazy. Garrett was so excited to have all of his friends come over. He had a dinosaur party and we did dinosaur bowling and had a dinosaur pinata. They all ate pizza and cake and ice cream. They had a lot of fun. Garrett was a little worried about the pinata though...he thought that he was the only one that was going to hit it so that he could break it. He told everyone not to hit it really hard.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Time Out

So Camri is learning that she can't say no to everything and throw temper tantrums. She knows now that if she does this then she will be sent to time out. You can't tell from the picture below but she is screaming her head off while she stays in time out. She always stays there and it's amazing what it does to her attitude. After she is done in time out she is a new person. We were up shopping in Park City and she would not stop crying and was throwing a fit. Don't worry that right in the middle of Aeropostale Eric put her in the corner in time out. She stayed there until she was done with time out. My sister and brother-in law got a kick out of her just standing there. I guess you have to do what works.

This wasn't a time out for Camri but Eric thought he was pretty funny for putting her in there.


My sister invited us to all go sledding at her house. We were going to go to a place where you pay and the tube takes you up the hill but we decided it was too cold for the kids and we didn't want to risk ay of them getting frostbite. We found a hill right by her house and it was perfect. The kids loved it!!

As you can tell from the picture Camri wasn't too thrilled to get her snow clothes on.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas Day

Don't worry that is after New Years and I'm just barely posted my Christmas pictures. I'm sure that doesn't surprise any of you. We had a wonderful Christmas and were so blessed to be able to spend time with our families. I have to say that I think I might have been more excited about Christmas than my kids. I told Eric I didn't care what he got me I just couldn't wait to see the kids open all of there presents. After looking at all of the pictures I took (which wasn't very many) I realized we must have been having to much fun and forgot about taking pictures. Here are a few...

The kids enjoyed opening their stockings while we waited for breakfast to be ready.