Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wheeler Farm

It worked. We had a little picnic at Wheeler Farm. The kids had so much fun. They loved looking at all of the animals. When Camri sees the ducks she totally starts "quacking." Garrett and Camri were both scared of one of the gooses, it was practically taller than both of them. I couldn't resist the "kodak moment" of them both standing looking at the cows with their backs to the camera.

We Finally Did it

I decided I better get in with all of the bloggers. I figured it is time to get back into journal writing and I figured this would be the best way. I'm still trying to figure out this whole thing. For some reason my pictures are downloading, this picture was downloaded for me by Whitney. Hopefully I can get it to work so I can add some more.

Life at the Sohm home as been busy. Garrett recently started Preschool and is going twice a week. He really enjoys it and it always nice for mom to have a little free time. Camri is as busy as ever. Walking and running everywhere and trying to follow everything her brother does including things her brother shouldn't be doing. They are really started to play well together and enjoy each others company. When Camri takes her naps, Garrett is always asking for me to go see if she is awake. The other day I went to put her down for her nap and Garrett starting crying and saying, she doesn't want to take a nap mom! Bring her back downstairs.

Eric has been busy trying to get the yard done. We are almost there and are so grateful for all of the hard work he has been putting in.

I've been busy with work and trying to keep up with the little ones. We had a fun afternoon the other day when we went to visit Daddy for lunch and took a trip to Wheeler Farm. I will post some of those pictures as soon as I can get them to download. I'm excited to get into the blogging world and keep posted with how everyone's families are doing.