Showing posts with label Yoder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoder. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

100 Posts!

Moyblik and Snoikle hit their 100 post marks at about the same time. Excellent.
For this post, the number one thing I want to point out is this. It all started when I got an interview with Mr. Wood, about his latest 3vil MOC. Tom promised he'd steal the interview idea, and boy did he make good on his promise. Excellent interview Tom.
So 100 posts. That means a lot really, granted, quite a few were quick MOC updates, but it still took a lot of concentration to keep this thing running. And I plan on keeping it running. I've got several ideas for new posts, one or two might even make it into production. While I have you here, I'll point out a couple MOCs that surfaced recently.

Mike Yoder starts to build for Da Block
The front is the most interesting part. It's not quite symetrical, the greebs are well done, but not over exposed. I love that big cannon. Nice technique.

What Snoikle post would be complete without an izzo MOC? Beautiful work on the feet and rifle.

So I'll be around, I may even update once or twice in the next century. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's A Long Way to the Top.

Builder Mike Yoder decided that CSF is far to awesome to leave. And LEGO is way to much fun to give up.
So he's back to building.
Awesome shapes. Boxes seem to have been banished from his style.
Which, is a good thing. I also love that red stripe in the middle. Perfect touch of color.

And here's something that reminds me of Yoder's missile shuttle.
I love the stripes on the side, and the engines are pure sweetness.
The turret up top is pretty tight as well.

Also on my To Blog list;
jehkay's Landmate
izzo's Shield Boy
A folder of new (stolen?) mechs
BreadMan's Vig

SO I'm using a Windows (shudder) computer at the moment. Due to my Mac being on the fritz. Anyone know anything about fixing Macs? Every time I try to open a App. Iy starts to open it, then promtly quits it.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds

From the builder of the Enola Gray, the Espoir de Lyons and one of my all time favorite fighters, the Rapier.
Comes another sweet little fighter, the Lightning. (awesome name) It's wonderfully swooshable, beautifully detailed, and and in general, just plain cool.
I like the the nose in particular. Those "cheese slopes" are proving more and more useful all the time.
Another thing I like is the cannon. Looks slightly leathal.
The lightning bolts on the wings are sweet. Just the right touch of color. (un-color maybe?)
Okay, I've raved about this thing long enough. On to something else.

Another yellow ship popped up over the past few days.
Mike Yoder returns as the "King of Micro" with his Destroyer class frigate. Mike is in a horrific situation at the moment.
He and his girlfriend moved away from their old city or something (no, that's not the worst part) and he has a limted amount of LEGO right now. Off-hand, I'd say he's doing pretty well with them.
Detail is hard to do on micro scale ships, but he pulls it off pretty well.
I love the bridge, and numerous weapons scattered across the ship. Nice work there.

And now, a little something I stole from fellow blogger Lukas
My First ever RLOSIDWTTA!!
squieu's ExOS-04
Memory's People's Fighter
B-Shelf user hiratetsu's cool train
Count's crabby Lobster type stuff
Man,it's a blast blogging along with guys like Lukas and Linus. Just to let you know guys. :-D

Musical Influence: The Beatles. (yeah, like you didn't know that)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hidden Weapons Freighter Shuttle Thingy

To quote....myself. "Oh my. I think I'm in love" A very, very, very, cool little shuttle. The color scheme sets the pace for this excellent vessle. The stripes work beautifully. It's all purty.

The second cool feature is the weapons. If you first look at it you'll say "what weapons?" Ah, I say. The hidden weapons that pop out all over the ship.
It appears that this little shuttle is really a gunboat! missiles, missiles,and more cannons. Oh so, loverly this ship is. Very cool.