Showing posts with label Tunisian Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tunisian Music. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Not Sulamiyya but Aissawa: Sufi Songs from Tunisia

A friend has just returned from a couple of weeks in Tunisia and we're all lucky because she has brought back some cassettes.  This here is the first of 'em.  I am however, close to useless when it comes to providing you with any information about this wonderful music.  We will all need to rely upon the kindness of Arabic speaking/reading visitors who may be able to translate the text on the cover and enlighten us a little about the artists behind these songs.
These are Sufi songs from Tunisia, sung by a male choir accompanied by pipe and drums - not quite as destabilising as this cd of Tunisian Sufi songs I posted way back when, but great nevertheless.

Face A
Face B

Get it HERE.

Well, Tim from Moroccan Tape Stash and Hammer from Audiotopia have provided a wealth of information about the artists behind this cassette.  Please refer to the comments section for their wonderful insights.  Thanks chaps!

Monday, 25 April 2011

Sulamiyya: Mohammed Chaabane - Ya Qasid al Hajj/Ana Qalbi Mushtaq (Sufi Music from Tunisia)

I'm afraid I can't tell you much about this cd which was picked up a couple of months ago in a local charity shop. I think the music is from Tunisia - I think it may be songs from a Sufi sect's Hadra cermony, but I could be wildly wrong.
The music is extremely unsettling to me, disconcerting and alien sounding. The call and response singing and insistent rhythm of the bendir and the weird, out of tune bass all conspire to remove solid ground from under the feet.

Any help with translations would be much appreciated.

Mr Abdellah has very kindly translated the tracklist:

1 Ya Qasid al Hajj
2 Ana Qalbi Mushtaq
3 Ana Mani fi Ash
4 Ya Ahl Ishmail Shiluni
5 Ya Ghawth il Mukhtar
6 Ya Rabb Ghairek La Yurtajashi
7 Labbaika Allahuma Labbaik
8 Tala'a al-Badru 'Alayna
9 Sala Allahu 'ala Muhammad
10 Ya 'Adim aj-Jud
11 As-Salat wa s-Salaam...

Get it HERE.