Sunday, March 05, 2017

California Day 7 - What are we going to do next?

On our first day at The Ranch, the kids got to swim and explore.
On day two, they lived in the pond.
As we went to bed that night, one of the kids
(I thin it was Max) asked what awesome thing they were
going to do the next day. I told them that I thought they'd
done it all, and would just keep doing more of it.
I didn't know that "Grandma" Cindy (my cousin)
would teach them to drive. The kids were thrilled!
It was another fun day of swimming and playing with family.

California Day 6 - "Why have we never been here before?"

The kids couldn't wait to explore the pond. They woke up
their first morning at the Ranch, put on their suits, and
raced to the beach. They played on the big boat and kayaked.
Matt gave them a scary ride in one of the golf carts,
Grandma got to see all 3 of her sisters and 1 of her brothers, 
Alton (kind of) made up with Annabeth 
(who had repeatedly tackled him the first day),
and decided to be friends with Emma. More cousins came
out to the Ranch, John found some shade, we had smores by the
pond before bed, and visited with lots and lots of family.
It was awesome.
At one point on this day, Jonah asked me,
"How can I be 11 years old, and this is the first time
I have ever been to the Ranch?" We loved it.