Alli, my favorite sister, called me at about 3:30 pm and said that she'd found a full-size used Bosch mixer on craigslist for $45!!! It has all of the attachments and works great. I had already despaired of finding one used on craigslist or ebay, since the going rate for a used one seemed to be closer to $200 by the time the auctions were over. That price was discouraging to me, as one reason that I am using my mixer so much is an attempt to save money and live within our means by making my own breads from scratch.
When I looked at the listing, my heart fell because it was 3 days old. There was no way it would still be available. But lucky for me, the owner had listed it as a "bosch machine" instead of a mixer--so it showed up with a bunch of power tools instead of kitchen gadgets, so no one else had found it. She let me know up front that the price was firm, which was fine by me. I tried to hide how absolutely thrilled I was at my
Thank you all for your condolences and kind words. My post yesterday was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but I truly was upset and concerned about how I'd function without a mixer. And it turned out that I only had to go 24 hours, with a loaner in the meantime! That, and other more significant blessings yesterday, reminded and reassured me that the Lord knows me personally, that he is aware of my little life and cares to bless me, even with all the turmoil in the world.
And now, for the give-away winners, who were selected randomly by my kids:
The winner of the cookies is: My Ice Cream Diary! (Nice, since she is sending me some jewelry this week, and I already owe her a CD.)
The winner of the cookbook CD is: Debbie (I'll drop it off--no need to send me your address)
The winner of the Princess Bride book is: Cellista
Congratulations, all, and thank you for participating! Send me your addresses (sleepymumATgmailDOTcom) and I will sincerely try to get these mailed off to you this weekend.