Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Life in general

Hey guys, I have a question for all of you.
In school I am currently taking 4 classes in the order of: English, Seminary, Journalism, and Choir. Well, I love all my classes except for Journalism, and yesterday I... quit that class, haha. It's a long story, but I basically had an interesting conversation with my teacher (all of the other students were sitting there looking at us like.. wha wha what the heck) and finally I couldnt take it anymore, so I grabbed my stuff and walked out. I dont plan on returning, so the question is, do I bother trying to find another class even though we are in the middle of our term, or do I just simply skip 3rd period and...
My mom wants me just to stop high school all together, but I kinda like going and feeling like a normal teenager hahahhahahahh.
I love you guys!

Saturday, February 24, 2007



Thursday, February 22, 2007

On the Eve of Sixteen

'Twas the night before sixteen and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, 'cept for Cami the mouse.
For tomorrow the BIG DAY of SIXTEEN she'd be,
And not a wink of sleep would she get before 3.
'Cause all of these years, VL she has stayed!
Will tomorrow all her dreams and her wishes be paid?
Alas, I say this, "To thine own self be true,"
And on your big day, Happy Birthday to You!

Camille Marie, I want pictures, details, the works!! Have the best birthday ever! (Then call me and tell me everything). I love you!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Emmy Jayne!

Dig on in there kiddo!

Emmy really loved the singing, but wasn't quite sure what to do with the cake. She tasted it but wasn't too interested. We have another health nut in the family! (Thanks Hanna for the beautiful Valentine's cake!)

Emmy LOVES BLING! So she got her own red purse with some blingy necklaces to go in it. She figured out almost immediately how to put the necklaces on herself and toddled all over the house in her new bling bling:)

And last but not least, we had to throw this one in there: Yes. Believe it or not, Grandma is reading the ingredients on the GRAPES. With a magnifying glass!! Hahaha! We love her!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My "Super Metobolic Husband"

I, Sara, just wanted to add that my sweet husband just got a raise.!!$$ ( A raise in his hourly and commissions.)
He is allowed to charge the highest amount for people signing up to train with him, therefor getting the highest commision off the sale! He just received a new uniform as the ONLY "Elite Master-Trainer" at the huge gym where he works. He has changed people lives, educated and saved people's lives, and he is the only one there that is well trained (certified) and knowledgable on working with pregnant women throughout each of their trimesters! (Aaaaw!)
He has had several clients who request him after they get pregnant again, because they say his nutritional and fitness program made their first pregnancy and recovery very easy. He teaches people that it is more about what they eat, than how much they work-out. He helps keep them fit, motivated and "heart-healthy". He practices what he preaches and he's sort-of a freak about health and fitness. I GOT LUCKY, eh?? I love him.


Monday, February 05, 2007

The Metabolic Medakovics

...I was typing the word "Medakovic" the other day, and you know how spellcheck underlines a word that it thinks is misspelled? It was underlined, so I clicked in and their "correct" spelling of the word Medakovic was
"Metabolic." Just thought that was a funny little
Thought for the Day. Har de har. Hope you're have a
good day, Mr & Mrs Metabolic!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hello little girl!

"What's your name?"

(can you see the little Jayne in the photo?)

Thursday, February 01, 2007



Hey, you all should go onto and check out Tommy's cool poem called "Animus". I discovered it by accident when I was on the website today. You just type in Tom Haas under "search for poet" (or something like that). There you will find Tom Edmund Haas' poem called "Animus". I just had to brag about my talented brother....!!

Sara and Danny