August 29, 2011

Kire sarts school!

Today Kire had his first day of kindergarten. He got a really great teacher and has 2 friends in his class so he was super excited. He didn't act nervous at all, I am so proud of him!
Starwars shirt and backpack

Kael1 month

Kael is 1 month already! It's gone by so fast. He is still tiny, but he's growing and is a chubby little thing. His eyes are looking really blue, they could change, but I hope they stay.

I think he looks like a frog. He's got this round belly and chubby thighs.

Here is him in his first outfit and shoes. Usually I just keep him in those gowns with the open hole at the bottom because they are so comfy and easy to change. Then I got him dressed for the first time and he looked SO BIG.

August 24, 2011


There has been a glass of milk sitting on our tv stand for 2 days. In an effort to try to teach Erik to pick up after himself I had left it alone, but this morning when I found it there still I couldn't stand it any more.
Last night when he was getting up to go into the kitchen I asked him to take it with him. He said he'd do it later. Then of course he forgot. Do most men have trouble multi tasking? Whenever I go downstairs, or even to another room, I look around and pick up anything around me. I am constantly cleaning up after my kids, I don't want to pick up after my husband too!
Erik is so wonderful. As soon as he's home from work he is playing with the boys. But he does not notice anything around the house. If I ask him to do the dishes or take out the trash he's usually great about it, but I wish I didn't have to ask and feel like I'm constantly nagging.
I guess I'm just feeling overwhelmed. I take care of all of the housework, the bills, the kids, the appointments, everything. And usually I don't mind, but I could do without picking up my husbands messes too.
That's all.

August 16, 2011

3 weeks!

I can't believe I've had this little guy for 3 weeks now, it's gone by so fast!
Kael is an angel. He rarely fusses or cries and is such a sweet baby. His brothers adore him.

I've heard 3 kids can really be hard. So far the hardest part has been that Kire and Jack fight, and I can't break it up when I'm busy with the baby. So hopefully they don't hurt each other too bad. And I definitely don't plan on running errands with all 3 kids anytime soon, that would be a nightmare. Kire and Jack already insist on sitting in the back of the shopping cart, so I can't imagine I'd get much done going to the grocery store.
The boys are learning a lot about the female body. They walk in on me nursing and pumping and are full of questions. Jack made me try the breast pump on him.
I'm anxious to start exercising and hope to be feeling good enough to start up soon. My sweet brother Trevor just got engaged and is getting married next month! I'm excited for him, but not thrilled to be a bridesmaid in my chubby state. So maybe I can drop some baby weight in the next month, but I'm not too optimistic. I have such a hard time losing weight when I'm nursing! It's frustrating, but I have a chubby happy baby and that's what's important, right?

My sweet friend Jamey took some pictures of Kael, here's a peak, but you can click HERE for her blog and to see more.

August 1, 2011


Today Erik was helping me put clean sheets on our bed and started complaining about his torn shoulder. I responded by saying, "ya, but do you have torn nipples, abdomen and vagina?" He quieted down and said he didn't have a torn vagina.
I feel so much better after this labor than I did after my first two. I didn't tear at all, so sitting and moving have been so much easier, but I forgot it takes a few days for every muscle in your body to ache. I think I've been doing more than I should, plus breast feeding strains my back so I am SORE.
Luckily Kael has been such a good baby. He rarely fusses. The only time he does is when he's hungry and he gets frustrated waiting for my milk to let down. He's a great eater, but it takes him a little while to latch on so my nipples KILL. Hopefully he'll get better soon.
I did discover a couple of cool products that have made this newborn easier too:

A friend recommended this, and my friends from work bought it for me. I never bought a bassinet before and this is a great alternative. It's portable, folds in half, and sits the baby up a little. I put it next to my bed and he sleeps great. It's the fisher price newborn rock n play $40.
The aden and anais swaddling blankets have been perfect for swaddling this summer. I got mine online for about $30.
This product I was hesitant about buying. I saw it on a daily deal site then researched it and found it new on ebay for $11 so figured I'd try it. It's called a Milkie milk saver. You put it on the breast you are not nursing on and it catches the milk that leaks. I leak a lot and it has been awesome. So I don't leak through my clothes AND I can store those 1-3 oz. from each feeding and build up some storage.
These are called Lily Padz and they are silicone breast pads. They stick to my boobs and milk doesn't leak. They were like $17 on amazon, so they were expensive, but they are easy to use, aren't bulky, and will save money by not having to buy boxes of nursing pads.

July 26, 2011

Kael Bingham Thompson

Ready to go, 39 weeks

Yesterday we went to the hospital at 7 am to be induced. I'd been induced with the other boys too and really wanted to go into labor on my own, but this little guy didn't want to come here on his own. I'd been dilated to about a 5 for 2 weeks and figured he'd come pretty easily.
At about 8 we started the pitocin and my Dr came in at 10 to break my water and said, "you're about 6, no 7, no 8." She came back a few minutes later and I was already almost 10 cm dilated. I was still doing well with the contractions so I decided not to get an epidural.
We called my mom, MIL, and sister Julia and told them to rush here.
Even though I was fully dilated, he was turned the wrong way and still wasn't descending. At about 10:50 we still hadn't gotten him to turn the right way and the Dr. didn't know how much longer it would be and I wanted to DIE. The contractions were right together and I seriously wanted to die. She got the anesthesiologist in to do the epidural and of course right afterwards the little butt head decided to turn and was born 9 minutes later.
So the epidural hadn't really set in but it took the edge off enough that I could relax a little and push. Had I known he was going to turn that soon I wouldn't have gotten it, but it could have taken another hour, so I'm grateful for it. It was good for me to feel the labor and really know when to push, but I don't recommend it. I have felt so much better afterwards though, and I didn't tear at all.

Bingham was born at 11:08 am and weighed 8 pounds even. He's 20 1/2 inches long and has tons of dark hair. So far everything looks good with him and me. Kael is a name we've liked since having Kire and Bingham is Erik's great great great grandpa's name and he has some neat stories about him.

My poor sister Julia, whose about 5 months pregnant with her first came into watch. She came in at the peak of my pain and I'm pretty sure I scared her into getting an epidural, but it was a good experience for her.

My sisters Julia and Amy
Kael wide awake
The boys were so excited to meet their brother. Jack said, "can I pet him?" And Kire sat next to him and held him and just loved him. Erik called Kael a little knucklehead and Kire said, "NO he's not." I know they'll be great. Jack was pushing on my belly and asking where the baby was, and I pointed to Erik who was holding him and Jack said, "that black baby," because of all his dark hair. Kire pointed to my belly and asked why it was still fat if the baby was out. Ya, that sucks, I wish it were gone too.

My boys

July 17, 2011


We just put up the valance to finish up the nursery. I am so excited with how it turned out. It's totally my style and can be gender neutral, if by chance we have another child down the road.

We painted the walls grey and switched out my light wood crib and changing table for a white set that my SIL was getting rid of.
I made a valance out of some plywood we had in the garage and covered it with this green polkadot fabric.

I found the darling grey giraffe fabric online and used it to make a quilt, bed skirt and pillow. I had a little bit left over so I put it over some cork board and in a frame to use for decoration.

Then my mom had an old wood dresser in her basement that I sanded and painted green. I found these darling knobs at Hobby Lobby.

I ordered these cute vintage prints and vinyl on Etsy, and they matched perfect.

So now I'm ready for this little guy to get here!

July 15, 2011


I just finished Tina Fey's Bossypants. She is my favorite person. Here's just a few quotes that I enjoyed:

"I need to take my pants off as soon as I get home. I didn't used to have to do that. But now I do."

Talking about her daughter, "And when she one day turns on me and calls me a Bitch in front of Hollister, give me the strength, Lord, to yank her directly into a cab in front of her friends, for I will not have that Shit. I will not have it."

Speaking on breast-feeding, "As my friend's husband fed the baby (a bottle of breast milk), he said, "This stuff is liquid gold, You know it actually makes them smarter?" I screamed,"Let's set a date! Five years from today my formula baby will crush your baby!"

She's great. I appreciate her honesty and her humor.

July 6, 2011


I'd been wanting to take the boys to the zoo for a while and we finally got a chance to go last week. The boys LOVE animals. Kire is a sweet tender hearted kid and loves to cuddle all animals. Jack likes to look at them, but doesn't want them near him, with the exception of chicks and bunnies.
They loved the monkeys, especially the Lion monkeys
The leopard was right by the window gnawing on a bone
And of course the train ride

And I am now almost 37 weeks! Yesterday the Dr. checked me and I'm dilated to a 3 and the baby's measuring 7 lbs 13 oz! She said I could go into labor anytime, but I'm not expecting to. I've never gone into labor on my own. With my previous 2 pregnancies she's induced me early because the baby gets big and my blood pressure rises towards the end of my pregnancy. So right now she's monitoring that closely and if it rises she will induce me. I hope to go into labor on my own, but we'll just see what happens.
I am stressing and struggling to get everything done that I need to. Thank goodness for Amazon, I seriously do all of my shopping online.
I've been working on the nursery. I'm almost done with the quilt, valance, and bed skirt. I need to get out all my baby gear and wash everything. And I want my house clean.
Here's a peak. I painted the walls grey, and I LOVE my fabric. I ordered this darling giraffe fabric online and found some coordinating fabric to go. I've also bought a few vintage prints and some white vinyl to put up. So more pictures to come!

And here I am at 35 weeks. I am not cute pregnant. I get big and swollen and my belly takes up my whole torso. I am sore and uncomfortable and can't sleep, so I can't wait to meet this little guy.
And no, still no name. Our top ones are Kael, Pace, Tate, and Cole. I'm hoping I'll see him, or hear a name and KNOW that's it.

June 22, 2011


Now that I can see an end in sight it is fun to count down the days until I'll get to meet this little guy. It still doesn't feel quite real to me. I don't think I am going to be prepared for how this new baby is going to change my life.
Right now things are pretty easy. Kire is so independent, he can get himself drinks and snacks and helps Jack too. I trust him to go out and play by himself. I still have to help Jack most of the time and watch him while he's outside, but he can entertain himself. I've had time to sew and craft and read. My life is going to change.
I'm nervous for breastfeeding. I think it's one of the hardest and most painful things. I've been able to nurse both the boys, and I plan to with this one, but it is so hard! I'm worried that Jack is going to run wild while I have a baby latched to my boob and I won't be able to control him.
I can't sleep and I'm so uncomfortable already so I want to be done being pregnant.
My doctor says things are looking good, he's already measuring almost 6 pounds! She is going to induce me July 26th, but I hope I go into labor before then.

June 9, 2011

Summer so far

The weather has been so crazy lately, we've only had a handful of warm days so far this year. But we have taken advantage of them.
The boys favorite thing to do is jump on the tramp with "sprinkles."

And on not so warm days we've still tried to keep busy. We've been to the duck pond, the dino park and to a couple of movies. And the boys love going to costco.

We made this lovely bird feeder

Kire started t-ball. He doesn't usually love sports, and we have work to keep him focused during games, but he is a really good baseball player. He's a natural hitter, Erik is even teaching him to bat both left and right handed. He hates wearing a glove though, so we'll have to work on that.
Jack loves sports already and is more excited about games than Kire. He runs out and has to be part of the team. Erik is coaching so he lets Jack have a turn at bat and helps him run the bases. And Jack will chase every hit ball, and beat half of the kids on Kire's team to the ball.

The outfielders
Jack at 3rd

Kire at bat

June 2, 2011


I didn't realize it's been so long since I've updated my goodreads. I go in spurts where I'll read like 6 books in a month, then not read for a while.
But I have read a few good books lately:
This book was about a SEAL and how he survives in Afghanistan, it was an excellent story. The first 100 pages or so are about the SEAL training, so it was a little repetitive, but then the story got very intense.
Flags of Our Fathers

This was about WWII and Iwo Jima. It was a good story too, but I wished it talked more about the war instead of giving so much personal background about the soldiers.

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City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments, #4)

These are fun books. I re-read the series before I read the new 4th book. They are about vampire hunters, I know it sounds lame, but they are exciting.

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Water for Elephants

I'd heard mixed reviews on this book. I really liked it, but there were a few crude parts, just to warn you. It is a love story that takes place in the circus in 1930.

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Matched (Matched, #1)

I read this in a day, i couldn't put it down. It was a lot like some of the other books i've read lately-The Giver, The Hunger Games and The Uglies series. It is a future society that controls everything, even who you're "Matched" with. The second book doesn't come out until later this year, so I would wait to read it until the series is finished.

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These Is My Words

I really loved this book. It is about a family who settles in Arizona territory and all the hardships this girl faces. It is a love story, it's funny and touching, I'd highly recommend it.

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The Lincoln Lawyer (Mickey Haller, #1)

I checked out this book after I saw movie previews. It was really good, I like reading murder/law mysteries. It was nothing too special, but if you need something to read I liked it.

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Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, #1)

This is a prequel series to the Immortal instruments series. Again it's a really fun read, you'll fall in love with Will.

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The Shack

This was hard for me to read because most of the book is just conversations between people. There was a lot of good insight in it though. I have difficulty understanding why God "let's" bad things happen sometimes. In the book the man's daughter is taken and he is angry with God, and I feel that I would be the same way if something horrible like that happened to me. But he learns that He was with her the whole time and you can be comforted in difficult situations.

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Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy, #6)

I read the Vampire Academy Series, and it was entertaining, but I wouldn't really recommend it. It was kind of scandelous, but sometimes I like to read a little crap.

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Jellicoe Road

I would never have picked up this book if a friend hadn't recommended it. It's about a girl growing up in a boarding school in Australia and her finding out where she comes from. There's some humor and romance. It was a fun book and I really liked it, I want to find more from this author.

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The Confession

I just found this at the library and really liked it. I like learning about the law and this one was about a death penalty case. And though it's fiction, there is a lot of information in it. I am pro death penalty, but this book described how costly it can be to try a death penalty case, like 3 million +. So while I am pro death penalty, if it will cost the state 10x more to try a case, I'd just as soon see him rot in prison for life.
So my favorite books that I'd recommend were: These is my Words, Matched, The Lone Survivor, and The Mortal Instruments and Infernal Divices series.