Showing posts with label Dr Sketchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Sketchy. Show all posts

Monday, 18 June 2012

Last in, first out...

So, by way of kick-starting my blog, Nikki Sixx OD'ing style, I'm going to start by posting my most recent items first.

First up is a sample from this weekends Dr Sketchy sessions, where we were treated to performances and poses by the stunning Beatrix Von Bourbon and funny Velma Von Bon Bon and others...

Beatrix Von Bourbon
5min study
Graphite on paper

I've recently been reading up on my Golden Age illustrators and I'd like to think that their influence is creeping into my work in some small way.

Onwards and upwards!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Aftermath: Dr Sketchy's Nottingham


Here's a few scans from my attending the recent Dr Sketchy's event in Nottingham last week, alongside the talented Jake Gumbleton, Ryan Stevenson, Ben Newman and Dan Baker.

I'm definitely going to attend another event, the sittings were pleasantly short and the models were pleasantly pleasing to draw.

Quick (5mins) pencil sketches
concerned with halftones and edges.
148 x 210mm,
Graphite pencil on paper

The short poses meant having to concentrate
on constantly finishing and not obsessing over linework.
148 x 210mm,
Graphite pencil on paper/
Conte crayon on coloured stock

Unusual objects and interesting fabrics
made the rendering all the more interesting
148 x 210mm,
Graphite pencil on paper

After all that, it was into the Nottingham night for beers, mojito's and, eventually, kebabs.

Rock on!

Monday, 28 June 2010

Cover: 2000AD Prog 1686

Now, this is from a few weeks back. (We've been moving house and enjoying the sunshine)

This is my cover for 2000AD Prog 1686, entitled "Borough Boys":

Bosh, sorted, Guv.

As always, it started with 3 sketches based on Thargs brief:

Quick thumbnails, about 480x640 each.

With one chosen, I went on to take some reference photos (hey, no laughing at the back! All artists use some kind of reference) :

Amazing what you can do with an old suit, raincoat,
dressing gown belt, plastic rifle and
pulling a few Les Dawson faces.

I'd read that Savage was originally based on Stanley Baker, one of the great physical British (specifically Welsh) actors from the 60s/ 70s. So it made sense to get appropriate reference:

Stanley Baker. Fantastic actor, go watch Zulu or Hell Drivers, NOW!

Then it was over to the computer for final image and paint-up. Here's the piece minus the logos and stuff:

As the great Gene Hunt said:
"Don’t move, you’re surrounded by armed bastards!"

Right, I'll keep on with my blogging from now on. Might be going to a Dr. Sketchy's event next month - I'll keep you posted.