Friday, April 13, in Philly: Love and Struggle: A Celebration of Our Movements
723 Chestnut Street at the Goldilocks Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Friday April 13th at the Goldilock's Gallery, 723 Chestnut Street
Doors open at 6:30, Program starts at 7:00
In honor of the publication of “Love and Struggle: My Life in SDS, the Weather Underground and Beyond” by longtime organizer and political prisoner David Gilbert, a group of activists and artists will gather to toast the pursuit of social justice. Speakers will include former prisoners who were involved in 1960s and 70s liberation struggles, friends of David’s, and younger activists carrying the work forward, all of them reflecting on life and liberation in the context of Arab Spring, the Occupy phenomenon, and the modern world.
The event, in addition to several brief talks, will include short musical performances and a video of David and others reading excerpts from the book. The event will be free, with donations for the speakers & performers gratefully accepted. Books will be available for purchase.
Adolfo Matos, a former political prisoners who served almost 20 years in prison for his role in the Puerto Rican Independence Movement and one of the 11 independentisas pardoned by Bill Clinton in 1999,
Ashanti Alston, a Black Panther, anarchist and writer who served 11 years in prison for his participation in the Black Liberation movement,
Kazembe Balagun, writer and cultural activist who serves as outreach coordinator for the Brecht Forum/New York Marxist School,
Theresa Shoatz, anti-prison activist and daughter of political prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz,
Hakim Ali, an anti-prison activist and one of the founders of Reconstruction, Inc.,
and Dan Berger, a local author and anti-prison activist and a longtime friend of David's.
There will also be messages from Mumia Abu-Jamal, Laura Whitehorn and Russell Maroon Shoatz, music by G.-L.A.W. and a beautiful quilt on display that was made men incarcerated at SCI Chester.
We hope you will join us!
Brought to you by the Wild Poppies Collective