Showing posts with label caledonia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caledonia. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jacqueline House on Recent Events in Six Nations

From Jacqueline House, regarding the September 13th fight which left Sam Gualtieri unconscious in Caledonia:

What has been happening here on Six Nations?


Tonight, my heart is heavy. However, I thought I would write a little of the past few days. First of all, there have been a few of us gathering on a daily basis discussing Unity for our people, to find a way to come together. We came up with an education march. We feel education is what is lacking and if we could learn to reach out to one another and share knowledge with one another, we can start building some gaps. There are two governing bodies; one is our customs through our traditions. We are born into this; therefore, are our inherent rights. The other has been illegally placed upon us to divide and conquer our existence. We are not saying or trying to convince anybody to believe where we are coming from, but to learn the truth of what has happened to us. We came up with doing three themes, the first one we did on Thursday September 13th, "Where We Were" which consists of who we are. The second we are doing October 19th will focus on, "Where We Are". The third one we not have set a date but will target, "Where We Are Going".

A few of us marched from Polytec into the front yard of the Band Administration Office where we placed our signs all over the front yard. We had a lot of support and quite a few people coming up to us and asking what we were doing and they felt it was a great idea. Other's were giving us information such as the construction in Caledonia and another informed us that Elected Dave General was holding a private meeting of governance and it was his second gathering with other elected officials as far as Rochester New York, and some thought there was a parade of some sort. After spending a little time on the front lawn, we decided to take our sign and mobile ourselves taking us into Mr. General's meeting where we held up our signs so the delegation can see them clearly. We were so nonchalant as we just stood there holding our signs. We did share the mike with Dave; after all, he was the entertainment. He and his elected buddies got to hear the Declaration of Independence for the first time. They got to here our concerns of how they are misusing our money, how they don't care for our elders, how they are arms to the government and how they are a part of committing genocide on their own people.

We then drove over to the development and enforced our stance; which is, no development on the Haldimand Proclamation as we are in a process of a resolution. Everything was fine until one of our young men started putting up our Hiawatha flag and the developer got hostile, so angry that he climbed up the scaffold cussing and then began throwing things such as the board with the cement mix on it and tried ripping down our flag. The developer then gave a press release and after about 10 minutes everyone left. Two and half hours later five men sit and watch waiting for the perfect opportunity to express their anger and hatred for what, a flag? The baseball bat that they carried was an assault weapon as they had every intention on using it to inflict pain. Instead, one of their own was hurt and by no means, do not put words into my mouth, as I am so relieved he is alright because this isn't about hurting one another it is about respect. We have customs and we have laws and we need ours respected just the same as one wants there's. We have shown this all of our lives for hundreds of years and now is the time to show the host the courtesy of having visitors. I also want to stress, there are two sides to a coin, and one does not override the other just because of the color of one's skin.

With this note: I am calling on Marie Trainer of Haldimand County and hold her accountable as she is well aware of a "Notification Agreement" regarding; development, land, water, animals, and most importantly there is an emergency phase where she could have called all parties that are involved to the table, to try defuse the situation. In fact, I have tried to meet with her and talk so that Peace begins to roll off her tongue as it is significant to uphold the Treaty of Peace. The community of friends have requested to meet with her, only to be ignored. Again I hold Mayor Marie Trainer and the OPP accountable for the terror that has been inflicted upon our people as they continue to tarnish Her Honor by not helping to keep the peace by not helping to protect Her Majesty's interest.

This day will be burned in our heads forever as we were forced to stand there and watch our people again being pepper sprayed, hand cuffed and thrown into jail when we have done nothing wrong. We just got thrown back to a time where we are being robbed and molested of our lands. What's next - Residential schools? Oh yeah they have there puppet government working on that as our language was just cutback. Is it me or does it seem we are taking a step back into a dark history where our people were physically attacked and our children kidnapped?

P/S Thanks for modern technology for without camera's and video's, people might not believe what we are saying.

Also I send my best wishes to the family that is involved.

Nya weh
Always Jacqueline

Self-Defense, Political Divisions and State Repression in "Caledonia"

On September 13th there was another violent confrontation in Caledonia between Indigenous people defending their land and settlers defending what they consider their property.

Initially the settler media reported that Sam Gualtieri, a 52-year old man who was "trying to build a house for his daughter" in Caledonia, had been beaten unconscious. The man's brother was quoted talking about "native terrorism", and the story being floated was that this man was violently attacked without provocation. It sounded horrific.

In the immediate aftermath, the Six Nations Confederacy Council issued an apology for the violence, distancing itself the people who had been protesting the ongoing development on Stirling Street in Caledonia. This was echoed by Ontario Regional Chief Angus Toulouse. Progressive Conservative leader John Tory used the occasion to posture, announcing that if elected he would use the courts to sue Indigenous protesters for the costs associated with policing during confrontations like that at Six Nations. Responding in kind, the representatives of Ontario's Liberal government announced that they would be pulling out of this week's negotiations with the Six Nations representatives. This was followed an announcement that the Six Nations Confederacy was repudiating the protesters and approving the continued construction at the "Stirling Woods" site (though the article makes it unclear if this was the neo-colonial band council or the traditional chiefs).

Within a few days another version of events began to come out, though, as Jacqueline House (from the Kanenhstaton Reclamation Site) and Kahentinetha Horn (of Mohawk Nation News) both reported that what had happened was that two Indigenous teenagers were set upon by five men with baseball bats, and it was in defending themselves that Gualteri was injured.

This occurs in a context determined by Canadian colonialism and the resistance to it which had been spearheaded in Six Nations by the reclamation at Kanenhstaton, formerly known as "Douglas Creek Estates". Over a year and a half ago this section of land was occupied by Indigenous people acting to stop ongoing real estate development on unceded native land. This occupation took an important turn on April 20th 2006 when police raided the site, beating and tasering the people, only to be confronted by hundreds of Indigenous people from the surrounding area, who literally drove the cops from the area. It was only with this mass support that the reclamation was able to survive. Barricades went up and were maintained for almost two months.

While the Indigenous people at Kanenhstaton have tried to frame their actions in terms of their own peoples' struggle against dispossession and genocide, and to emphasize that their conflict is with the Canadian State which illegally sold off their land along the Grand River (the so-called "Haldimand Tract"), this has only been partially successful. The deeply ingrained ideology of colonialism, which teaches Canadians that this land is all their land, and that the First Nations were "conquered" in the distant past, has led many settlers in the Caledonia area to react with disbelief and indignation at the idea that their homes may lie on land which belongs to someone else. As a result there were regular and at times rowdy settler rallies against the Indigenous Reclamation throughout 2006, often attracting individuals from outside of the area, including members of the far right.

Although the reclamation at what was then Douglas Creek Estates was initiated by a small number of dedicated women, it soon enjoyed support from large numbers of people not only in Six Nations, but across the continent, becoming for a time emblematic of anti-colonial resistance to Canada. As such, it created space in which other groups could operate, and also which other groups felt they had to fill. It is not a coincidence that the Assembly of First Nations - a neo-colonial organization bringing together elected chiefs from across Canada - felt a need to organize a National Day of Action in 2007, both to maintain its own legitimacy and to try and capture the growing oppositional sentiment amongst the colonized.

Amongst those who support the reclamation there are a variety of views as to what the ultimate goal is, and not a few people may see such land seizures as useful bargaining chips either for cash settlements or increased government investment in their communities. Obviously, this can be a double edged sword, and the people who actually led the reclamation have been unwavering in their position that the land belongs to the people and cannot be sold.

It is within this context that the council of traditional chiefs in Six Nations recently announced that they would be issuing permits to anyone who wanted to build within the disputed Grand River area, through a newly fomed "Haudenosaunee Development Institute". While denying that they would send protesters against those who did not seek such permits, the chiefs also claimed that they would not be relying on Canadian courts.

At the same time, some people have been taking direct action to halt ongoing construction in the area. The logic to this is clear enough: while Indigenous sovereignty may be a bitter pill for people building houses on land they thought was theirs, we know it will be far worst if the houses are built and more settlers move in. It was within this context that a protest stopped construction of a new house in nearby Brantford earlier this month, and it was in this context that the incident with Sam Gualtieri occurred. Another subdivision of unceded land was having houses built upon it, this one at "Stirling Woods", a few kilometers away from the former Douglas Creek Estates.

These two approaches - direct action versus permits, sovereignty versus settlement - form the backdrop to the Confederacy's distancing itself from the ongoing protests in the area. It is only through the direct action of the reclamation that space was created for the Haudenosaunee Development Institute to be able to demand money for permits, and yet it is unlikely that those carrying out such land seizures will control the direction this all will take.

The space between these two approaches had provided room for the Canadian State to reassert its own sovereignty in Caledonia, which it did last night, sending in over a hundred riot cops to clear the "Stirling Woods" protest site. News reports this morning have announced the nine people were arrested, charged with with assaulting a police officer, mischief and trespassing. The Globe and Mail reported that the police raid was carried out with the tacit approval of the Confederacy Council, its anonymous source describing the protesters as a "splinter group that has been giving all the trouble." This could be spin, i don't know.

Police have made it clear that these charges are not related to the fight on the 13th, and that they are continuing their investigation into that matter, having already identified unnamed "persons of interest".

The ongoing anti-colonial resistance in the Six Nations area continues to be a liability for the Canadian State, and also for those sections of the First Nations which seek integration into Canadian capitalism. The settler population is certainly in an unpleasant position, as they realize that there are issues relating to their homes beyond their Canadian State issued property deeds. In this they may share the same rude shock as yuppies trying to gentrify a working class neighbourhood, or Jews who have moved to Israel, or what lies in store for those rich Americans and Europeans who are buying up oceanfront properties throughout the maritimes. Sadly, this class position will lead many of them to side with the State, and take a "reasonable" stand against those who resist. i can understand that, but it doesn't make it less wrong.

As resistance to Canadian colonialism continues, the State will be more and more tempted to resort to provocation and repression. Already Trevor Mills of the Mohawk Nation spent six months in jail last year for defending the reclamation site. This summer Shawn Brant spent fifty six days in jail and still faces 9 charges having to do with two blockades, one that occurred in April 2007 and the other in June 2007, including 6 charges of indictable mischief (for which the maximum penalty is 10 years in prison). Not to mention a SLAPP from CN Rail, potentially for hudnreds of millions of dollars for disrupting the railways that go through Mohawk land.

It is more important than ever to pay attention to what is happening on the ground and in the courts as we continue along the current cycle of anti-colonial resistance.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Caledonia Group Plans Public Forum in Support of Six Nations

*Please forward widely*

On Saturday, September 30, the Caledonia based group Community Friends  for Peace and Understanding with Six Nations will be holding a public  forum in Caledonia entitled “Moving Beyond Conflict and Blame: Why  Canadians Should Support Six Nations Land Rights.”  The meeting is aimed  at bringing together people in Caledonia and surrounding communities to  discuss the Douglas Creek reclamation and the larger issue of indigenous  land rights in Canada.

The event will be held from 1-4 p.m. at the McKinnon Park Secondary  School (91 Haddington Street) in Caledonia. It will begin with a series  of presentations that will include: Jan Watson a Caledonia resident and  spokesperson for the Community Friends group, Andrew Orkin a lawyer  specializing in indigenous land claims, and Rolf Gerstenberger the  President of United Steelworkers Local 1005.

According to Community Friends spokesperson and Caledonia resident Jan  Watson, “we are holding this event as a way to try overcome the tension  and conflict in our community as well as to show that there are good  reasons why Canadians should demand that the government honor the  treaties and obligations it has made with First Nations peoples."  

The objective of this meeting is to provide a forum for peaceful and  respectful discussion on the issue of the Douglas Creek reclamation and  the larger question of indigenous sovereignty and land rights in Canada.  As Watson notes "the primary aim of the meeting is to show that the  standoff over Douglas Creek Estates should not be simply portrayed as a  conflict between native people and non-native people, but rather one  based on larger questions of human rights, social justice and nation to  nation relationships.”

For more information about the event, please contact the Community  Friends group at or by phone at  289-284-0154. The group's web site can be found at



Community Friends for Peace and Understanding with Six Nations Presents:

Moving Beyond Conflict and Blame: Why Canadians Should Support Six Nations Land Rights.

A panel discussion on the background to the Douglas Creek Estates reclamation and the possibilities for peace, justice and reconciliation between Canada and Six Nations.
September 30th 2006, 1pm-4pm

At the McKinnon Park Secondary School (91 Haddington Street) in Caledonia.

  • Jan Watson, Caledonia resident, member of Community Friends.

  • Andrew Orkin, a lawyer specializing in indigenous land claims.

  • Rolf Gerstenberger, President, United Steelworkers Local 1005.

This event is being put on in the spirit of peace and togetherness and is designed as a safe environment for discussion and exchange of ideas about the possible ways that the issue of Six Nations land claims can be peacefully and justly resolved.  All open-minded people interested in genuine discussion and dialogue are welcome.