My Dear Sweet Car,I am sorry you had a bad day yesterday! I totally forgot about that carton of ice cream. It rolled out of the bag while we were driving and I didn't even see it when I unloaded the groceries. When I climbed in the next day I thought you smelled so great!
So delicious and so chocolaty. And then with horror, I realized my grave mistake.
We have been through so much together. You know how our garage has like 1 1/2 inches clearance and you have troubles driving through without getting scratched? It's so hard, I know, but you do so well most of the time. I am so proud! And these scratches came off with a magic eraser anyway, so I forgive you.
As for crashing into the house though,
that was kind of naughty, but I can fix it! I fixed the other side of the garage, so I can fix this side.
Remember when Josh rubbed the paint off your door with sandpaper and Preston barfed up popcorn in your backseat? What about when you melted that Junior Mint on the seat from the seat warmer and I sat on it. We've gotten through tough times before. Part of that Junior Mint is still there to remind me of those times.
Remember when you were making that
horrible screeching sound and we took you to your dealer for a new transmission? We were worried about you!
remember the day
after you got that new transmission, you started screeching
again? That wasn't funny! You had to get
another new transmission.
You sure have a weird sense of humor!
best display of love was that time when I left my purse on your back bumper after loading food in. I drove all the way home and you kept it safely in place until we got home. I could have lost everything! I am so happy!
We hardly ever fantasize about driving other cars. You are the only one for us. You have always delivered us and our friends to our destinations safely. One of these days I'll clean the ice cream out of your carpet and we will forget it ever happened.
We sure appreciate you!
Thank you for not complaining because we never wash you.
Thank you for beeping at close objects when I am backing out.
Thank you for getting me to gas stations even when you say you have "zero miles" of gas left.
Thank you for trucking up steep icy hills that few other cars can climb.
Thank you for heating us when we push the red button and
thank you for cooling us when we push the blue button.
Thank you for keeping my kids strapped safely in.
Thank you for all that you do for us.
You are loved,

The Buckley's