Albums of My Childhood

"Why are there so many...songs about rainbows?" Loved it. Loved the songs. Loved the movie. Loved the puppets. Was going to marry Kermit. My life was all planned out.

Lisa got this record for her birthday. I was so jealous!
I got this record for my birthday. Thank you, friend who gave this to me. You know just what I like...

Classic Christmas music. Listening to these songs today takes me right back to the old days of being young and gangly.

I bought this with my own hard earned, $2/hour, babysitting money. "There's no stoppin' us..."

"Got a dime in my pocket, I can feel when I walk it kinda rolls and bounces around..." A testimony can't help but be strengthened while listening to these tunes.
Now you know why I am the way that I am. TMI, I know. Sorry.