S: ...but it can be wen u r not having enought sleep, ur in pain..too cold o r too hot u r not mentally stress(as u aware that u r stress) but ur bodily stress. is my explanation ok?

S: takut too medical yg menyebbkan org x paham..sbb if im being too medical..that would be some kind of crime kot(coz kiteorg blaja, in psycology..klo bg tau pesakit penyakit patient, kite kne gne petient language..not doctor language
S: if u have sleepless nite, tido, scukupnye, or treat the insomnia...if u r in pain, take painkiller...if u got problem wif o fren, solve it right away

Me: painkiller is prohibited for me. pain killrer kan adik beradik panadol...is it? how to treat the insomnia? in the 1st place, how do we know we have it?

S: oh..wat bout, traditional way of treating ..let say insomnia.u do excercise in the evening, n b4 sleep, take a glass of milk.n ade satu doa yg lebeh kurang maksud: ya Allah, mlm telah berlabuh, bintang tlh melabuhkan tirai, n semua makhluk telah tidur.tidurkan lah ak spt mrk.(oh, lame dh doa nih..lpe ayat asal die camne)
S: Ya Allah! Telah lenyap segala bintang. Telah tenang segala mata (tidur), sedang Engkau hidup dan menguasai, tidak datang kepadaMu mengantuk dan juga tidur. Ya Tuhan yang hidup lagi menguasai, tunjukilah hatiku dan tidurkanlah mataku.
S: hoho..found it..tu ayat asal die. so, ko insomnia ke?

S: sbb klo ikutkan, time kite tido, example..from 12 tgh mlm smpai 6 pagi
tu..atleast ade la dlm 4-5 cycle kite tido.cycle means, dlm mase, 30-45 min mungkin jgak 1 hour(diff ppl difrent time for 1 full cycle)
kite akan menjalani 3-4 phases of sleep

S: n this type of slees wic is the optimal sleep..will occur only at the beginning of our sleep
guling2 atas katil is not part of the sleep phase.it counted after u fall asleep
wic is around 3 oclock..
it canbe few min before n after that time too
coz as i said..diff pl got their own sleep cycle time

S: phase 3 ni la kite panggil sbagai deep sleep.time pase ni kite senang tejage..n klo kite tejage..kite x rase ngantuk pon..kan kengkadang kite tejage tgh mlm..
tu, tandenye kite dlm deep sleep latu..

S: sbb tu..bg ak..klo muslim point of view..ak consider 2-3 hours slep la kot.sbg time yg atleast we have to go n sleep

S: oh..x shh..sbb evry cycle kite mmg akan alami 3rd pahse tu.meh ak terang lg sket
cth..katekan ko nye 1 cycle is 45 min. 1st ten min, is 1st phase. the next 10 min is 2nd
n da next 30 min is the 3rd..oh srry silap ingatan..90-130 min la.silap plak..sbb 45 kan 9 klo kat jam tu huhuhu
klo early night..wic is dr 12 tgh mlm tu sampai la ko completekan 2nd cycle ko
biasenye xde 4th phase.
S: n 4th phase ni..ak consider bad phase la..sbb die ade banyak after 2nd cycle n on.phase ni menyebbkan kite mls bangun pagi
bile kite dikejutkan time pagi, kite rase cam berat nak bangun kan?tu la tu..sbb dh banyak dh kite tido sebno nye..n dah enough pon tide sebnonye..tapi 4th phase ni bg kite rase,,arghh ak x ckp tide lg
gi tu laaa