Showing posts with label portland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portland. Show all posts


Leaving...on a jet plane

I don't think this is news to anyone of the three of you that read this blog, but Amy and I are moving. Well, back up. I have a new job in Portland, OR and at some point, hopefully in the next year, we will be moving. Right now we are sitting with our house on the market until it sells and I am commuting to Portland three days a week. Not super-fun, but we can endure it for a while. For some reason, this pending move has inspired me to revamp this blog...again. I don't know why I won't just let it die quietly and slowly in the dark. It has been on life support since about three entries after it's inception. But I just won't let it go. It mocks me from my bookmark bar every day and I think - "DAH! I need to write a blog." I don't know why I feel that way. If I really had something to say, wouldn't I just say it? Evidently not. The TV thing started to seem somewhat trivial to put out into the ethos, even though it is important to me, in a small way. And I didn't want to be one of those blogs that exists to just beeyotch about the negative things in life (like the time the old man sitting next to me on a plane had no idea that I was there and at one point took one of my magazines to read. - What a knob!) So I let it sit and sit and fester with that picture of KG on the top.

So I am back. Maybe. I make no promises. But I spend a lot of time in hotel rooms, and a lot of time on airplanes, and soon (or not soon) we will live 800 miles from most of our friends and family so I thought maybe this would be a good way to keep people up to speed on our lives. Or at least, up to speed on the portions of our lives I choose to share.

So here are some things I almost blogged about, but didn't:
  • TV has been a bit of a letdown this fall. Heroes has been boring, Veronica Mars is not on and Project Runway, we needed you a month ago (but welcome back!)
  • The writers strike sucks and I think it may mean the end of Gossip Girl. Damn.
  • Taking my two sons out in public is like taking two wild raccoons out in public. They might sit still and eat crackers, or they might claw their way out of your arms and destroy things.
  • I'm bitter that the leaves have fallen, because my house is much less beautiful without its trees and we are trying to sell it!
  • If you know anyone who needs a lovely 3 bedroom home in the Millcreek area, drop me an email!
So, there it is. More to come, soon. Maybe. Happy Thanksgiving. What are you bringing? We are doing creamed corn, eggnog pie, and apple walnut crisp pie.