I had my jewelry making tools and toys out today to complete a few orders that I had piled up.
After making some beautiful pieces for some dear friends I really wanted to create something new. I have been toying with an idea for a new piece for the Spina Bifida Awareness line that I really wanted to make.
You see, when many of us SB parents received the news that we had a child with Spina Bifida we did not hear medical professionals telling us encouraging things. Many of us heard worst case scenarios. Some of us were lucky enough to just get "we don't know"s. But I don't think any of us learned how BLESSED we would be by our special children! And that is what I wanted this new piece to focus on... the BLESSING of Spina Bifida!
Because I have a child with Spina Bifida I am...
BLESSED to have a charismatic son who has spirit and strength to overcome ANYTHING life throws at him.
BLESSED to watch my son prove doctors, therapists and other medical professionals wrong daily.
BLESSED to have a special group of friends that I doubt I would have met otherwise.
BLESSED to be completely, 100% dependant on the Lord ALL THE TIME.
BLESSED to be involved in FABULOUS organizations like Project Surf Camp, Spina Bifida Kids, Day of Discovery and the likes which are FILLED with passionate, encouraging people who dare to dream big like I do for my child!
BLESSES to be mommy to a miracle every single day, even when that miracle has me wanting to disown him, I still have him here on earth!
So what do you think of this new piece???
I personally LOVE it! But I want to hear your thoughts too....
Need this piece?? Go HERE to order it!