P.S..... Do you think that the shop vac full of broken glass can get dumped in the Recycling Bin??? I mean it's glass right??
Thursday, February 26, 2009
P.S..... Do you think that the shop vac full of broken glass can get dumped in the Recycling Bin??? I mean it's glass right??
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Little Girls....
It has been an awful day. Now I am not one to bemoan bad days too much... what's the good. But it's been one of those days that it has taken ALL of my power not to sit down on the floor and BAWL my eyes out every time I turned around!!! You know the kind... the ones that you know you shouldn't bother with the second you step foot out of bed in the morning, but go ahead with because there's no hiding from it? Yea... that is the kind of day that I have had!
So I have ALMOST made it through the day.... and so far the only one who knows about the tears is me. Success to me, you know wearing the mask, looking like you are surviving... I made it home from work and am unloading the groceries from my car. I am trying to get everything sorted and put away while there is still light out, so the kids can be outside shooting hoops while I am getting this chore done..That is when my Darling Daughter decided to do it...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Funny things you might hear in our house...
Monday, February 23, 2009
I *love* April's blog.. it's actually one of the things that got me started on mine. She is funny, stylish, sassy and real! Oh yea, and another endearing fact about her is that she too has a son with Spina Bifida! It's nice to read about someone else who goes through some of the same stuff I do! Check her out.... I am sure you will love her blog as much as I do! Oh yea, and if you enter her giveaway be sure to tell her you read about it here :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I guess I just enjoy the simple pleasures!
Such a cutie pie!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
How is she old enough already??
At my favorite place in the WORLD!
I think God gave me a little piece of heaven right in my back yard with this beautiful place... Montana de Oro...
Isn't it wonderful? These were this morning... we had a little break from the winter storms and everything is so peaceful yet so strong and stormy too...hmmm.... I am feeling much better now..
So here's my question to you today... do you have a life verse? And if so what is it? I took the time to reread mine today and meditate on it some. I think this will help me focus in these days of trial and tribulation.. at least I hope so, because the stress is getting to me!
Monday, February 16, 2009
I *Love* my bed!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ballerina Party Time
Princess Audrey holding court while opening her presents!

Brianna & Audrey, deep in negotiations about something...

Audrey and her cousin DJ, having a good time during dance class

Ballerina Audrey again!
Over all it was a really fun party, and so easy on me too! I loved setting up the studio and having the party there... so much better than dealing with getting the house clean enough for a party, only to have it destroyed during the party and have to deal with aftermath! I just cleaned the studio back up and went home to a perfect house! Just the way I left it. I like parties were the kids are entertained and don't get into too much trouble and this really fit that bill. And The extra great bonus? My kids were all so tired afterwards that we went home and had such a mellow evening! That was great for ms since we had the party on my only day of the week off and I wanted some down time!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Final Introduction!!!!

Introductions ...Step 4
Nathaniel in his short casts, he wore these for the first year of his life, two weeks on and two weeks off!
Being born so early only added to the adventure of Nathaniel's life. His first year was a year of many changes for Mark & I, as we learned how to parent a special needs child, and all about the challenges that came with that! During his first year we were taking trips north to San Francisco on a regular basis, as often as every 6 weeks. We had monthly pediatrician appointments, when we were lucky! Often it was more often than that. Nathaniel started therapy when he was only 6 weeks old, and we had those appointments as often as twice a week! We also learned just how many doctors it takes for one child withe Spina Bifida! We had Neurologist at UCSF, Urologist also at UCSF, Pediatricians, both at home and UCSF, Orthopedist in Ventura and UCSF, Physical therapist, both at home and UCSF, Occupational Therapists, again at home and UCSF, and of course all the support teams. We are SO BLESSED to live in a country where we have such wonderful health care available to us!!

When Nathaniel was diagnosed we were told that he would never walk on his own. For the first two years of his life this was true. In his second year we started using adaptive equipment to teach him what it was like to see the world from an upright position. This para podium walker was his first taste of "standing" on his own. Through the years Nathaniel has used many adaptive devices such as this walker, a push walker, a reverse walker and arm crutches, all in addition to his wheelchair that he has used since the time he was 2!
When Nathaniel was 3 1/2 years old God answered one of our most heartfelt prayer, and Nathaniel began to walk on HIS OWN with NO ASSITIVE DEVICES!!! Oh our Lord is a mightily and faithful Lord!! What a blessing it is to watch this spirited little boy walk and run around when doctors told us that would never happen!!
By the time that Nathaniel entered school at 4 things seemed to get a bit more stable. Or at least we were learning what our new *normal* looks like :) Nathaniel began school in a class for disabled children, and eventually transitioned to our local elementary school in a special day class. Once we were able to have him at the local school he began to get involved in local activities too!

Through the last 8 years life has not been without challenges, but it also hasn't been without victories! Nathaniel has many of the traditional complications related to Spina Bifida, such as bowel and bladder complications, reduced gross and fine motor skills, and attention and behavioral issues. But he is also blessed with the ability to walk unassisted, and escaped the need for a shunt, which I truly dreaded. Nathaniel is able to run and play sports, which is a blessing considering his love of them :)
Introductions ... Step 3
- adaptive kayaking (3)
- adaptive paddling (3)
- Audrey (3)
- Awareness Necklace (1)
- challenge quilt (1)
- crafts (3)
- creating fun (4)
- Day of Discovery Scuba Diving (1)
- family fun (5)
- get your serve on (3)
- Gilroy Gardens (1)
- Good Eats (2)
- Invitation (1)
- Join Us (1)
- Kaia (1)
- kickin it country (1)
- Living With Spina Bifida (156)
- Mid State Fair quilt (1)
- Nathaniel's Story (23)
- Necklace (1)
- Project Surf Camp (20)
- quilt (2)
- Sale (2)
- Simply Soares Creating 4 Care (5)
- Special Needs Families (84)
- Spina Bifida Awareness (67)
- Spina Bifida Surfing (5)
- Spiritual Walk (91)
- Spring Break (1)
- talent show (1)
- teacher appreciation (1)
- teacher gifts (1)
- welcome (1)
- wheelchair friendly outing (1)