I love summer, I really do, but I'm really tired of the 110 days. I'm okay with 105, but anything hotter is just plain too hot. There are promises of rain in our weekend forecast, don't let us down!

I use gauze with neosporin, then the tubes on that so they don't come to contact with his cheeks, then I tape over it. It works for the most part, but they still look aweful.
Someday Mister Owen, you will be tube free, I promise.
Physical Therapy -- Getting in and out of sitting, pulling to a stand, using every bribe imaginable to get Owen to cruise along the couch, getting Owen to stay on his hands and knees (crawling is not happening).
Occupational Therapy -- stacking blocks, sorting objects, and not throwing hard balls at people's heads. "Owen we don't throw balls".. oh wait, what do we do with them then?! Correction.. "Owen we don't throw balls at people." We know he understands because he kisses you where he threw it to say I'm sorry.
Speech Therapy -- we have been working on two syllable words (ma-ma, da-da, bye-bye) and now we are going to work on changing the second syllable (ma-ME, da-DE, ba-BE). He loves to immitate so everything today has been "mmmmmmmmmm-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Feeding Therapy -- Owen is such a great oral eater. If only we could get him to eat more volume. For lunch he had two Top Ramen noodles, a finger lick of ketchup, a pickle, one bite of hotdog (which he chewed for 10 min) and a small sip of milk.. "Ah-Dun" he said.
Owen loves all of his therapists!! He has such a great time when they are here (with the exception of PT when she makes him really work) and we are thankful to have them.
I am so sorry... Ky's face was constantly a bloody mess when we had her NG tube taped down. The absolute best thing we ever did was put a piece of tegaderm straight on top of the skin, lay the tube on top of that and then tape the tape to the tegaderm. Somehow Ky had an issue with it being moist and rubbing on her skin under the tubing. That created a barrier and her skin looked 100 times better. I know it won't work for an o2 canula but for the ng it would be something to try... (if you haven't already... I am sure Owen being as old as he is you have probably already tried everything in the book :) )
were hoping for rain here to in oklahoma I hope Owen ...wont have to have to be tube feed much longer
Bless his heart!
Hope you guys get some rain there this weekend and it will cool things off. When it rains here it gets so humid that it's miserable!
Caleb asks all day when it's time to go get the boys from school...loves when they get in the car but of course as soon as they get home it's fighting again :) Kamryn and Owen get along so well though...such an awesome relationship!
Owen will be tube-free one day--I'm believing that with you! Sonic is so yummy, and I would be doing the same thing if I had to deal with 100+ degree weather. Ugh I've been bummed when our temps are in the 90's, because I've been so spoiled with the mild summer we've had in the DC metro area. I really enjoy hearing all of the things Owen is working on in therapy...so thanks for sharing!
I don't know if you've ever heard of cavilon no sting barrier. It serves as a barrier between the skin and the adhesive. My little guy is allergic to tape and this was a god send while he was in the hospital. I have some left over that I don't think we'll be needing if you want to try it before you buy it I could send it to you. My e-mail address is alisha3113@hotmail.com.
Just wait, when his tubes are gone you'll continue the same old reaching for the tubes, stepping over etc. even though they're gone. It takes a while to get used to, but it's glorious! And the best part, you can see even more of that sweet face!
One day it'll happen...one day!
p.s. every time you mention Sonic I go there the next day (no more talk of Sonic, lol)!
I hated putting that dang tube back in too. He is a doll tube free, red mark and all.
BTW I had my baby and despite that dang doc at PPA, my Brenner is totally fine. Whew! And I love the new blog look- makes me want to do mine, but I also need sleep, so we'll see which one wins...
I love your updates - you display your heart and your love for your kids with such amazing clarity! I can't imagine being in your shoes, you are a very amazing woman!
Starting school is such a hard thing at our home, too, but it's because we send our oldest THREE off to school all day and it's just my youngest, Colin, and I at home! He starts preschool this year, though, so hopefully that will help to alleviate some of the woes of missing his siblings!
I love how you write about the way Owen talks, it makes me smile when I read his words because I can almost hear them myself! :)
And I've learned from this post that I absolutely can not complain about Minnesota summers being too hot ... we don't reach anywhere near 105!!! I'm a fall girl myself, though, I would love it to be 60 degrees and sunny with a breeze all year long :)
I don't always comment, but I am a faithful reader of your blog and am praying for your family continually. Keep on keepin on!
It is funny how throwing things at people is a universally loved thing for small children. They just love it! Owen is just so handsome I keep him in my prayers. What is it about Happy Hour sonic runs that makes them too tempting for us to pass up?! :-)
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