Owen has also been working on standing more. I'm pretty sure crawling is never going to be on his to-do list. He can't pull to a stand, but if we help him up, he'll stand for a few minutes before his little thighs shake from exertion. Of course, we also need to find a motivator to keep him standing. He has learned that it's very easy to get out of standing.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Owen has also been working on standing more. I'm pretty sure crawling is never going to be on his to-do list. He can't pull to a stand, but if we help him up, he'll stand for a few minutes before his little thighs shake from exertion. Of course, we also need to find a motivator to keep him standing. He has learned that it's very easy to get out of standing.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Sicky #2
The best part about Kamryn being sick, with the exact symptoms as Owen? She can tell me exactly what she feels! She is only feeling puky because the mucus build up in her chest, not because she's sick to her stomach. She doesn't have any of the "typical" aches and pains you can get with the flu. The congestion is making her feel ick and she feels exhausted.
This gives me an idea of what's going on with the little guy. He has been puking off and on but it does seem it's only when he has congestion built up in his throat. He has been tolerating most of his formula feeds. He hasn't had a fever for 24 hours now either. He did take a 5 hour nap yesterday and proceeded to sleep through the night. Clearly, he's fighting something off, but I do not believe that it is the flu. I've held off on giving him the Tamiflu for the time being since he is doing so much better.
Kamryn on the other hand is acting normal. Congested, but otherwise feels better this morning. She got a "get out of school free" card today, since she was puking and fevery. Is fevery a word?
So today we are forced to relax, the kids will sleep and I will continue to disinfect every square inch of my house. We don't want Daddy to get sick and we don't want these germies hanging around our home.. they are not welcome here.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Influenza A

I took Owen to see Dr Laks (Pediatrician) first thing this morning. We swabbed his throat and nose to rule out strep and the flu. The strep and Influenza B tests came back negative. Influenza A had a very faint positive sign. Several doctors were in debates on whether to really call it a true positive.
Dr Laks said to keep a close eye on him and said it will rear it's ugly head by Saturday. If he gets any worse by then, we need to take him to Phoenix Children's. If he still has symptoms by Monday, we'll do some blood cultures.

It goes without saying, that we will be homebound for the next 7 days or so as to not spread any germies to others. I just gave my house the VIP scrubdown!! Owen is sleeping like he hasn't slept in months. I just switched him from clear liquids to regular ol' formula and I pray he won't puke it up. We've had a break in fevers for the last few hours. Maybe he's already fighting off this bug. I sure do hope so.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mister Owen is Sick
I got home from my pedicure, which is awesome by the way, at 5pm. Owen had just woken up from a late nap and he was snotty. Owen has never had a runny nose in his life, all 19 months of it. Well, there was no denying it, his nose was running like a faucet. I figured it's all clear so maybe he has allergies?
An hour or so later, he started to cough, a congested kind of cough. Darn it.
Since he was trying to clear the mucus out of his throat, he started vomitting like crazy.
We showered while Carson ran to pick up some little noses and a humidifier.
Meanwhile, Owen's sats dropped into the 60's, since he can't breathe and all.
I don't like to use the bulb suckers because his poor nose bleeds so easy due to the oxygen and NG tube. I let it drain out and I just use a soft burpee cloth to clean him up. I used the little noses saline mist spray, very cool contraption.
Now he's zonked out, fast asleep. He's on a liter of oxygen and his O2 sats are finally up to 80 again. I just felt his head and he's burning up. I gave him some tylenol and now he's shivering. Poor guy.
So here we are... Owen is sick for the first time ever and I don't like it one bit.
Surgery Consult
He has felt better today, but he's exhausted from not sleeping last night.
We had our appointment with Dr. Graziano this afternoon. Not to be confused with her husband, Dr. Graziano, one of our cardiologist's partners. Dr. Graziano, the woman, is our pediatric surgeon who will be placing Owen's Gtube. She explained how she prefers the Mickey Button over the PEG.
She will go through Owen's belly button and stitch his stomach to the stomach wall. The button will be placed through the muscle on the left side of his tummy. He will be in pain for a few days as they are going through his tummy muscles, but she assured us that we will be on top of his pain management. We talked about the risk of infection and oozing around the site.. gross. Thankfully, Owen is a quick healer and hopefully this won't be any different.
We should hear back by tomorrow on the date of surgery, hopefully for the week of September 14th. She said she will only admit her cardiac babes to ICU post op and he will go home from there. Sweet deal.
Our next doctor's appointment will be September 2nd with Cardiology.
I'm off to get a pedicure. My feet are just gross and it's one of my few guilty pleasures. Maybe I'll stop off at Sonic and grab me a Diet Dr Pepper on the way to feed two pleasures at once. :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tummy Aches
We have an appointment with general surgery tomorrow to hopefully set a date for Owen's Gtube surgery. I have alot of questions about infection and pain management before we go ahead with it.
I talked with our NP at LPCH* today and we are scheduled for clinic on October 22nd. Owen will have been maxed out on his Captopril for 8 weeks and his Carvedilol for 4 weeks. My biggest question will be ... "what next?"
*Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford
I'm pretty hesitant to think that his heart function will improve in the next month, but only time will tell. If it remains the same, I'd love to be able to enjoy the winter at home. Keep Owen healthy and strong. Perhaps even convince him that walking would be fun!
The good news is that we are planning a little vacation the week we are going to LPCH. I am trying to stretch the trip over a week so that we have some time at the beach, maybe Sea World,and Kamryn really wants to go to the American Girl Place. I think we could all use a little vacation!
Monday, August 24, 2009
GI Appointment
Dr Silber checked Owen's weight and surprise... Owen is losing weight. I don't believe it. Since Owen is losing weight, we had to reevaluate his calorie intake as well as the amount of fluid ounces he receives.
A nutritionist came in to talk to me about Owen's diet. I told her the formula recipe we currently use.. yes, I did say recipe. It turns out that I have only been mixing Owen's formula at 22 calories per ounce and they want him to be at 26 calories per ounce.
The nutritionist created a new recipe for the Good Start and Dr Silber gave me a bunch of Pediasure to try. I suppose if he tolerates it, we'll switch over to Pediasure so that I can stop blending up Owen's formula using a recipe. It gets old. Owen will then be at 30 calories per ounce and I can give him less volume. But then I'd have to find a way to supplement the volume with more fluids (ie: water, milk, juice) so that he meets his 1000ml of fluids a day.
It's all a perfect science.
I often wonder what they would have said when Kamryn was that age. She lived on Peanut Butter on white bread, chicken nuggets with french fries, or grilled cheese sandwiches. Yikes. But hey... she turned out alright and now eats every vege, fruit and meat you put in front of her.
Dr Silber and I discussed the Gtube surgery and he would like to have it done the second week of September while he's working inpatient at the hospital. He asked me if I wanted Owen admitted to ICU or the Floor for recovery... HA... as if that is even a decision.
The PICU at PCH has private room, with a large couch to sleep on and one nurse per 2 patients. The rooms on the floor are shared with a little reclining chair to sleep in and a roommate. Not a tough decision to be made. PICU please. He then said he doesn't have much say either way, but to tell Cardiology and they can make it happen. At least he's honest.
I'll get into the nitty gritty surgery details with Dr Graziano, the general peds surgeon, on Wednesday.
Until then...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Lock your bathroom doors...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Another Angel

Thursday, August 20, 2009
School, Tubes and Therapies, Oh My!
I love summer, I really do, but I'm really tired of the 110 days. I'm okay with 105, but anything hotter is just plain too hot. There are promises of rain in our weekend forecast, don't let us down!

I use gauze with neosporin, then the tubes on that so they don't come to contact with his cheeks, then I tape over it. It works for the most part, but they still look aweful.
Someday Mister Owen, you will be tube free, I promise.
Physical Therapy -- Getting in and out of sitting, pulling to a stand, using every bribe imaginable to get Owen to cruise along the couch, getting Owen to stay on his hands and knees (crawling is not happening).
Speech Therapy -- we have been working on two syllable words (ma-ma, da-da, bye-bye) and now we are going to work on changing the second syllable (ma-ME, da-DE, ba-BE). He loves to immitate so everything today has been "mmmmmmmmmm-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Feeding Therapy -- Owen is such a great oral eater. If only we could get him to eat more volume. For lunch he had two Top Ramen noodles, a finger lick of ketchup, a pickle, one bite of hotdog (which he chewed for 10 min) and a small sip of milk.. "Ah-Dun" he said.
Owen loves all of his therapists!! He has such a great time when they are here (with the exception of PT when she makes him really work) and we are thankful to have them.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Anticipated Cardiology Visit
We started off with Owen's weight check... 25lbs baby. Thanks to the tube, he has never had an issue gaining weight. Then we moved on to his blood pressure 85/54, good pressures. Owen chit chatted with the blood pressure machine... he says "beep, beep, beep" right along with it.

We will continue to increase his Carvedilol (beta blocker) until we reach the maximum dose of 10mg a day. We have another appointment in two weeks to followup.
I spoke with Dr. S quickly about Owen's Gtube surgery and since Owen is stable, we got the go ahead to do the surgery at Phoenix Children's. Just to clarify, a Gtube is a button that is surgically placed in his tummy for feeding. I have put it off for 19 months and it's now time.
We have an appointment with GI on Monday and Dr. Graziano (the surgeon) next Wednesday. I want to get it done before flu and RSV season roll around.

Owen is not currently listed for a heart. He does in fact need a transplant, there is no way around that. He only has the right half of his heart, the left side is shriveled up like a raisin. His right ventricle and atrium is extremely enlarged. His function is moderately decreased and his squeeze is weak. His tricuspid valve (the valve that delivers blood from the right atrium to the right ventricle) is severely leaky. They could replace the tricuspid valve at some point, but his heart squeeze isn't strong enough to tolerate the new blood volume and pressures.
Technically, he could be listed for a heart right now. When listed for a heart you are put into a status, based on need.
1A is the top of the list, you are hospitalized on iv medications
Owen would fall in the last category, status 2. The chances of him actually getting an offer for a heart are slim to none in this status.
Another issue we are up against is Owen's antibodies are extremely sensitized. He is 98% sensitized, which means that he is at higher risk for acute rejection and is limited to the donor hearts he can receive. We attempted IVIG and Rituxin (chemo) treatments in January and didn't see significant success. We will do more IVIG and be more aggressive with the treatments when the time is right.
Owen will get to a point where he starts to decline. He will show further signs of distress... sweating, heavier breathing, fluid retention, ect. We will continue to see Cardiology every three weeks until we get to that point. When he reaches the point that he needs to be started on IV medications, we'll know it's time to list him for a heart and start aggressively treating his antibodies again.
Until then... we will enjoy every waking moment with him.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Catch Up and Relax
Kamryn's teacher is amazing and even sends emails telling us what they learned that week and what they will work on next week. I love to be a part of her educational experience. I got a second email from her teacher stating "Kamryn is delightful, sweet and such a great girl!!" Ahhh... I'll take a little credit for that.
We chose to relax this weekend, made no plans and enjoyed time together. It has been wonderful! I only took a few pictures this weekend. As you can see, the kids are lounging in our bed, in their pj's on a Sunday afternoon.

Some have asked us if/when Owen will be listed for a new heart. It's complicated and I will put that in his cardiology post on Tuesday.
We had scheduled a followup visit for September 24th with Dr.Rosenthal (cardiology). During that time, I suggested that we go ahead and get Owen's Gtube placed.
He has been NG (nose tube) fed since birth and it's been 18 months. He has no issues with the NG tube and actually doesn't mind it being shoved up his nose and down his throat once a month.. a little weird, but Owen is as mellow as they come. As a mom, I feel it's time. He only has the stamina to eat a few bites at a meal and because his heart doesn't work properly, he needs more calories than the average 18 month old. So not only does he not have energy to eat what a normal toddler needs to grow, he needs more calories. I still give him 100% formula feeds in his tube (and his medicine which is a blessing), but I also let him eat all the solids he wants by mouth as well.
Anyway, we have been working to get the Gtube surgery scheduled for the same time we are there for cardiology in September. It should be simple, right? Well, they can get the surgeon, but not the cardiac anesthesiologist. Then it worked out that Dr Rosenthal won't be in on the 24th, so they moved his appointment to the 23rd. Then they can't do the gtube surgery until October 1st. Yikes, that won't work.
Long story short, or at least shorter...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Little Green Balloon
As a side note, I do in fact take Owen out. We go to Target, Sonic, the bank, the library, Blockbuster (you get the point). I really don't know why the grocery store is any different. When we do go to public places, he always stays in his stroller and never rides in a shopping cart. Again, germ phobic.
Okay, I actually can explain why the grocery store is completely different! Have you ever tried to grocery shop with just a stroller, no grocery cart, an oxygen tank and feeding pump? If you have, you know exactly what I mean when I say that there is very little space to put your groceries. I wish I had a camera with me to document how I had stuffed cans, produce and cereal boxes all around him utilizing every bit of space I could find.
We were stopped (too many times to count) by our fellow shoppers asking "what happened to your baby?" I smile and say he needs a heart and try my best to politely move on and out of there. No such luck. My response is usually followed up with "is the heart waiting for him already? Where does the heart come from? Why can't they use a pig heart?" and too many to list. A 15 min shopping trip easily turns into an hour.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE me a good conversation with strangers, but I just wanted to get Owen out of there and home.
We got to the checkout and I unloaded the stroller which was impressive as it filled up an entire shopping cart when bagged. Owen kept saying "ba-ba-ba-BA-BA" and consistently got louder and louder. When I finally realized what he wanted... a balloon, I was already done paying for our groceries. The Manager came over with a green balloon and strapped it on his wrist. Again, I wish I had my camera to document the excitement on his face when he realized the balloon was his balloon.
When we got home, after slathering Owen in sanitizer, Owen played with his balloon for an hour.

Maybe we'll go on another grocery store adventure next week.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
First Day of 4th Grade
Kamryn was very excited to see her friends, find her morning line-up and tell her teacher that she was feeling better. On the way to find her class, she had to stop and hug all her teachers from years past. Everyone stopped to say hello to mister Owen. Kamryn found her line and I stopped to snap what I thought would be at least 10 pictures of her. I quickly learned that she is getting older and one photo would have to do. At least she still wants me to walk her to her line, pick her up after school and volunteer in her class. I hope that doesn't change anytime soon.

Owen and I have kept busy and are establishing a new normal around here. Between doctors appointments, four therapies a week and our weekly errands, I think we'll keep pretty busy. If anyone lives in the valley of the sun and wants to get together.. Owen would love to play with some friends his age. I promise, he won't bite.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Strep and Scooting

This is when I put the camera down to make sure her things aren't destroyed within seconds.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Meet The Teacher Night
Kamryn was as sweet as can be as she introduced herself to the teacher. She had to fill out a paper "All About Me". You know, what's your favorite food, subject, hobbies, ect. There was a question that said "I WISH......" and she wrote "for my baby brother to get a new heart." Can she get any sweeter? Long story short, we were there a while because those that know Kamryn, also know that she is a perfectionist. She took her time on her "All About Me" paper and until it was complete and perfect.
We went to dinner at "the peanut place," as we call it. Delicious food, loud enough that Owen can babble as loud as he wants and peanut shells all over the floor.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
New Look
I can't decide on a background pattern. What do you like more???

Owen is holding his own. He's had a couple of bad days, but I am choosing to be optimistic that tomorrow will be a better day! His echo is on the 18th and I am anxious to see what his heart is up to. I pray the increased meds are also increasing his heart function a bit. I am not ready for transplant just yet, not that I'll ever be.
My house is fast asleep. I should join them.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Time for change
In celebration of change around here, I am going to be redesigning the blog the next couple of days. Think blue.
We have a lot of fun planned before the first day of school. Most of all, I'll be enjoying time with my two little babes. Before I know it, Kamryn will be starting Junior High at the same time that Owen will be starting Kindergarten. I sure do wish I could slow down time.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
While we were waiting I snapped some pictures of my own.. ENJOY!